• Cereal Velocity's Pony Viewing Guide

    The Great and Powerful Trixie!

    Do you have friends who you want to introduce to bronydom, but don't know where to start them off without scaring them away?

    Introducing Cereal Velocity's Newbie Pony Viewing guide!  This handy, simple to use .jpg should make it easy as Pinkie Pie to show off how awesome Friendship is Magic can be, without accidentally giving the wrong impression. 

    The guide uses state-of-the-art "greenredyellow" technology to easily pinpoint potentially problematic episodes, and leave you showing off only the best starting point for any would-be brony.

    And as your new pony buddy progresses, you can slowly introduce episodes from the other categories.  Remember: Just because it's red, doesn't mean it's bad!  

    So either click The Great and Powerful Trixie above, or follow the link below!

    Cereal Velocity's Pony Viewing Guide

    45 kommentaari:

    1. Ehm, episode 1 seems to have worked out well enough for so many? It ends on a cliffhanger and introduces the characters well, why fix what ain't broke?

    2. dammit, not this crap again

      watch it in the freaking order, how hard is that

    3. I have always always started off my bronies with applebuck season. Maybe it's because that's the first episode I watched, but for literally every one of my real life friends that have gotten into the show, they agree that starting off with applebuck season or dragonshy is a great start.

      One of my friends actually went and watched the whole thing backwards. Yes, the entire show starting with ep 20 (the most recent at the time), and then just going to 19, then 18, then 17, etc. I don't know why but whatever works, right?

    4. I actually watched Bridle Gossip first before I got more curious about the show and started watching the eps in order. :P

      And from there, I got insta-brony'd. (+20% manlier)

    5. I have to say that if I had watched the episodes in order, from the pilot I'd have thought "Oh, this is another magical girl team anime, just with ponies" and pretty much forgotten about it.

    6. @Anonymous

      I agree with this anon. This whole thing seems a little weird.
      If they're going to try the show they should do it of their own volition and curiosity. I mean that is how we started out, remember?

      If you really want your friends to try the show, than I suggest you subject them to it the way you were. e.g. Wear a pony shirt, when they ask say "It's fucking rainbow dash, man."ect, if they're curios than tell them what you know.

      If there is one thing I've learned over the years its that you can't force these things. More often than not, people don't like to get recommendations from friends.
      Plus I think it has something to do with a person "finding" the show.

    7. I'm a man of chronological ordering; even though the show doesn't work as that way, I would pull my hair if I watched an episode before the pilot. But... maybe I'll try with this chart, see how it goes?

    8. "Suited for Success: Absolutely Not."

      Heh... I found the show all by my lonesome and ambition to wander the internet, and this was the first episode I watched cuz it was the latest one at the time.

      I had no love for ponies before this, and today I openly express love for them and am proud to call myself a brony, so yeah, take it with a grain of salt.

      I also tend to never care about what I'm wearing, ever, if that says anything.

    9. Split the pilot episode into two different colored parts.

      The episodes part one is green and part two should be orange.

      Part one may very well hook a person, but the second part may turn them away with the magical mcguffin stuff. Thus making them think it's like sailor moon with the boring plot lines, oh look a new shadowy monster we'll destroy in a matter of minutes while spouting gibberish at the top of our lungs, sometimes with tentacles. Oh no, the world is doomed add magical power-up. Oh no, the world is doomed par deux, add even more blatantly pointless ideological stuff we've already covered fifty dozen times while never fully explaining what any of the magical stuff is exactly posed to do as the function seemingly changes every other minute while sidestepping the fact they never actually fight efficiently. To fight efficiently they'd have to shut their mouths and just attack the problem constantly, they could cut the emotional stuff they go through in half if they did just that with every single monster they face. Plus without the magic of reincarnation forcing the Tuxedo Mask into the being Sailor Moons love there would have been no love interest until the blatantly obvious Uranus and Neptune thing(Paving the way for future Shipping of all kinds). Also sailor Pluto is a psychopath that would be comparable to some of the tyrant Celestia stuff I've seen, it's either her way or everybody dies while she forces a perfect future on everyone with Mr. happy lobotomizing cystal(Kind of like what happened to Pony Luna and what the Care Bears do to people on a regular basis with their lobotomy tummy beams). Isn't all the love and justice stuff why the moon kindom died out in the first place? They're just essentially doing the same inevitable thing to the earth out of spite as every other planet became a horrible wasteland that somehow channels powers through rather specific but increasingly awkward girls who barely have any friends outside the circle of magic that inevitably binds them together. Eventually the world of Earth will be like Fallout, because lets face it magical girls turning the world pure attracts more evil then anything alive. Even an evil attracting magnet couldn't cause that much evil as much as Goku from Dragonball tends to with his world savior bit attracting everything in the universe to try and ultimately see him permanently dead. when he comes back into the picture once again no one should be surprised a world ending cataclysm is around the corner just waiting, it's like reading Marvel comics. Goku spouts twice the gibberish Sailor Moon does but thats why we like him in the abridged version, he wastes so much energy and time by talking and giving exposition while everyone around him dies.

