• April Foals Event Round 8!

    Almost done! Just 1 more round after this then the final!

    Check out the Poll Brackets For Winners!

    Or all of the April Foals Entries

    Below are the Entries for Round 8! Comments below! 

    37) Follies and Foals

    Description: Every year, Rainbow Dash pulls a prank on Fluttershy. This year, Fluttershy seeks help from Twilight and her magic to stop Dash's pranks. 
    [Random] Everypony, Author: iime
    38) Flutter Foal's Day
    Description: Rainbow Dash bets that Fluttershy couldn't pull off a prank in time
    for April Foal's Day. Fluttershy says that she can...maybe.
    [Normal] Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Author: Dancinninja
    39)  Magical Happy Sunshine Princess Ponies And The Enchanted Garden of Whimsical Rainbow Frolics
     Description: Those poor G1-G3 ponies.  They just don't get any respect...
    [Random] Everypony, Author: Kiyyik
    40) Revenge of the Allicorns
    Description: Someone has been playing pranks on the Princesses ever since Luna  came back. Now, they want revenge. 
    [Normal] Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, Pinkie Pie, Author: Sithking Zero
    41) The Door
    Description: Twilight enjoys telling scary stories at sleepovers, but will she enjoy being inside of one? 
    [Normal] Everypony, Twilight Sparkle, Author: Ebon Mane


    1. There's an awful lot of Fluttershy pulls a prank stuff as well as Twilight being new to pranking.

      The Door was virtually good. But unicorns can magically pick locks who needs a key unless the door happens to be magic proof.

      The Revenge of the Allicorns might have been a sweet and tasty story. But I prefer yogurt.

      But all in all... I'm voting 39 just for Rainbow Dash at the end and maybe because of Derpy. Also because I said I would.

    2. From the first day of the contest, I knew I'd be voting for Flutter Foal's day.

      ... looks like the Alicorn one is winning for some reason, but oh well.

    3. Well it can't last forever Bobcat, not everybody can like #40 pudding it to the ponies. (I think my title for it is quite appliable)

      Of course my pun might make it more popular then ever, but who knows we all want our favorites to win.

      Friendly competition this is even I got more votes then some people and that's the only thing I'm truly sad about.

      As my story is made up of random gibberish I pulled from the back of my mind, like ninety percent of the things in life that I have witnessed.

    4. Photo Finish is the only god damn pony that can do the MOST SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE POSE and yet somehow iamokaywiththis.jpg

    5. I enjoyed the Door quite a lot. It's a good read, well executed and well paced ;)

    6. @Zarkanorf

      I didn't even notice that for some reason.

      These ponies have desensitized me.

    7. @Sethisto

      dont you mean re-sensitized? ;) since you didnt notice that pose until it was mentioned.

      or something. idk XD

    8. It kind of occurs to me that Photo Finish is actually Rainbow Dash and Twilight's daughter from the future grown up.

      She came back into the past with the same kind of cutie mark her mother had and is passing herself off as an expert photo journalist trying to destroy the Pinkie Rainbow relationship as Pinkie destroyed her mothers heart in the future.

      She has da magics after all and she couldn't have a horn or wings because her parents cancelled each other out gentically unlike the often rare Celestia or Luna arche type popping up from the union.

    9. Argh...decisions decisions...

      The Door was really well written...I liked the idea, the style, it's a really nice piece of work. Good job!

      Revenge of the Allicorns was nice and cute and made me giggle as I imagined all the scenes.

      Follies and Foals + No.39 were actually both well written, but after reading so many April Fools stories I just don't find that extra spark, despite them both having a good idea in them. Sorry, I might be getting tired :S

      Flutter Foal'a Day - loved it. So innocently adoreable xD Read quite a bunch of sotries involving Fluttershy trying to prank but this is among the best :)

      So it's either 38) or 41). Gotta take a nap before deciding.

    10. Bah no sleeping, voted for The Door.
      It is standing out of the crowd and it dragged me in the most as I was reading. Prolly coz it's night-time here and all alone. Still, shows it was well done :)

      ((Note that I'm super-extra biased towards Fluttershy so I hope you appreciate my vote, it took a lot of effort and I gotta wrestle my conscience for days for not voting on Fluttershy!))

    11. @Ewyndall

      Thank you for that. It means a lot to me that you put in the effort to overcome that level of adorable.

      Just think of it as voting for a different sort of Fluttershy prank; as Spike said, it was her plan.
