• Blog News: Added Submit/RSS Buttons

    I know this is really late, and will be buried in a few hours when my morning updates roll out, but for those that do see it,  I added an RSS button to the side, and axed all that text crap.  Submit is now located on the navigation bar at the top using Derpy's bubble butt symbol. 

    I want to add a goggles button up there too, though goggles likes to fight with my coding for some reason so It's a problem I will have to solve tomorrow when I'm not running on fumes. Goggles has always been fun though, so I need a link to it somewhere!

    Also the art archive got a slight revamp, though it wasn't nearly as bad as the media one was.

    As always, feel free to suggest things for me to spend hours attempting to code. It's good practice.  Next on the list is collapsible menus for everything, though my 5 or so attempts and various tutorials have brought nothing but terrible looking nonsense.  Blogger's massive code page doesn't make that easy, and my knowledge of CSS (80% of this blog) is pretty much nonexistent.

    17 kommentaari:

    1. Using Derpy's Cutie Mark as the submit button is a bit of fridge brillance. Why? Because we're *mailing* stuff to you by *email*.

      ...that and Derpy's awesome but we all already knew that of course.

    2. NO NO NO!

      The actual RSS button is gone! I subscribed through Google Reader all this time!

    3. @Fire.Esper Ah. Firefox and Google recognize "XML Feed".

      Now I have to "Equestria Daily" entries in my reader. Let's see how that goes.

    4. I'm just surprised that you're not using Pinkie Pie's or Rarity's Cutie Marks. Seriously, why?

    5. http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/javascript-and-css-tutorial-accordion-menus

      I would recommend this ^ for a good and simple JS/CSS collapsible menu.

      If your allowed something a bit more technical on these blogs in terms of code, AJAX is my favourite for these types of menus.

    6. Ah, shit; that reminds me... I have a lot of digging up in the archive to do for you, don't I? Well then! I'll be sure to get that done riiiiiight after my morning paper.

      Also, I have no idea what to do to make this site more... enjoyable and ease to the user, let's say! I'm a listing, statistical person; not a web-designer at all!

    7. Can I request you doing a weekly wrap-up again? I miss those

    8. Eh, the RSS feed was already available via header data, so no big worry on that part.

      I'd know - I've been using RSS for the past month or so.

    9. No need for RSS, I just look at this site every couple of min- hours.

    10. @Fire.Esper

      I didn't remove it.. Where was it initially?

    11. "Derpy's bubble butt symbol."
      "Bubble butt"
      Can't unsee.

    12. Thank you Sethisto for fixing the back-button problem, the one where going back one page would automatically send you to the top page, which was a bit of a drag if you were like four pages in. I could live with it, but this way, with the back-button function working, is better. 8^)

    13. In the unlikely event that someone besides me likes to read rss feeds over nntp, this feed is now readable over nntp on gwene.org via gwene.com.feedburner.equestriadaily

      And thanks for this, cccd; it makes it much easier for me to stay caught up with ponies.

    14. All I really care about is the news for RSS. Would it be possible to make a sperate news only feed, or make seperate feeds for each catagory plus an all feed?

    15. The RSS feed button isn't there anymore. I'm trying to get this to work with my Rain meter but can't figure it out. Guess I'll just have to come on here every time.

    16. Sorry. But where is RSS-button?

    17. http://feeds.feedburner.com/EquestriaDaily