      I could also say Celestia is Annabelle and Belladonna is Luna from 'All Dogs go to heaven', but typing out my thoughts on that would take an hour.

      Otherwise this is rather accurate chart. Now you are thinking what did I just read and what was the point of all that... I was just drawing some mild comparisons. Some things should have been better left unposted by me.

    10. I don't agree with the pilot episodes being orange...
      They're very necessary imo as they introduce all of the charactars,and show that the show has some sort of plot.

    11. Suited for Success is red? Why?
      I mean I wouldn't reccomend it for the starting episode (only because I'd make somepony watch the pilot first anyway) but it's fine especially if trying to convert females.

    12. Meh. I just watched them in order...

    13. I start my recommendations with the pilot episodes... which generally produce comments like: "Yeah, it's nice. Just not my thing." Perhaps introducing them in non-chronological order would help... Cheers for the guide Cereal Velocity.


    14. Start out suggestions "Sonic Rainboom"(With the explanation it has nothing to do with Sonic the hedgehog)"Swarm of the century" (Anyone who wants to see stuff going wrong and a pony becoming unhinged) and "Feeling Pinkie Keen" (For classic cartoon lovers that like anvils from the sky gags).

      Pinkie knows how to sell a series if Rainbow Dash doesn't.

    15. mfw all red episodes are CMC episodes.

    16. So I reached the bottom, and TROLLESTIA!

    17. This guide is actually Life-saver type of helpful!

      I've been trying to search for episodes for my friends and family to watch, but i don't want to look at them from the wrong angle, and i didn't wanted to show all of them the pilot episode always...

      Seth, if i can somehow, i could give you +10 Internets this instant!

    18. @Anonymous Huh. Would most definately avoid the CMC for newbies! We watched them in order, but I would say stick to viewing all the first 10 episodes first before that latter season ones. My pick four would be Dragonshy, Applebuck, Griffon and Swarm, in any order, but if you're a Classic trekkie, you pick up right away that Swarm is like Tribbles, so a trekkie might think you're crazy for liking such a "derivative" show, if that's their first one. My co-viewer (husband) thought the "Winter Wrap Up" (aside from most annoying song) was full on WTF with all the ponies doing stuff that nature does. This too is in "Fall weather Friends" and the episode while fun, might be too simplistic to catch the attention of a newbie--if you've got viewers who like a good story. We were bored. Oddly enough, the "Suited for Success" got huge laughs from my husband because it's exactly how clients act, so if you've got someone who deals with picky clients on the job, it's very watchable.

    19. i told a freind to watch the show if he was so curiouse . he did not tell me wich one he saw but he liked it . and since he probably just typed in the shows name on youtube , it was probably feeling pinkie keen , or the pilot

    20. .... and to think that ''Call of the cutie'' was the very first episode of the series I saw: looks like the CMCs are not that bad for me XD.

      Aniway yeah,it's better to not start with the pilot since part of it is pretty different compared to most part of the show. Let's also say that the first ten episodes are sure the best to start with,while from 11 to 20 is recomendable for those who are more familiar with the characters. And yeah,despite the great quality,''Suited for success'' is not much for starters since the girly themes involved.

    21. Ticket Master is still one of my favorites. You get to see all the ponies, and their dreams about the gala, and then the way they all try to buddy up to Twilight.
      The gala comes up later in the series, and of course it'll be in the season finale.
      Also, Rarity: YYYYES!!!

