Are you a Luna IRL? Unable to connect with those around you? Feeling a bit lonely?
Well for those in the pacific northwest, your horrible plight may see some relief in the near future!
The Pony IRC is currently discussing a Real Life pony meetup. This will most likely take place somewhere in Portland, Oregon during the summer.
The Specifics haven't really been fleshed out yet. I was just asked to post this to see how many people would be interested in joining in on the festivities.
You can use the comments below for feedback as always!
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99 kommentaari:
European ponies should unite as well!
VastaKustutaEvents like that make me wish I could teleport irl.
Makes me sad that I live in the southeast. Maybe we should do regional get togethers. But then I'd be kinda scared of actually meeting new people and revealing how much of a loser I am.
VastaKustutaPonies? In my PDX? It's more likely than I thought!
VastaKustutaI'm there!
well be a short trip for me. Glory to Portland we never have anything but we can steal ponies
VastaKustutaI can't get to there its too far away *sad face*
VastaKustutaWhy not in Chicago? That'd probably be easier for everyone. It's a major United Hub and it's fairly central in the country.
VastaKustutaI live in the Portland! I didn't know about this though, so glad I read ED.
VastaKustutaDOH the opposite side of the united states...
VastaKustutaif anyone wants to have a pony meet up in afghanistan next year...
We need a brony meet up in Southern California.
VastaKustuta> Brony Meet up
> in the pacific...
> northwest
worth a plane trip. I'd go.
so in this hell hole :(
VastaKustutaI'll never gonna meet another brony....
we need one in Texas
VastaKustutaFellow southeast brony seconding a regional meetup.
VastaKustutaA midwest one is needed for us in the corn states!
VastaKustutaWe need a UK brony meet...
VastaKustutaI bet there will be a massive drug trade spike on that day.
VastaKustutaWhat the hay! What about the Atlantic North/South-East? Or what about the Tornado Alley trotters? Instead of one generalized meet-up, we need several localized ones.
VastaKustutaPony IRC?
VastaKustutaWe need one in europe.
VastaKustutaI agree with Mush. Although we'll probably end up with about 15 people and no central meeting point.
VastaKustuta@Fast and Free
VastaKustuta#mylittlepony on
VastaKustutaHell yeah, UK pony meet!
Any East coast US bronies want to organize a meetup?
VastaKustutaPerhaps at some cons this summer?
@Fast and Free
VastaKustutaAlso #brony on geekshed IRC
A brony convention? I CAN'T WAIT! I really hope I can go, cause it would be great to see everypony IRL. Just be careful, if I do go, I am Pinkie Pie.
I will run off for no reason.
I will sing for no reason.
I will be crazy.
I AM crazy.
I will have no regrets.
Hope to see everypony there!
VastaKustutaDefinitely an East Coast meetup. Any CT fags?
I wish this were closer.
VastaKustutaIn the center of the US would be good.
I live in Florida, but if it were in a central location, more people could probably go
VastaKustutaNot CT, but jersey here. And I agree with an east coast meet-up. There are a few cons coming up that might be able to withstand all of our love and tolerance!
Well poo I am on the east coast. Maybe we need to have 2-3 ponycons. One for the west, one for the middle, one for the east? Space them out far enough so people could go to all of them if they felt so inclined
VastaKustutaWell Anime Boston is coming up pretty soon....
I live nowhere near there and have nearly zero chance of attending.
VastaKustutaGod dangit; why must all the cool niche conventions/meetups be so far away?
Southeast brony here (Louisiana). We REALLY need one around us. I might be able to do Texas.
VastaKustutaBrony meetup. Awesome.
VastaKustutaWe definitely need one in NYC, though!
Looking at the Brony Google map I see that the Pacific Northwest is a hot-bed for Bronies. There's a small fur-con in June near me in Quebec and I'm hoping for Bronies to show up and make a round table discussion or at least a 1080p marathon... Or! Get this: a half dozen bearded Bronies styling and trimming MLP manes and tails to get that perfect on-model FIM look! LOL!
VastaKustutaHey guys! I'm one of the people organizing this little get-together.
