• Champions Online Adds Rainbow Powers

    Apparently the MMORPG Champions Online has added rainbow powers, and this has, of course, spawned a whole armada of Rainbow Dash/Celestia knockoffs. 

    I never did get into this game myself, but maybe some of you have?  It's pretty amazing how far-reaching bronies are. 

    Now to turn back on the MMO resistance... I just quit WoW, I can't get into another!

    17 kommentaari:

    1. Who needs online games when you can have MINECRAFT!?!?

    2. I hope Notch will ag some rainbow blocks to Minecraft....

    3. KILL IT WITH FIRE :'(

    4. Back when I briefly played City of Heroes I remember they had a policy forbidding the duplication of existing copyright characters -- I think near-copies were also frowned upon.

      I have to wonder if Champions Online has a similar policy and will all these Rainbow Dash clones be nuked or randomized or something.

    5. Speaking of MMOs, there needs to be a Pony EvE online corporation.

    6. You have to pay about $5 to get access to rainbow flight....

      but the game is free 2 play

    7. @Sorrowful

      Former Champions Online player here. There was NO ruler about near copyrighted characters. You used to see Supermen and Batmen-esque things. I had a character who looked just like a Power Ranger.

      Btw, if anyone wants to know, Champions Online is a wicked awesome game. I just stopped playing because I ran out of time. I'll probably start again this summer.

    8. My anthropony character on City of Heroes, Derpy Ferris: http://www.dvandom.com/CoX/derpy1.JPG

    9. @Gent Minecraft is also on-line... And there are pony servers for it.

      Wave goodbye to your life, chuckleheads.

    10. How did I know this would show up here? Man, I need to log back on and see if I can find any of these folks.

    11. Wow... that almost makes me want to go dust off my old account just to have a look.

      Really unlikely that anyone will get thumped for these sort of character likenesses. Champions was pretty lax on that sort of thing. City of Heroes/Villains, however, was not so much. I got generic'd there for using the name (not the likeness or character concept) "Shrinking Violet", which was apparently a now defunct DC character.

    12. DOHOHOHO! I'm the one on the right, the Celestia and Trixie (Too bad the settings were turned down, you can't see the stars on her cape. :c) It's so awesome that we actually got featured here! XD If any of you play, feel free to hit me up ingame.

    13. Champions Online just got 20% Cooler. (What? Somebody had to say it.)

      @dvandom You know, I was just pondering creating an anthropony of my own on Virtue... you just sealed the deal! :D

    14. Inspired by @dvandom's Derpy Ferris, here's my new City of Villains anthropony: Mare Lune! http://twitpic.com/4rd237 http://twitpic.com/4rd39e (Dark/Dark Corruptor, Virtue)

    15. Just started playin' with my brother. I'm Lyra and hes Bon-Bon, what a lovely couple lol.

    16. Just started playin' with my brother. I'm Lyra and hes Bon-Bon, what a lovely couple lol.
