• Choose Your Own Adventure, Pony Style

    A brony over on Ponychan going by the name of Lightsideluc is currently hosting a "choose your own adventure" style pony post!  It looks like people are having fun with it so far, so if you are interested head over to the link below and join in!

    Choose Your Own Adventure Pony Time

    14 kommentaari:

    1. Seth, you do know who lightsideluc is don't ya?

    2. Someone recently tried to write a MLP/Touhou crossover CYOA on a certain Touhou site a few days ago and got chased off. I can't help but wonder if this is the same guy.

    3. @Anonymous
      OOooHhHh a guessing game! I love guessing games! OOh is it... Lauren Faust? NO? Okay then is it... Barack Obama? NO? Okay then is it... Your mom? IT IS!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Hooray!!!!!

    4. dat alliteration...

      looks funny, i'll keep checking back on occasion.

    5. Choose your own adventure, eh? Quickly, someone go get the Ren'Py engine. We can do this.

    6. It seems more like an adventure with the illusion of choice rather than Choose your own.

    7. Hey there fellow bronies!
      Now, I've been browsing the comments here and there's just a few things I wanted to clear up with anyone...
      First of all, Seth accidently posted it a tad early (I was waiting until it had progressed a bit further and I wanted it to function as a story post as opposed to a news one).
      Now then, let me clear up a few things with everyone...
      This is my first CYOA EVAR. I DO NOT know anything about this touhou/pony one (Hell, what is touhou anyways?).

      Next, to the second anon poster, as to what are you implying? You make it sound as if I was infamous (Although that would probably be prefferable to my current status as internet unknown). Can somepony fill me in on my sound-alike/evil twin?

      I've asked this before and I'll ask it again: WHAT THE HELL IS Ren...
      You know what? I'll just google it.

      Also, the begining portion serves as an introduction; people need to be trained that in order to choose the right choice they need to very, very closely follow even the most frivolous of exposition. The story has just reached its first true branch as well as the first area where you can "die". Obviously having the story end prematurely due to a troll multi-posting the obviosuly wrong answer is a no-go so I can't offer true freedom. However i will try my best to serve everyponies interests.

    8. @Anon 9:10
      o_O...lol barack obama
      i thought it was Fon Shoalin correct me if i'm wrong

    9. @woops was refering to the Anon at 6:11PM

    10. Not going to lie, that was pretty disappointing. I went in hoping for a form of text based adventure, what i got was some sort form of narration that holds me by the nose and almost insults me intelligence by giving the illusion of choice.

      Not anything fun or to be recommended in all honesty.

    11. @Simbaro

      Perhaps you didn't read my comment. I've been establishing setting and characters and have only just now put up the first branched path and death sequence. Plus, you're "critique" is nothing more then a criticism. Basing what is essentially a story merely on its merits as to how much freedom it allows is like judging an apple's taste by how red it is; you're ignoring what makes it enjoyable in lieu of what you want it to be.

    12. BOOM! Secret comment in ancient post that no-one will ever find! :D

      Actually I just stumbled here from the (awesome) ponychan thread, and I just felt like making a secret post. :P

      If I ever get a good idea to make people search for the secret muffin in the secret comment in the ancient post, then the secret muffin of the day is Blueberry Muffin! Yay!

    13. BOOM! Secret comment in ancient post that no-one will ever find! :D

      Actually I just stumbled here from the (awesome) ponychan thread, and I just felt like making a secret post. :P

      If I ever get a good idea to make people search for the secret muffin in the secret comment in the ancient post, then the secret muffin of the day is Blueberry Muffin! Yay!