    22. @Anonymous

      you can't just say mfw. That's not how it works bro. haha

    23. I agree except for winter wrap up that should be orange it's a musical that's kinda a turn off. Anyway Dragonshy is my top choice or if they like animation just start at the start.

    24. I don't know why people need to overthink this. The first episode is the best introduction because it lets us meet the characters as Twilight meets them. And also because it just confuses people to watch a show out of order.

      I've converted a good half-dozen people with the pilot, I don't see why we can't just stick to that.

      Also, Bridle Gossip should be red. Its humor depends on the viewer knowing the characters' personalities beforehand, since the "curses" they get all mess with their specific talents. If you don't know their personalities, it just seems random.

    25. I started my mother with Boast Busters and then when she liked that I just sort of started at the pilot and worked my way up.

      For my guy friend I just went in order. And then we made into a weekly drinking game since I figured that was the best way to introduce him to the community.

    26. This is pointless and inaccurate.

    27. i dont get people complaining that you should watch it in order. I don't think i would be the brony i am today had i not started out with winter wrap up. The pilot is a little "sticky"? not as good as most episodes overall as it has to set it up the show.

    28. I watched the first episode after the thousandth Pony thread on 4chan in 2 days, and I thought "that was alright." Didn't watch any more until about 3 days later for some reason, but when I did I marathoned from episode 2 to I think 9, then 10-14 the next day.

    29. >"Dragonshy: A good starting episode for the viewer who prefers adventure stories or something that resembles the pilot".

      Then why not just show them the pilot? That's what got me into the show.

      When ministering to potential bronies, I usually start with the first pilot(intros the new look of ponies+dat cliffhanger) or Applebuck Season(better intro to the premise/characters/humor and a less-cliche plot than Ticket Master).

      Bridle Gossip's a good follow-up (I agree with Anon above that it is not a suitable intro, though)but from there, use discretion. Pick something that you think your audience would like. Or stop force-feeding them Ponies and see if they pick it up on their own.

    30. I like it. I would say Boast Busters is "green" though. Not just because I love that episode (and of course, TGaPT, but because it's funny and not "girly" at all.

    31. @Anonymous

      I agree, but I find some people need a little push to watch the episodes if they're only slightly interested. They take it as a good sign that someone else likes this stuff and it's not a gigantic troll.


      That's the entire point. These are starting episodes. To be more clear, I'm not friends with many females who would jump on the themes in Suited For Success anyway. I guess that's where that came from.


      Full disclosure: I love the CMC to death, all three of them, but I realize that not everyone would find them charming and would instead find them irritating (looking at you, Seth). Also, you can't really watch the other CMC episodes without Call of the Cutie anyway.


      Good to know, bro.

    32. I'd personally go with Applebuck Season as a first choice for a newcomer to the series; it shows what every character's likes and dislikes are, it's got a level of comedy one doesn't normally expect in a children's show (often reminding me of both Powerpuff Girls and Animaniacs, actually), and the cold open has Big Macintosh, so it can be reassuring to some that there ACTUALLY ARE GUYS in the show. :3

      That and the fact that Applejack is also a G1 pony might invoke some unintentional nostalgia, although of course most people don't admit it..

    33. I think deciding to watch it yourself on youtube and in sequential order is best. MLP FIM is really the first series (cartoon or live action) I've watched in order and I think my viewing experience has been all the better for it.

      But hey, if you really want to dip in with one episode as a taster I'd have to agree with aramaru and say Applebuck Season. Sleep-deprived Applejack is comedy gold.

    34. This guide is VERY accurate. I tried showing my family starting at episode 1, but it didn't go well. When I went to Applebuck Season and Winter Wrap-Up, though, that worked well. Very good observations about the episodes. =3

    35. hmm i thought episode 20 was pretty good....FOREVER XD but I guess someone who didnt have any prior knowledge might not get it. Hmm It did work for my friend though, i dunno. I think any musical number would throw someone off no matter how good it is.

      I completely agree with most of the guide though especially CMC, they just aren't that entertaining to me. Stare master has Fluttershy though. I am conflicted

    36. @Anonymous

      Definitely agree that Bridle Gossip shouldn't be green, since the central gag of the episode relies on the Jokes being character-appropriate, and for those unfamiliar with the mane cast it will just come off as WAT.

