• Comic: Mario Party

    Yup. It's official. Madmax is awesome.

    29 kommentaari:

    1. Pinkamena is terrifying in so many ways.

    2. Don't F*** with Pinkie when she's mad.

    3. Pinkie may be mad... but the first thing that came to mind... is that this is impossible, since World 4-2 in SMB2/SMUSA is the ice world, with the whales, so this never happened.

      Still... don't cross Pinkie or you will regret it... FOREEEEEEVEEEER... okay yeah, that was predictable.

    4. Pinkie was awesome this episode, no doubt about it. She had completely snapped within the space of a few hours, and the very mentioning of "Okey dokey Loki" sent shivers down my spine.

      Mario probably didn't get shivers, but that's because his spinal column's been snapped.

    5. I like how one of two scenarios (that I can perceive) plays out here:

      1) Pinkie keeps kicking Mario over and over until he has died five times, implying that Mario kept returning to gather turnips in futility, or

      2) Pinkie's kick takes away *all five* of Mario's lives at once.

    6. And this is why Pinkie Pie needs to be kept happy FOREVER.

    7. @Tekaramity
      I say scenario 2 is the likely option. After all, the kick also sets Mario's score back to 0.

    8. @Goombella Takes beating the life out of someone to a new level, doesn't it?

    9. madmax never fails to make my day.

    10. I just thought of a comic idea, that I doubt Madmax will see, but i'll just throw it out there.

      Rainbow's usually have leprechauns with a pot of gold at the end of them.
      Yeah, you can see where this is going.

    11. Nice to know I'm not the only one that noticed Mario's down 5 lives. Ouch!

    12. Five lives with one kick?
      Looks like super saiyajin Pinkamina

    13. @Spark
      Super Giga Mega Pinkie doo doo doo doo doo!

    14. >implying Maxie wasn't confirmed for awesome months ago

    15. Heh. I love how 'emo' is in the file name.

      And apparently, Pinkamenia kicks so hard that she resets your score =0

    16. Pissy Pinkie is a good Pinkie! She's a good pony! I don't want to go to the cornfield...

    17. silly Cereal, we knew that long before you was a pony

    18. So great. This, and the beard comics are by far my favorite. Insane Pinkie is the best Pinkie

    19. Is there a compilation of Mad Max comics anywhere? I really want to go back and make sure I haven't missed any. All the ones I've seen have been awesome.

    20. @ToonNinja
      I thought the same thing! "Did you just invoke Loki? O_O"

      I like Pinkamina, but she doesn't like me.

    21. I thought Peach was the only one who could pull up turnips?

      Still a great picture though

    22. Love Mario's pose in panel 3.

      *oh, my back* Confound this insane pink earth pony turning me into a paraplegic.

    23. Coming up next...Pinkie destroys my quarry in Civ 4. And kicks my Minecraft character's ass.

    24. There can never be enough MLP and Video Games crossovers. Ever.

    25. Evil depressed Pinkie is danderous

    26. An hour later, Pinkamina kills the Ultimate Chimera. WITHOUT PRESSING IT'S BUTTON! D8

      For those who don't know the UC, check this: http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Ultimate_Chimera

    27. @Gallant Vision-

      Or Giygas without praying. I guess giggling could be somewhat effective though.
