Considering most of us are in our 20s, It's no surprise that colleges everywhere have small brony following's popping up. I know from one of my friends up in Idaho that the anime club there is pretty much the pony club at this point.
Over in Sonoma State University, a recent article was published detailing the pony craze. It's an interesting read if you want to see a college brony's perspective on it. You can find that below
Sonoma State Star Pony Article
And in an earlier post I mentioned Stony Brook University and it's pony flyer, and asked for a picture of it. A brony named Prof. Button actually sent the image below with a bit more information! Apparently 30 people ended up attending and geeking out over ponies. That is awesome!
Unfortunately I go to a community college and don't experience the normal university life, so I don't really have anything to relate to here... but for those of you that do, have ponies started popping up at your educational institutions? Feel free to post away in the comments below!
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My DnD group here at College is slowly becoming overwhelmed with pony. Also, i am doing a quick report on FiM for my Linguistics and Gender class.
VastaKustutaMy drinking buddies? Not so much, but i still like to troll them with some pony.
My university here in France has an already way too small ammount of people on Animes. I doubt that a pony following would go through. Damn you France!
VastaKustutaMaybe I'll try to initiate a french friend into MLP...
I've tried to initiate some friends, but they've been resistant. Doesn't keep me from dropping hints everywhere. They tolerate it for the most part.
VastaKustutaMy local furry club is split almost down the middle between those of us who love ponies and those that are completely tired of us talking about them, haha.
VastaKustutaI've also got 3/5 of my D&D game watching them, which I feel pretty proud of! We're taking over, slowly!
That flyer was actually for a panel at I-CON, a Sci-Fi Convention held at Stony Brook over the weekend.
VastaKustutaUnfortunately I live in Texas and have yet to see any ponies in public, on campus or off. Then again, it's not like I actively look.
VastaKustutaSo at my college one of the clubs organized a breakfast on Sundays where students can come and talk about personal issues they might have in an open and supportive group. Which is really neat.
VastaKustutaThis week the meeting was a little different. Before anyone could bring up a serious issue, someone mentioned Applejacks (the cereal) to which someone else who didn't hear correctly replied "she's my favorite pony!" Then it turned out EVERYONE at the breakfast was into ponies. All 20+ of us.
We ended up discussing MLP for the whole hour.
Verdict: People at my college love Rarity and Derpy. Hell yeah.
My school's anime club put out this flyer:
VastaKustutaas an april fool's joke. Unfortunately, they didn't follow through.
Interesting article, but I think that "drive to protect innocence!" thing is bullshit.
VastaKustutaGerman college brony here from the Humboldt University.
VastaKustutaI'm trying to unite bronies from all over Berlin (and Potsdam).
If you are interested contact me at [email protected]
Well... About half the people I watch on dA are now into ponies...
Yup! I'm the leader of the brony group here at the University of Washington (Seattle, WA). I've managed to spread the magic to over a dozen guys, and we've had a few marathon nights lasting until the early hours of the morning. I've been meaning to make some flyers and post them around campus too! xD
VastaKustutaUh, jealous for them. I mean I have no brony near me in my university. But I didn't search very much. I'm planning to draw ponies on the boards at early morning and wait for response.
VastaKustutaStill, If this message is seen by somepony from Ural state university in Yekaterinburg, I will be glad to meet IRL.
I've been spreading the bronyhood through my school, albeit slowly. It's taking a lot of time and effort, but it'll work.
VastaKustutaNo pony love in the UK :(
VastaKustutaAw man! I wish I could find people at my school to enjoy ponies with. I go to University of Washington (Tacoma, WA).
Any tips to try to locate bronies?
I wish I could get a group going at JMU in Virginia but I feel there are not enough people that would be interested.
VastaKustutaDerby, UK. Only managed to get my flatmate into MLP, but I don't socialise with others at uni, too busy doing my work (and watching/reading Ponies), and I'm not a member of the anime society.
VastaKustutaAnother French brony ? I though I was alone.
Although you mentioned a college in idaho that has practically converted the entire anime club into bronies, I don't think its mine.
