• College Pony Presentation

    Another crazy brony has done a presentation in front of his class. This one is actually really good too!

    Apparently it all started over on ponychan. You can find the post below.

    College Pony Presentation

    48 kommentaari:

    1. Any Brony who does this has some serious balls. And yes, that goes for the female Bronies too. Respect, man, respect.

    2. @Batty Gloom
      MAJOR respect. It would be difficult for me to admit my love for MLP to my classes.

    3. Well made as well. It must take huge balls in order to admit you love a show of Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasus in front of a college class.

    4. One of these days.. I will have a huge presentation in front of UW. This is my dream xD

    5. wasn't much overall respect for the first one since it wasn't as well done

      at least we're out of the 'praise all pony things regardless of quality' rut

    6. I'm just going to wait for the day all the national news stations start talking about the pony craze like its a big new deal.

      After its been going on for a year plus.

      Then I shall lawl and declare towards my TV "Where have you been?"

    7. My friends all know, they hate...SO i shal love and tolerate the shit out of them! *ding* another point to ponys!

    8. I do this sort of thing in my Tech Class, my Theater Class, my Physics Class and even the gym. Never really that official, but I'm not a closet brony and I love to spread the love of those, to be confounded, ponies.

    9. ^Props to you then anon, and to the presenter in the video.

    10. I dunno, the first one was pretty much flawless.

    11. i think my co-workers and classmates knows i am a bronie since i have 11 ponies walking around on my pc screen :p

    12. Good work, although the gestures looked a bit wooden at times. I guess it'll look more natural with time, and as it is a public speaking class, they probably want to see exaggerated gestures. It also got a lot better over time.

    13. This presentation I think was done a bit better than the last one; though it is a misnomer that 4chan ponies no longer exist, or that they don't intend to spread love as well.

    14. And that was the worst way to use the word "misnomer" i've ever seen.


    15. Like a boss.

      I would give it an 'A', were I that guy's speech teacher.

    16. "Researching."

      That's one way of putting it. :P

    17. Good job sir! Brohoof for a brony!


      Loquacious of Herd; Resistance is Silly.

    18. It seemed to me he was talking a bit fast and he seemed a bit flustered (but I guess that's to be expected if someone is talking in front of a large audience about ponies).

      Also I would have preferred to see the reactions of the people, and maybe to see just how many people were there.

      i liked the previous one more since we got to see how the people reacted, even if the previous one's speech wasn't as good.

    19. That was very well done! That dude must have had some serious galls to do that. I know I never could =(

    20. Much better presentation, with more detailed reasons as to why the show is good and some history as well as personal experience.

      It was generally better presented and more serious.

    21. I know what I should do for my next project. but really you have to hand it to this guy THATS hard to do!


      Hey, you, yeah you, you're a faggot.

      He's still a fucking shitty speaker, now deal with it.

    23. i have been screaming my love for ponies to everyone i know(except my parents but that because they would probably hate me for it and im not willing to risk it) and some of them hate on it but most people are cool with it. though i am known for random stuff so people pretty much expect it this kinda stuff now.

    24. Any bronys in kingwood? In h-town? I fell like im the only one!

    25. @Anonymous
      Hey, guy at 3:12? You do realize you're saying this on a blog centered around a show about friendship, caring, and tolerance?

    26. Somepony needs to brohoof this guy.

    27. Hey guys, just want to say thank you for all the kind words. I likely was speaking fast, but I had a lot of information I wanted to get through and only 7 minutes to do it. If you go over that time you might lose points.(If you notice the video comes very close to that). Other than that I had a lot of fun with it and I'm glad you could enjoy it too.

    28. Hope he finds nothing but love and tolerance from his class.

      With me, I'm just going to wear my pony pin on my hoodie when I get them. Maybe someone will pick up on it.

    29. THOUSANDS of times better than the other guy's.

      THOUSANDS. Not of exaggerating.

    30. wow, just got done watching that, and it was really good, very well presented.

      fun fact: that guy has no hair on his balls, because hair does not grow on steel.

    31. That's a pretty good presentation.

    32. I'm glad the presenter pointed out the nostalgia factor of MLP:FiM. That whole list of shows resonated with me, and I'm sure that it did the same with the audience.

      I was a little disappointed that he didn't point out the traditional animation and storytelling styles (i.e. AWESOME REACTION FACES), but I certainly understand, considering the time limit allotted to him.

      Overall, well done.

    33. OMG, he quoted the dictionary. LOL!
      This guy is damn brave -- you can tell by how nervous he is. This is no walk in the park.
      Lots of platitudes. "Not you mother's ponies." "Humans have a need to belong".
      Starts getting interesting at the 4 minute mark with the 4chan history and stages of denial. 8^)
      Needs more stats, like worldwide map of Bronies, 3 million pageviews in two months, 85% or more male, creative output from fans in the form of video games, artwork, fanfiction, youtube videos, clothes, collectibles, music collaborations, extended remixes, original music... did I miss anything?

    34. Dude is brave to do that, dose this mean some have converted to the Brony side?

    35. Dose hand gestures. Reminds me of ol' Captain Jack Sparrow

    36. @Anonymous

      Uh... yes Mr. 3:30 pm Anonymous. I'm in the Kingwood area. Never would have thought there's another brony nearby

      Well then, what's up? lol. You go to Lone Star College?

    37. Nice. I really wish I was in college so I could so more stuff like that. I have done stuff like that at my school, the most ridiculous of this is me using my influence as sound and lighting operator at my school to basically broadcast the word of pony over the entire theater. Good times. Almost got "fired" from my job.

      Also, right to stage 5! ACCEPTANCE FOR EVERYPONY!!!!!!

    38. Nostalgia is a big one for me. Not since the golden age of Disney and WB TV cartoons have I loved a TV cartoon this much.

      Tiny Toon Adventures, Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Ducktales, Rescue Rangers, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, and so on.

      I "kinda liked" some stuff in the 00s... for instance, Kim Possible, Teen Titans and the Duck Dodgers series. But nothing like MLP. I think there being an awesome huge internet fandom has helped a lot. :)

      (Strangely I never got into Powerpuff Girls or Foster's that much. I watched Ponies because a friend suggested it, not because I had seen Faust's earlier work.)

    39. Way to go, hero!

    40. @AnonymousWhats up!! Nice to know theres bros close by! No im still in high school (porter high)

    41. @DGRbrony
      Porter High, cool. I went to Kingwood High

      Unfortunately, I don't really have the balls to give a speech like that guy over at the college. I'm a shitty speaker to begin with

      Anyway, cool to meet ya, bro

    42. Heavy Weapons Pony29. aprill 2011, kell 06:42

      Talk about ones love for My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, LIKE A BAUS!

    43. het got balls of steel xD

    44. @FlexonyI have to do a report on somethin that influenced america, and was going to do it about FiM, but my teacher was like "Really?" and i said i was kidding. Lol im still in stage 4-not admiting my bronyness

    45. I must say good sir...you have big nads...big ones...for that...brohoof

    46. Balls of steel... he has them, alright!

    47. Fantastic!!!!

      I cannot wait for the review I recorded and edited in Media Journalism class to be uploadable (something's wrong with the file...won't know what 'til I get back on campus in the fall.) Good to see my school's not the only one having the magic of friendship and ponymania shared with its other woefully unaware students. :3