VastaKustutaFirst off, sorry to all the bronies that can't come! Portland was really the only option I had- anywhere else and I wouldn't be able to go :c
Secondly, it's not going to be a con, though if this goes well it could very well morph into one next year. it's just a sort of informal brony meetup. We'd all go to a central place to meet up and watch ponies and talk about fanon and generally just have fun!
It's good to hear there are interested people. I'll keep you guys updated on any new developments.
I live in San Fran, and would seriously consider going.
VastaKustutaI live in Albany, OR.
VastaKustutaThis interests me.
VastaKustutaWow... I'm, on the other side of the freakin US =/
VastaKustutaAnother San Fran Brony here, but too wary of /b/ to go to anything too planned.
Hmm, that's a six or seven hour drive, and I'd need to cross the border...
VastaKustutaIf I can get a new transmission on my car, I might actually be able to do this. Likely not, but possibly.
Washington DC
France sucks in that regard. There is only 4 in the brony map. Even countries close to France in Europe have way more people (UK, Germany, etc).
VastaKustutaAw come on!! I just moved away from portland! D:
VastaKustutaI live in NYC, and im sure we have plenty of other bronies in the area.
VastaKustutawe should have a meetup here.
Yes! Times like this I love living in Washington state!
VastaKustutaThis would be so awesome to go to! It would be awesome to meet other bronies!
all UK ponies:
Looks like London or Dusseldorf are the best places for a meetup. But Paris is the City of love ;_; we should do it there
VastaKustutaOf all places, OREGON? I mean. I live in Oregon, but I didn't think anyone else did.
VastaKustutaPortland's a 5-hour drive north, but we'll see.
What would the festivities include?
I'm going to 2nd the idea for a Texas meetup. Would be curious to see and meet other bronies out there.
VastaKustutaI would bake cupcakes for everyone. =3
VastaKustutaI love being an Oregon brony.
I am probably going. (here's hoping you all aren't complete neckbeards/creepers IRL...)
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI'd like to go but I'd be afraid that I'd be the only girl that would show up. Wouldn't THAT be awkward?
VastaKustutaWatching ponies, talking about fanon, maybe some DRAMATIC FANFICTION READINGS, and food.
It's pretty informal- I Just want people to have fun with ponies!
Ahahahaha! I can't believe this is official! DCN here, and yeah, I did help this thing along. This actually got up on EQD? Wow, I didn't realize how serious everypony was! Way cool.
VastaKustutaNow you've got me thinking of dramatic readings of Cupcakes. Though it would be kind of funny if there was a dramatic reading of a really sad story like Bittersweet and a whole bunch of teary-eyed bronies.
All the way out west? I guess us Midwesterners and East Coasters are left out :c
VastaKustutaI'm in :D
VastaKustutaNew York brony here. I may be able to make it to Portland over the summer, though...
VastaKustutaDepends on how many bronies end up going. If there's a lot, I'll go. If there's only a few... well I doubt my parents would be okay about that.
VastaKustutaVancouver brony here, btw. :D Shouldn't be too far.
Eh, still too far away. I'm up near Vancouver. There should totally be a British Columbian Brony meetup, though. Who knows, that could easily just be PAX down in Seattle, since I plan on going to that anyway.
VastaKustutaI will totally go to this thing! And then PixelatedPony, you wouldn't be the only girl.
VastaKustuta@Neon Noble
VastaKustutaI'm all in favor of a SoCal one. :D
I'm not but an hour from Portland, and I'd totally be there.
VastaKustutaI'd love there to be one in London, UK.
VastaKustutaThe UK PonyCon I would consider, depending on whether there are going to be many FiM fans there. I don't want to have to talk about G1.
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG YES! PORTLAND FTW! We never get ANYTHING! So pumped when I saw you drop the name of this great city! I'm SOOO there!
VastaKustutaAre there even any other bronies in Colorado? Or am I alone? Personally I wouldn't mind driving into Nebraska or Kansas.
VastaKustutaChances are I'd just be surly and drink until ponies came on. Then I would happy.