VastaKustutaOn the other hand, the ponies spread through my group of nerd friends in the dorms like a virus.
An extremely contagious one.
Sadly I go to a women dominated college with "woman's" in the name (.. men were allowed in eventually probably due to money, and because of that Women's Studies are a core class; ) the likeliness of a brony-centric pony group is pretty low.
VastaKustutaHeck; I don't really think there are any non-scholarly groups on the campus. And considering women outnumber men about twenty to one, I think I'd probably be the only guy there.
I'm kinda used to being the only one holding my interests in the area anyway.
Any bronys at FIU down in Miami, FL? I haven't seen ANY sign of pony ANYTHING on campus, yet I'm hearing about other schools that have people wearing cutie-mark T-shirts and such.
VastaKustutaWhat the heck? Any FIU bronies please chime in!
No Pony love here in Peru *cry*
VastaKustutaI hope the Spanish version of the show comes here soon.
Don't know any other bronies in northwest Ohio... forever alone
VastaKustutaHigh school brony here. And I'm Asian. :P
VastaKustutai dont know anypony IRL... but SOON... (if the spanish voice acting doesn't suck)
VastaKustutaI too go to a community college atm but one of my top picks for school already has a brony group according to this very comment page, so hopefully I'll be among bronies in a couple months.
VastaKustutathat is really fanaticism
VastaKustutaFor April Fools the anime club at RIT put up posters for My little pony, so I thought they would be cool and show it, but I was still very skeptical since their taste is well crappy. Good thing I didn't go, since some bronies who also go to RIT that I've emailed said they just did crappy elections and showed more crap. Not a single pony was had by them. Oh well.
VastaKustutaI have some theories on the subject, yes. Shoot me an email though, before these comments quickly get buried. I'll have more time after class~
[email protected]
VastaKustuta>My local furry club
>Local furry club
>furry club
There's your problem.
I'm kidding.
VastaKustutaАга, так и есть.
А ты из каого города? (хоть бы из Екатеринбурга)
Due to the way I do school, and the fact that I'm in high school (so people get embarrassed over admitting to a pony craze) I don't see that many pony references.
VastaKustutaHowever, most of my friends have seen at least a couple episodes, and the Rene (BEWARE OF THE RENE!) is possibly just as addicted as I am.
VastaKustutaYeah, I thought the joke was that they were showing an American cartoon, but it was like an hour of club business and then a bunch of YouTube videos. Looking back, I feel dumb for expecting them to actually show ponies.
It's great to see so many RIT bronies here.
No pony love here in Portugal... :(
VastaKustuta@Don_ko Питерские мы, к тому же вечерники... Мда.
VastaKustutaЭ, рано или поздно до нас доберется, к тому-же Екатеринбург - город не маленький. Интернет - сильная весчь. ;)
VastaKustutaNO ONE
Brony from the University of Twente in the Netherlands here. Anypony else studying at UTwente or living close by? Leave a comment here!
VastaKustutaThat Sonoma State article could have been a little better written. For one thing, it gives Lauren credit for creating the Powerpuff Girls.
VastaKustutaTo the NW Ohio Brony, My condolences. My Brother goes to school in Defiance and I am pretty sure he is the only one there who knows about the Show.
VastaKustutaI am at Ohio State and there are few Bronies here as well I think. I am subtlety putting out hints that there is that presence, like tagging RD's Cutie mark in Stairwells and in the Oval. Other buckeye Bronies show yourselves damnit!
@Anonymous It also seems preoccupied with going "OMG GUYS MALES LIKE THIS SHOW! THAT'S SO CRAZY!" It's not really as big a deal as it's made out to be, and it's a little unfair that it ignores the many female bronies out there.
VastaKustutaStill a nice article, though.
I don't know about the majority of students at Missouri State, but I know for a fact that someone else on my floor keeps leaving pony drawings on the message board, and there was a chalk drawing on the sidewalk outside of a classroom that said, "Real men watch My Little Pony." So there are at least a few here.
