• Combat Demo #3 for the 2D Pony MMO

    Another example of the combat demo is up for the 2D Pony mmo over at Urimas's DA Page.  This game evolves so quickly! 

    This time, the Parasprite actually does something! 

    You can test it out below. 

    2D Pony MMO Combat Demo 3

    12 kommentaari:

    1. Quote from IRC:
      <@Waka> so t minues 2 minutes before this shows up on EqD? :P

      At approximately 4:55.

    2. haha I called it getting put up here pretty well.

      I was a minute or two off though, oh well.

    3. This is going to be EPIC.

    4. Will there be a way to level without hurting anything :I?

    5. Will there be a way to level without hurting anything :I?


      If it makes you feel better, the things we will hurt kind of deserve it, like parasprites or monsters.

    6. I hope parasprites are significantly smaller and quicker then other enemies. Because the close combat attacks suck against them. Or maybe I just suck.

    7. @pacifist anonymous: Combat is but one factor of this game. This game is about ponies and friendship. Go figure.

    8. The music is a little obnoxious. But its really great so far =0

    9. Feels like its really shaping up. Loved toying around with the new lightning bolt attack - don't remember that being in the last combat demo, and it was pretty powerful against that annoying little parasprite.

      Now all I need is a "summon Pinkie Pie" attack and I will be set to take on all the evils in Equestria, muhahahaha!

    10. I like how you can continue kicking the parasprite after it's down. That's what it gets for defeating me the first time around!

    11. To people who are wondering:

      Urimas (head of the game) stated that you are going to get experience by completing quests. In an early exemple the character whent out on a quest to get apples from trees to Applejack.

      And hell, combat is everywhere, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually involve killing and bloodshed.