      I'm making a Brony Conversion Kit: a DVD with four choice episodes that have had the opening/closing theme replaced with a title card, plus some of the cooler fanmade content. I was one of those people that wasn't immediately convinced by the pilot, so I definitely lean towards introducing people via faster-paced episodes with no songs or girly-gala-guck. The kit starts with Dragonshy and Applebuck season because they do a good job of introducing all the characters. I still haven't decided on the last two episodes, so this list is definitely helpful. I'll probably go with Swarm and Fall Weather Friends.

    37. I starded with dragonshy ( though I skipped a lot) and, seeing as I knew nothing about what was going on, I decided to watch from the beginning.

    38. I started with Suited For Success, which won me over for the very reasons why Cereal gave it a red. After I realized that I loved it despite it being about a girly fashion pony making dresses, I knew that I had to find more. It made the rest that much sweeter.

    39. Where are the references to the pilot episodes that show up in Sonic Rainboom?

    40. Heavy Weapons Pony15. aprill 2011, kell 01:31

      I think the pilot episodes work. They may not be the best ones but they are still great for introducing the charecters.

    41. Thanks for this guide! I wanted to show my boyfriend some episodes but couldn't decide which so taking your advice, I got him to watch 'Dragonshy' and 'Swarm of the century'
      And I think he liked them!
      A brony in the making! :D

    42. I started with the pilot but didn't really get in to it. I picked it back up at Apple Buck Season a few days later, and that was when I became a true brony.
      I told my friend about it and I'm not sure what episode she watched first but I know it was out of order.
      I think it's better to point the show out, but not physically show it to them. Might turn them off it just so they "don't look stupid/gay/girly".

    43. I personally started with the pilot and then went from there, although I don't know if the series should be viewed in order or not.

      By the way, do you think Cereal Velocity could update this to include the most recent episodes?

    44. Just saw this when I decided to google Cereal Velocity to see what would come up first. This is it. A nice guide for the most part, but I feel the best way is to introduce Ticket Master and then start the pilot and go in order, which may include rewatching Ticket Master. I watched them all in order and love it. My brother wanted to see why I loved it so much and decided to join me when I had it on at 6:30 on Hub (These days I watch whenever it comes on hub if available, and rewatch the season in order online, especially these days as it is very involved in my plan for season 2. However before season 2 was even announced I had a plan to watch one episode a day. FYI I've been doing it for 3 weeks now and haven't gotten sick of it) so he came in to watch 'Green isn't your color' which I viewed as a good episode, I had to give him some quick backstory to Fluttershy and Rarity which involved "Shy and good with animals, and she is the fashion girl, makes dresses." Brief and to the point. He didn't fall in love with it but did think it was funny and remained indifferent. I've been slowly introducing him to it all, he has seen a few PMVs and some abridged, and has now seen Swarm of the Century. And I refuse to let him watch At the Gala without seeing EVERY EPISODE BEFORE IT. THIS IS CRUECAL TO ENJOYING IT THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE. AT THE GALA IS A WONDERFUL EPISODE THAT SHOWS THE CHARACTERS ALL IN A PLACE THEY IMAGINED THEY WEREN'T GOING TO BE IN AND TRY TO FIX IT THEMSELVES, WHICH CANNOT BE APPRECIATED ENOUGH WITHOUT KNOWING THE CHARACTERS AND EVERYTHING THEY HAVE DONE. I FEEL A SENCE OF COMPLETION WHEN I WATCHED AT THE GALA AND EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE SHOULD GET TO ENJOY THIS FEELING. Erm, sorry about that. Well, what do I care? This is a post from April, noone is ever going to read this. Titties! Boomstick! RainbowBike! I have a small penis, it even shrinks more everytime someone looks at it, including me! I have to take a picture of it through a mirror without looking at it to measure it without it shrinking any more, infact I am scared it will shrink inside of me and eventually make a nest and in lung and mate with my kidneys and have little smaller small penis babies, who will then leave at the age of 17 in teenage rebellion and climb out of my nose while in public, which will lead me into the public eye and eventually lead to my collapse. Also, Shazam!

    45. This really needs to be updated to include season 2 and the rest of season 1.