VastaKustutaNo sign of bronies at Virgina Tech, at least from what I've seen. Of course, I haven't seen any sign of furries either, yet I know from it coming up on a 4chan thread that there is a furry club here.
VastaKustutaStill, I'm debating if painting a nerf gun for the hall nerf wars in Luna's colors, complete with cutie mark, is a good idea or bad. Probably bad.
My Art college is full of bronies most likely because everypony loves the animation!
VastaKustuta>following's popping up
VastaKustuta>it's pony flyer
I am disappointed in your grammar.
Heh, that was a nice article.
VastaKustutaBuh. I'm in High school. Where everybody is judgmental and generally unaccepting of things other then madden or black ops.
But I still love them all the same. I would be turned into the laughing stock if they knew my love for ponies =(
I'm pretty sure I started the pony craze at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX, and there are probably about a dozen other bronies here who enjoy the show and watch it regularly.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
Out of curiosity, where are you at school in Texas? If it's anywhere near San Antonio or Austin I may know some bronies in the area!
VastaKustutaA lot of my friends go to Virginia Tech and I've got some of them into MLP, they also like to use nerf guns too, just keep on the look out you'll find some bronies there.
Actually, I think... That's what those PINS are for.
VastaKustutaDash's cutie mark pinned to your chest isn't much to a muggle, but a fellow brony won't have a chance in hell of not noticing.
Use it while you can. You can't show up with 4Chan/Furry/Star Trek badges in public anymore in a lot of places...
UT-Knoxville (the real UT -not texas-)
VastaKustutaI've slowly been showing it to my friends. None of them even give a shit that I enjoy it
I seem to be the only brony here at my university. I'm thinking about leaving little hints and stuff around campus, such as cutie marks in stairways, just to see if anything happens. Oh, and just a little FYI, I'm at TTU, Cookeville TN.
VastaKustutaI wonder how many you can round up over there, sadly I live way south so it doens't fit the requirements.
Since my University is a technical one I doubt there are any Bronies at all, but on the other hand since I'm almost finished with it I'm rarely on campus anymore. I guess it's harder too find some bronies here in Germany, not to talk about in my age bracket (hint: way too old)
Me and my roommates seem to be the only people into ponies at my college. Then again, we don't get out much so the possibility of other pony fans existing is there.
VastaKustutaPosting cutie marks is a great idea. Might be able to find some other bronies at my CC.
VastaKustutaWell, I graduated a few years ago from college, so I dunno about current students at my alma mater, but I know several alumni friends that I hang out with have gotten into it, or at least seen a few episodes.
VastaKustutaSo I gotta ask, any Southern California bronies out there?
I wish there was a Ponies club at Purdue. Sadly I think I might be the only brony in the county.
VastaKustutaSo far I'm unsure if there are any other bronies here at Augusta State University (in Georgia). Plenty of Pokemon fans and I've even some people playing Yu-Gi-Oh, but no ponies yet. I'm thinking of printing out some pictures of ponies and posting them on the "anyone can put stuff here" bulletin boards and just see what happens. Maybe something like "REAL MEN AND WOMEN WATCH [insert show picture and logo here], IF YOU AGREE THEN TEAR OFF A SLIP FROM THE BOTTOM" (hey gotta be fair to the women folk here at the school, some of them may like the show but are afraid to admit it because they may get weird looks too)
VastaKustutaim off to new mexico, i assume it will be bronyless :(
VastaKustutai'm fairly certain i'm not the only brony at NCSU. too bad this is my last semester.
VastaKustutaНадеюсь, пытаюсь... но как то все равно пусто.
Познакомился с одним парнем, он по ходу дела не прочь шататься по магазинам с игрушками. А значит потенциальный бронь при правильной обработке. Но боюсь я уже все зарубил своим поведением - прыгал вокруг и болтал чепуху как Пинки -_-
I'm going to print RD's Sonic Rainboom moment on black shirt and wear it whole summer. Maybe the destiny will allow me to find secret bronies there.
