I think most of us have gone through this already. Confound these ponies, the subliminal messaging that I still haven't figured out sure is sneaky!
You can find the DA Page for this below!
Confound These Ponies!
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Only the manliest man watch shows about ponies and friendship. Very manly men indeed.
VastaKustutaIt is my hope that ten years in the future someone does a study on this. I'm hoping someone can logically explain the Brony phenomena that has swept our fair internet.
VastaKustuta...unless this is one of those things that just can't be explained, like Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense, in which cause, oh crap how did this happen to us?
VastaKustutaI believe TV Tropes has a phrase called "Real Men Wear Pink".
DA link is broken.
VastaKustutaLink is broken, and Derpy just made that comic. That Last panel is fantastic.
VastaKustutaFriday to do list:
goto work
come back
drink raw eggs and juice
go to gym
do 500 pushup's and situp's
do 300 pullup's
jog for 20min
come back
watch my little pony
@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaAnything and everything can be explained through science. The thing is, this event is something as difficult to understand as the beginning of the Universe.
How this happened.
VastaKustuta> G3 fucked up
> Faust got on her hat and wizard robes
> PA-ZOW, "super awesome shit" had materialized into a virus
> Someone on 4chan noticed virus, was infected
> posted about it on 4chan, the virus spreads
> virus will continue to spread throughout eternity
Warning: the following is not safe for children, little furry animals, big furry animals, nor people with any kind of heart condition (starting with beating).
VastaKustutaWhat I did me on mah Friday before last:
Wake up, go outside, hunt and kill me a Kodiak bear.
Skin the Kodiak bear.
Burn a hind-quarter over an open fire (wussies call it BBQ) for breakfast.
Bring the rest of the bear meat back to mah hand-built log cabin for freezing.
Shave with mah straight razor so the little woman has some smooth skin to work with.
Resharpen the razor.
Then shave mah chin so I look good.
Go to the local Maximum Security Prison for women.
Wait until they bring the little woman out of solitary confinement.
Listen to the little woman complain about how there was no way to know that that other woman's arm would be so easy to chew through.
Get mah reward for listening to the little woman (she's got some great muscles all over the place).
Drive home.
Hit a 'coon on the way.
Make lunch. 'coon meat ain't bad once ya' get used to it.
Get in mah prop plane.
Fly mah plane by dead-reckoning to the three sisters' place.
Visit the three sisters, get them some big ol' smiles.
Leave the sisters in bed to go huntin' some black bears.
Track down and kill two black bears.
Skin 'em.
Bring the skin and meat back to the three sisters for dinner.
Make the three sisters make me a big ol' dinner.
Reward the sisters with some more big ol' smiles
Leave the sisters in bed and get back in mah plane.
Fly back home (aggin' by dead-reckoning).
Grab a bottle of bourbon.
Watch My Little Pony.
@Zarkanorf If it is a virus, please don't let anyone EVER make a cure.
VastaKustutaDear Princess Luna,
Please smite the cretins trying to stop the pony universal conquest.
Thank you.
Your faithful servant,
Auta Mane
yay, Sethisto removed that game post about that evil "Luna Game", still I really feel like sharing my screen cap. So here... Fucked up my desktop. D:
Don't try to weasel your way out of this one, Seth.
VastaKustutaWTF WAS THAT.
Please tell me there's a mirror for that creepfest.
VastaKustutaI was just told what happen and apparently the game was removed from the YoYoGames site as well.
Hmm? FiM isn't particularly manly. That's perfectly alright though; I don't need to get any manlier than I am right now, so why bother? Not to mention that most manly men I know are suckers for cute (as opposed to saccharine).
VastaKustutaI think that the show isn't manly. Rather, the show is good, very good even, and (this is the difference with usual girly shows) it's not insultingly girly. It IS girly, but not in an emasculating way.
VastaKustutait is. you're not seeing it from a true man's perspective.
FiM is a high fantasy world on the brink of destruction, where monsters, villains, invasions and natural disasters must be defeated through the bonds of unfeigned comradery. it's Cimmeria for bro's, except it doesn't even need a half-naked barbarian with a sword or anything superficial of that sort.
VastaKustutaLoli-Ero.rar right there on the desktop + windows "this is pirated" message in the corner, eh?
I once heard someone say that FIM allows men to get in touch with their more feminine side without having to emasculate them or insult their intelligence. FIM takes it's audience very seriously and while six of the seven main characters are female (yes, I consider Spike to be a main character), there are still tons of male background ponies in the show.
VastaKustutaSo, basically, FIM is just girly enough to appeal to men's softer side but still awesome enough in every other ascept to get the following it has.
@Batty Gloom True, there are many, but very few of those background colts are unicorns. There've only been about six the entire series, and Snips, Snails and Pierce are the only ones to appear twice.
VastaKustutaIt's like a hidden message that men can't handle magic, since Snips and Snails aren't too high on the IQ ladder, and Pierce doesn't even show any magic.
In all seriousness, it's not about being "manly". That's as stupid as the "girliness" we're so glad to see gone. What could be manlier than doing what you like without reference to what anyone thinks of you?
VastaKustutaI think we've all seen the CS Lewis quote enough times that I don't need to repost it.
I think it's morally inadvisable to call the show manly. It's not manly. Nor is it womanly. It's just not right to ascribe a particular gender to a non-gendered thing; it creates unessential exclusion and gender tension. Rather, it would be more appropriate to grab a megaphone, get on the highest point of your home town/city, and scream "MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC IS AMAZING!" Bam, an instant positive judgment on the show without having to resort to gender. Calling it manly holds an assumption that being manly is inherently good, as opposed to being womanly.
VastaKustutaThanks, but I already ate.
As fun as these comics are, I can honestly say that I have never really felt incredibly manly watching this show. But I can also say that I have never felt like a girl or something either. This was made for everyone to be able to enoy after all. :)
VastaKustuta@Auta Mane
VastaKustutaOn the other hand, Celestia's honor guard unicorns are both male
VastaKustutaI'm pretty sure the whole "FiM is the manliest thing since punching sharks" thing is a joke... well, unless I'm completely out of touch and makeovers, muffins and cute little cartoon animals hugging cuter smaller catroon animals are actually considered the stereotypically manliest stuff around.
It's funny 'cause it's false. And everyone knows it's false (and nobody actually cares if it's "manly" or "womanly"). And yet the stats look like if it were true (~90% male fans in all surveys).
No, really - nobody's calling it "manly" seriously, nor does the joke require the assumption that "manly" = good, "womanly" = bad.
VastaKustutaisn't it a little sad that we came to the point at which this sort of things requires explaining. this fandom is officially ruined by girls and sissies, many manly tears will be shed in commemoration of its demise.
Wow, It's almost like I haven't seen such comics a thousand times. Bronies sure are frikkin original. I am so amazed.
VastaKustutaNo, I got the joke. I was having a tangential discussion.
VastaKustutaOf course it's being facetious. The point is that this kind of thing isn't not telling anyone anything they don't know already, and it has an edge of mockery to it that some of us find a little distasteful.
VastaKustutaIt does? All I see is the expectations (the show is technically aimed at little girls, and it is filled with stereotypically girly things) and reality (other than them, the audience is ~90% male, mostly 18+, which quite frankly makes for some just ridiculous ratios of males:females amongst fans) being very, VERY mismatched and thus a humorous pseudoexplaination of "clearly it's because it's actually SO manly" being born. It's not a new joke, but it's executed pretty well here.
I honestly don't see the mockery here, or even a tinge of it - though I guess I could see how one could find it if one were to really look for it. Oh well.
VastaKustutaThe last panel is priceless. ^^