Aw, UK brony is sad sad pony
VastaKustutaI'm in NYC. Anypony want to organise for a NYC meetup for NJ/NY/CT/Philly poni? Email me! prpltnkr @
VastaKustutaI'm in Idaho, it would be a long drive but this would be something that I would really consider.
portland rocks, I'd probably be down.
VastaKustutaWould like to go, but unfortunately I'm up in Minnesota and Oregon is too far for me.
VastaKustutaI'm way too manly to cry at sad stories. I weep at TRIUMPH over ADVERSITY. I was shedding tears already watching Sonic Rainboom like five minutes into the episode, just in anticipation of the awesome triumph over adversity that was sure to come. The climatic scene was a bit blurry.
Otakon is coming up in July for east coast bronies.
VastaKustutaI live here! Or there. Or wherever. Portland OR! What a happy coincidence. :)
VastaKustutaI will be there.
Thirding the motion for a brony meetup in Texas... I live in Austin but I'd be ready and willing to drive pretty much anywhere in the state in celebration of ponies.
VastaKustutaAnother PDX Brony here, totally down for this. I'll be in southeast most likely, and I say downtown is the place to make it happen.
VastaKustutaOregon? We're in.
VastaKustutaBTW, we propose a challenge/response at the door. No one will be allowed in without the proper response to: "Yay."
I would be more interested if it were closer to home. =C
VastaKustutaAll right! I live about 15 minutes away from Portland, who would have ever though there would be something interesting happening around here.
VastaKustutaNYC meetup definitely looks like a possibility.
VastaKustutaBut does it really have to be a convention? God, I think I'd commit suicide before stepping into an AnimuCON.
Oregon Bronie here- totally would do this! Put two down!
VastaKustutaAs soon as I can have a car, I'd be willing to drive to a con. Perhaps a Denver meetup for our more Rocky Mountain ranged bronies. As a Utah brony, I'd never suggest we meet here. Ever. At all. But Denver has some cool cons, and I might even be willing to drive up to Portland.
VastaKustutaNo shit? So do I.
A fellow Utard. Greets!
VastaKustutaYou know I'm in Oregon from time to time. I'll keep an eye on this.
So... would Sethisto be attending any of these ponycons?
VastaKustutaHmmm....well Portland is kind of close to me in Vancouver.
VastaKustutaBut what would we do? And more importantly, would it be weird meeting IRL to the point where it might diminish our loves for Ponies?
Nathan here, also a Portland Brony and one of the planners behind this. As soon as we have some solid details worked out, we'll be sure to notify the blog.
VastaKustutaI'd be down to go even though I live in the Bay Area. I'm sure a fellow brony of mine would be down as well.
VastaKustutaObviously, specifics would be nice. Assuming there'll be at least a dozen people attending, what kind of venue would you be getting for episode viewing/foodstuffs consumption/hanging out? Are we talking a public outing or going to somepony's house?
@Nathan - Why have I not been informed yet??? ...I'm so harassing you when I next see you...
VastaKustutaFellow Oregonian here, only a 30 minute MAX ride from downtown P-town. and this has made my day. If I come though, I'd probably just be a lurker. *shy*
Still, makes me super excited!!! :D
I'm moving there! but not until the end of the year...
VastaKustutaI already know 2 bronies... AND I LIVE IN DENMARK :D
VastaKustutaoregonian brony here. so there.
VastaKustutaawesomeness is awesome. nothing ever happens in oregon, we're always overshadowed by california and washington.
Only a two hour bus ride away. I'll be there with my massive hat :D
I'm there
VastaKustutaAny Califag bronies driving wanna carpool? :3
VastaKustutaWhat a loverly idea! 'Course I'm a gal from New Jersey, but if it goes well maybe there can be more general FiM-fan meetups in other areas...
VastaKustutaAssuming the summer schedule is relatively free and PK makes this happen the right way, I'd be down.
I'd have be my car though. I love my car. :3
I've met just one fellow Bronie here.
VastaKustutaAnypony in Seattle want to try arranging a road trip?
VastaKustuta@Anonymous yeah! We need localized meet ups. All the meet ups are in the north, or there in california. I live in cajun country for crying out loud! Somepony please organize a meet up in louisiana!