VastaKustutaJust write me an email and I will inform you when I know how much we are going to be.. and if there develops something like a German Brony network between the universities maybe you can be useful, too even though you are somewhat southern.
looks like most the brony clubs on campus's are anime offshoots/oriented, and that ain't just mah thang. I've yet to discover a brony at my alma mater, and doubt i will before graduation.
VastaKustutaBut a brony can dream though, a brony can dream.
I have absolutely no idea if there are other bronies at my college, but I do my part to spread it around. This afternoon I had to fill out a couple of assessment forms for a few people in of my classes, so I drew Dr. Whooves on the back of one and Pinkie Pie on the other and wrote "This is a pony. It is for you. He/she is smiling because your lesson was awesome." Hopefully someone will get it...
VastaKustutaWell, if someponies write russian, I may write german:
VastaKustutaSind hier deutsche Bronies? Ich zähle in den Kommentaren zwei, dass kann aber noch nicht alles sein. Hier ist ein Brony aus Hamburg City. Meldet euch, Bronies \o
@DJ Furtive Otter
VastaKustutaI go to UTSA.
Much like Twilight at the beginning of the series, making friends is not something I'm good at, so I have no idea if there's any other Bronies at my college or not. Heck, as far as I know (which isn't much :P) I'm the only Brony in El Paso.
VastaKustutaNot sure how I would find out if there's any Bronies at UTEP.
VastaKustutaSoCal brony here! Long since finished with college, though (I'm 31).
Yeah, the pony panel at I-Con yesterday was pretty sweet. Everyone was so nice and I was very happy to see how mixed of a group it was. Seeing that pretty much all of the programming sucked this year, I completely flipped out when I saw the flyer on Friday. Best thing all weekend.
VastaKustutaAlso if anyone happened to notice, I quickly drew a crappy Derpy on one of the hung up flyers.
If there happen be be any bronies at SCCC in Selden, I'd be really happy to know hahaha.
I go to University of Cincinnati, but haven't met any fellow bronies here yet. Shout out to UC bronies if you're out there!!!
VastaKustutaI know there's at least one other Brony at University of Texas at Dallas, since someone posted on the google map.
VastaKustutaGotta love that google map.
I love it! The ponies are spreading. It will start with the colleges, and successful college graduates will carry it over to their workplaces. Ponies will gain a following strengthened and hastened by the college atmosphere! Soon ponies shall inherit the Earth, and the age of man will end and so will the age of ponies begin.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaSo close, and yet so far away! If you have a car you should come visit sometime! :)
We watch the new episodes every Friday and sometimes have brony parties on Saturday nights... we watch a few episodes (with youtube captions) and eat candy until the party gradually devolves into board games, Rock Band, Super Smash Bros, movies, and random dancing. It's a blast. You're welcome to come by sometime if you're at all interested, and if not, no worries, fellow brony!
VastaKustutasweet! SoCal represent. I graduated not too long ago, 08' what year were you?
most of my alumni friends are 06' to 09'
Teesside Uni, in Middlesbrough UK, has massive Brony representation. I was chatting to a huge group of bronies on the way back from a "geeky" themed club event the other week.
VastaKustuta@Don_ko Дай только время. У нас народ, на сколько я знаю, удивительно хорошо расположен к мультикам и веселой ерунде. ;)
VastaKustutaAnd if all else fails, you can always go on the Internet and read people swearing in poor grammar while pretending to be your friends.
It's a very realistic imitation of real life that way.
Oy Sethisto, there was 2-PART article published in the Oregon State University newspaper recently.
I'm a student at Central Michigan University and so far I haven't seen any fellow bronies. I've been thinking about leaving some drawings or phrases on the public whiteboard in one of the hallways to see if I get any hits that way. Anyone else from Michigan a brony?
VastaKustutaMy school doesn't have a pony club (yet), but there certainly are a number of fans that I'm aware of through online communities through which I'm stumbled across other students. Hopefully, we can unite and spread the fandom to the campus at some point.
VastaKustutaUniversity of New Hampshire doesn't have any as far as I know. Then again I dont know many people outside of my major so... I am a lonely brony.
