• Comic: Ash to Ash

    Damn troll phoenix deserves it!

    More Madmax for yah!

    26 kommentaari:

    1. I love Celestia's "Raisins" face :D

    2. And that folks is why Rarity is the best pony

    3. Miner, potter, seamstress...
      Is there anything Rarity can't do?

    4. Wow, wasn't expecting the "Ghost" reference. Amazing stuff right here.

    5. Rarity should probably drop the dreams of grandeur right about now.


      Phoenix Pot! Phoenix Plot! Rarity Potter in the fabulous philosophers stone! Guest starring Twilight Granger and Big Mac Weasley.

    6. What the hay?! Rarity willingly got her hooves muddy!

    7. @Anonymous

      She'll make the sacrifice to help out Fluttershy.

      And also if sexy ghost pony Patrick Swayze is involved.

      Mostly for sexy ghost pony Patrick Swayze.

    8. Oh man, every panel was just amazing. This is one of the best comics on here, I think.

      I lost my shit at "She is going to sell my copyright to an evil Asian corporation for this."

    9. Burst out laughing at Celestia's face so loud, my friend came in asking what was wrong...then i showed him this comic ^^ (altough he didn't get it, cause he didn't watch the latest episode yet .-.)

    10. @Anonymous Find her true love, marry rich and move out of the backwater town.

    11. @Anonymous
      Apparently, Rarity used Philomena's ashes to make a vase.


    12. By "Evil Asian coperation"
      I was already laughing

      Then when I saw celestia's face.
      I was in tears! XD

    13. The overall joke is that she used the ashes to make a pot, which presumably stops Philomena from being reborn.

      The second frame is a reference to the movie Ghost, where Patrick Swayze has weird ghost sex with Demi Moore while she's making pottery.

    14. @Anonymous:

      ...That makes a lot more sense than my guess.

      I thought she'd just made the vase to hold the troll ash (trash?), and then offered the vase to Celestia without telling her the contents.

    15. @Anonymous

      It's probably imported.

    16. @Putuk He suffered from massive internal bleeding and died

    17. ok maybe I'm over analising this but that looks like the vase were hades imprisoned athena. something like a jail for gods, phoenixs are demi-gods

    18. And Celestia deserved it too. Why did she bring that damn thing if she knew what was going on with it.

    19. @Fanloser
      Because, as clearly demonstrated in Ticket Master and hinted at elsewhere, Celestia is the master troll of Equestria.

      Rarity just got a natural 20 on her counter-troll attempt.

    20. Wow!!I wasn't expecting a Ghost referrence..like ever.

      I will admit Philemina does make a nice vase.

    21. Does this mean that Asian corporations are evil? ; n ;

    22. Absolutely brilliant comic.

      And yeah, Celestia is the ultimate troll. She may seem all proper and genial and regal and caring and friendly and personable (ponyable?) towards her subjects...but seriously, I blamed her (not Fluttershy) for the misunderstanding in that one...for carrying around such a sickly-looking creature with no explanation whatsoever, only an assumption that everypony else would either recognize a worn-out phoenix (and hell, not even Twilight did), or just not care, or would ask her about it (is she honestly clueless about the way she's regarded and that almost everypony else would be horrified to even intimate that her pet had been mistreated or neglected?) Sure, I guess one of them could've tried to inquire about Philomena in a casual, non-accusatory way, but STILL.

    23. Go Rarity! No one trolls Fluttershy in front of Bronies and lives to tell the tale.