VastaKustutaI'm at a community college as well right now, but I'm transferring next semester. I'm hoping for some pony love group at my next school!
VastaKustutaWelp...I have now found a significant disadvantage to online school.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous Doesn't happen to be CSULB does it? It's my last semester there.
VastaKustutaI'm on my laptop in the student union right now actually.
VastaKustutaCSUF bronies, come find me! I have not met any. >>
Thought I posted but can't find it, so I'll try again. There was a 2-PART article on MLP in the Oregon State University newspaper recently.
There's actually a large following over here at Oregon State University. Our school paper actually ran two EPIC articles about ponies.
VastaKustutaHere is part one:
and the second installment:
The OSU marching band actually actually has a bunch of resident bronies too - including me, one of the drum majors in training. There are a few guys who I heard were trying to get together an arrangement for the theme song and get it to our director. I hope they do, he'd probably think it's funny and play it in the stands.
VastaKustutaI agree. I actually posted a very long-winded reply on the topic. I just can't see such a sexist philosophy being embraced by MLP, or the brony community at large.
You guys make me feel old (I'm 27).
VastaKustutathere needs to be more bronies in the UC system
VastaKustutajust curious, which UC are you at?
@ OSU Anon
VastaKustutaThat'd be awesome! Btw I'm the author of those Barometer articles ;). Good to know there's a following here.
VastaKustutaDude, I'm going to Iowa State Uni in the fall. WHOEVER YOU ARE, I WILL FIND SOME WAY TO FIND YOU. I SWEAR IT. *brohoof*
Anyone at Clemson, SC?
VastaKustutaCome on, I can't be the only one...
VastaKustutaOh dang, my brother goes to UW and I am hoping to go there in a couple years. Might have to see what you guys are up to if this fandom last for >2 years *knocks on wood*
Haven't heard of anything at the high school, but I have yet to visit the college since classes started again.
VastaKustutaI'm trying to keep my hopes low on finding something, but they won't go lower than maxed-out. Just means I need to get into the computer lab and print-off some mock-posters with absolutely no purpose but to spread the love and friendship.
I've seen flyers at my university.
VastaKustutaI finished Fall of '04 at CSUF, after attending 3 other colleges since '98.
And looking up at the comments, I see there's at least 1 other CSUF brony here! WOO!
Haven't seen anything here at the University of Arizona. But then again, all my classes are confined into a couple of buildings, so I don't do much walking across the campus.
VastaKustutacool, I see pony fans from UCs and CSUs
VastaKustutaAny California bronies out there from USC?
VastaKustutaCooool, I think I'm too far into the community at this point to fall out even after two years. Are you a WA resident? If so, you should totally hit up the SeaTac brony Meetup group. Or shoot me an email ^^ [email protected]
VastaKustutaHoly crap somepony else at Missouri State. And I'm not the one who did that stuff, so that means there's at least three of us.
VastaKustutaI've been meaning to get a derpymail account. Yes, I am a WA resident and I have checked out the meetup group. Last time I did check there was still no date.
Any CUNY fans out there?
VastaKustutaNYC is so lacking in ponyness.
@CMU Anonymous
VastaKustutaI'm from Michigan, though the University of Michigan, so a bit far out of the way. Do live near Lansing though
I Went to Purdue University where I graduated from last spring and found a thriving Pony community. Halariously enough I was converted to the Herd during this trip to visit friends and I can say the Pony's are growing in the midwest.
VastaKustutaUnfortunately, there aren't exactly many people to go to when you're looking for potential bronies as a freshman in high school. I got my best friend into the show, but she's all the way in Florida, meanwhile I'm stuck in Illinois.
VastaKustutaAny IC bronies out there? Better to have some that I probablywon't meet than to have none at all.
I'm at UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago) and I know of a few other people who can be considered bronies, but more like bronie lite in my view. They watch the show and PMVs, but stay away from /co/ or /b/ threads and I believe stay away from EqD as they aren't ashamed of it, but they don't like to geek out on nerdy stuff like I do.
VastaKustutaAh, well there's no date for the random meetup yet, but we're waiting for after Sakura-Con to see if we gain any more bronies. After that there will probably be some random weekend meet and we'll all get to know each other. I'd say go ahead and join up!
U of M bronie. If anything could end our long standing rivalry it is Ponies. Brohoof?
VastaKustutaOn a related note, I think the college bornies on here should get some sidewalk chalk, find a notable landmark at their college or university and tag it with a cutie mark, take a picture of it,Equestria Daily has a collegefriend edition,?????,Friendship.
Not a brony, but I just wanted to say I'm glad that there are other pony fans here in San Antonio. I don't know a single person in my university that is into it ):
VastaKustutaRead the article. Craig Mckraken created the Powerpuff Girls, right?
VastaKustutaAnd Canterlot is built on a cliff face, it doesn't float in the sky.
VastaKustutaSomepony did not do the research.
Ok, he just compared the musical numbers to "Glee". done reading.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous Awesome! I'm actually thinking of attending U of M or MSU next year for my PhD. Good to know there are some college fans in Michigan.
VastaKustutaYeahh... glad that that Pony is being spread but the article isn't very good. Regarding the music I think comparing it to 90s Disney movie songs (lion king, etc) would be more accurate and less off-putting to a lot of people. While the MLP songs themselves may not be quite the same, they're the same style, unlike Glee...
@Meteor Metal
VastaKustutaI am a bunckeye brony, and I know at least one other person in my dorm who is too. It would be great if all of us here could get together.
Which stairwells? Where on the oval? I haven't seen anything.
I'm at a community college in austin right now, but I'm transferring out to university of texas in the fall. any bronies out there?
VastaKustutaMy dorm recently painted over the glass on the windows and doors in the front of our building, and I made sure to inform all of the other dorms about how our dorm was "20% cooler" than they were. I also included Rarity's cutie mark next to my signature.
VastaKustutaI was going to tag the oval last night or tonight now that that election nonsense is out of the way. We'll see what the rain does though. Check Hayes hall in the right stairwell, if it is still there. Thinking about adding the SEL or some of the labs on 17th. Are you North or South Campus dorms?
VastaKustutaI'm a University of Michigan brony too! Dang, I didn't know there were others. We should find out how many of us there are.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaExiste sim.
Nos somos poucos mas existimos.¬if_t=group_activity
VastaKustutaShit, brony, there's a least a dozen! We're hoping to have a cross-campus brony meetup and party for the last episode before finals.
^ (btw, this is in response to the Trojan brony from a while back.)
VastaKustutaHello, That magenta pink flyer was my handiwork. I noticed there was no mention of "Pony" in the I-Con programming schedule, and seeing how pony fandom has taken on this freakishly huge life of its own I asked for and was granted a last-minute addition to the programming schedule. Despite not being listed in the con's printed schedule, my flyers caught enough attention to bring 33 attendees in to the discussion. A grand time was had.
VastaKustutaoh, very nice! I'm not a current student though, actually I'm an alum, I graduated a couple years back. I do come back and visit campus every so often, in fact I was there this past week, lol. Nice to know pony fandom is well represented there =)
best of luck on finals!
Fight On, brony!
VastaKustutaThere's plenty of bronies here at Virginia Tech! A few of us are having a pony party tomorrow night to catch a friend up on some of the episodes. About half the furry club is into them as well, although the other half wants them to all die in a fire =P We're slowly assimilating everyone into the herd.
Also, the Luna nerf gun idea sounds amazing. You should definitely do it. The bronies will love it, everyone else will just think it's a cool design.
I really wish I saw that kind of stuff, but I too go to community college.
VastaKustuta@Meteor Metal
VastaKustutaBradley hall on south campus here. I'll swing by Hayes sometime and check it out.
VastaKustutaNo Brony!!!!
I'm a VT brony, there are some of us out here! I've never seen one before now!!
@Meteor Metal
VastaKustutaBradley hall on south campus here. I'll be sure to go check out Hayes Hall!
Sorry if this is a double post, I think blogger ate my first attempt at this.
VastaKustutaI go to SCCC Selden! Not sure if girls are counted as bronies, but wutevs.
Brony here at the U of A (University of Arizona).
VastaKustutaI swear I saw a post by somepony that goes here as well, but heck if I can spot it. Good to know I'm not the only brony here. Graduating at the end of this semester, so been too busy to look for MLP groups here.
@Meteor Metal
VastaKustutaI'm a brony at Ohio State. I'll have to try and find some of your work on campus.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOh! And another one. I'm glad there's a brony presence in Columbus.
VastaKustutaMost def good to know that were at least three strong at OSU.
My ones in the Thompson keep getting taken down, which confuses me because nobody uses the main stacks stairwell. We should all at least meet at some point. Because I want to make a giant RD cutie mark in the center of the oval, and need some help most likely. CURSE this rain!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Meteor Metal
VastaKustutaI'd be up for hanging out sometime. Maybe go grab a beer or something?
VastaKustutaFinally, confirmation of another NCSU brony! Hope your final semester's doing well.
Any bronies here go to school in new york state?
VastaKustutaNo Bronies in Indonesia.
VastaKustutaAny bronies going to the University of Michigan?
VastaKustutaThe panel at Stony Brook University's I-CON convention actually happened before I became a brony. If anyone knows who instigated it i'd love to talk to them and help get involved with the panel for next year's I-CON!
VastaKustutaBrohoof from Augusta, Brony! I thought I was the only one around Georgia who even knew what a brony WAS. <3
@AmberWings @Anonymous
VastaKustutalate brohoof from me as well! Another Augusta person! I don't go ASU, though, went the technical college route. (Live here either way)
VastaKustutaIowa State Bronies!
Let's get together and watch the first episode of MLP season 2 in some lecture hall! It'll be incredible!
Any Texas state bronies?
Iowa State University Bronies!
We should totally watch season 2 together, Joeeee! There are 4 of us now. We need to find more!
Iowa State Bronies!
VastaKustutaLet's organize this!
Send me an email ([email protected]) and we can get this figured out. I can reserve the lecture hall Saturday night if someone else brings a reliable laptop.
VastaKustutaIs that mail working? I've already sent you one. I do not currently have a Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter to connect my laptop to the projector.
@Wolf Kodi
VastaKustutaBronies from Iowa State University can contact me via email with username wolfkodi
Iowa State Bronies... We can still get together to see a show! Be brave, email Wolf Kodi!
VastaKustutaYeah, this is a little late, coming almost 6 months after your post, but I'm now a freshman at USC and would love to meet any bronies here if I could find them.
I wish. I go to a college of about 300, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here.. but I rock my pony wallpaper on my laptop and wear pony shirts around in hopes that somepony else notices..
VastaKustutaAs an addition to my comment, I'd like to add that I'm in Salt Lake City in Utah. Any bronies up here in UT, email me at [email protected]. We need a UT meet-up.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAnypony in Texas Tech would be much appreciated.
VastaKustutaAnypony at Augusta State University - Augusta, GA?
VastaKustutaAny Bronies up in the University of Missouri?
VastaKustutaRecent brony here at Pepperdine University.
VastaKustutaNo mention of bronies. Forever alone.
@9Nine9 Seriously? NOBODY? I thought Iowa State was big enough that it'd have at least a couple of Bronies! That's crazy!
VastaKustutaSadly, I am a HS student and not in college yet... and I am just getting into the ponies, so I likely would not make for a good pony pal. ;-)
VastaKustutaA friend and I are ISU Bronies :D It'd be nice to meet up with some other Bronies on campus, We've seen a couple people last semester, but we haven't meet anyone yet.
@Moinsen! Auch Hamburg City! Hab mir die Show gerade zum ersten Mal angeschaut, weil ich nen Artikel darüber schreiben soll. I like.
VastaKustutaWait, there's Middlesbrough bronies?
Now I'm REALLY glad I'm going there for uni!
@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaI'm a brony at UTEP!
VastaKustutaim at middlesbrough college anyone know of any there?