• April Foals Event Round 7!

    Check out the Poll Brackets For Winners!

    Or all of the April Foals Entries

    Below are the Entries for Round 7! Comments below! 
    32) The Purple Menace(s) 

    Description: Princess Luna gets some help to make up for all the years of pranking she's missed.
    [Normal] Luna, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Author: Usea
     33) Clerical Error
    Description: To Twilight, on this April Foal's, nothing is as it seems or quite as she wants it.
    [Sad][Random] Everypony, Twilight, Author: Chistery
    34) Day of Foals
    Description: Luna and Celestia go over the history of April Foals Day
    [Normal] Celesia, Luna, Author: Squeak
    35) Twilight Sparkle's Excellent Adventure
    Description: Will Twilight be able to survive the day when Pinkie Pie controls reality?
    [Random] Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia, Author: Relias
     36) Late
    Description: Luna returns from the moon and is excited to receive mail almost immediately. She's less excited to find that it's a bill for an extremely overdue library book....
    [Normal] Luna, Author: Thunder Dare

    19 kommentaari:

    1. YES! Photo Finnish is back~
      Now, to fic reading!!

    2. The Purple Menace... just for the effective techniques learned in the interrogation of inanimate objects.

    3. Liked the end of Day of Foals a LOT. Took me a second, then i d'awwwwwwwwwed harder than i've dawwwwwwwed in a while.

    4. they're all excellent - the day of foals was d'aww, the purple menaces was excellent, clerical error made me cry and late made me giggle so very, very much.

      Hard to decide...

    5. Clerical Error is the first fanfic that's made me want to cry.

      It hit really close to home.

      I'm not crying. But I really, really wish I could.

    6. Dammit. They're all good this round...

    7. This is a really good bracket. They're all good for completely different reasons.

    8. The Purple Menace won me over as soon as I read the section involving Roasted Cashew.

      All the others are still great though, they would all be winners in my book.

    9. this one was really, REALLY tough, but in the end, i went with purple menace.

    10. Day of Foals made me cry a bit at the end, and so I finally voted for it. This was a hard, hard round, though, filled with strong stories.

    11. This one was a toughie, I LOVED 4/5 of these (sorry, the weird Pinkie controls the universe thing didn't do a thing for me).
      Ultimately though, Purple Menace just did more for me as far entertainment goes.
      I must say that Clerical Error and Day of Fools did tug on my heart strings BIG TIME and Late did give me more than a few laughs.

    12. The Purple Menaces was hilarious. On the other hand, Late could be canon now that we have confirmed Trollestia. Tough.

      Special mention to Day of Foals, which I read totally differently the second time around. Seriously, the first time I was imagining a generic dead commoner lover.

    13. @Shadow Phoenix

      What did you read the second time?

    14. @Anonymous

      The subtext at the end implied that (spoiler alert)
      Luna was the important person lost, which makes Celestia herself the sad princess. From there, the castle is likely the one in the Everfree Forest and so on.

    15. What a tough choice >.>

    16. Review time!

      The Purple Menace: A Spike & Luna fic. Interesting. Never took Spike for the pranking type, but it works in this case. Enjoyed this, but don't really have much to say one way or the other.

      Clerical Error: Even though I knew, given the theme, that the whole setup was a joke of some sort, the entire premise is absurd. Yes, it was a dream, and whatever, but it turned me off so much that I wanted to skip the story entirely.

      Day of Foals: Short and sweet, but somewhat dry. Not all that much tension or conflict.

      Twilight Sparkle's Excellent Adventure:
      Trippy. I have no clue what's going on here. Needs editing though. Some of the phrasing seems awkward though. And there's no way you're 4.

      Late: Nice, and amusing, but some of Luna's musings at the beginning seem to be irrelevant, and the description sorta spoils the joke.

    17. Something about the style of The Purple Menaces reminds me of Terry Pratchett. (For the record, I can think of few greater compliments.)

    18. Here are my thoughts. (Taking up space in the comments section is a hobby of mine.)

      The Purple Menace
      Wonderfully written.No dicernable grammar or spelling errors. Excellent plot. Decent exposition. Luna and Spike were fleshed out perfectly for the characters. The author knew Luna and Spike perfectly. Jolly good pranks.The Three Maresketeers were hilarious. Actually it could be an episode. If the Twilight-hair thing and the damn was removed. But, overall, it was quite good.

      Clerical Error
      Ahh, Lesbian sadness. She felt accepted but she really wasn't. Harsh prank. Nice plot. Spike was funny.It makes you think about acceptance. This shows the darker side of Twilight's social awkwardness.

      Day of Foals
      Short and efficient use of words. A tale worthy of being told at bedtime. The ending turns this story from an interesting yet distant moral tale to a story that hits where it hurts. This adds dimension to Celestia's character like nothing I have seen before. Not too funny, nor is there a prank per se, but the story is excellent.

      Twilight Sparkle's Excellent Adventure
      That's when gravity ended. Haha, this makes me laugh quite a bit. This story certainly is random. It's like I was on drugs (or cupcakes) the entire time I was reading this.I suppose that was the desired affect. I'm not quite sure what the prank was. But it had something to do with Pinkie Pie. (Of course, I mean it is a random story)

      Haha, I've wondered about that as well. Imagine owing a library fine for a thousand years. Overall, this story has a pretty good prank. With Trollestia being confirmed I can say that it is easy to see Celestia doing something like that. Though I can't say I understand why Pinkie Pie is invoked at the end, I can say that I thought it was a decent little story.

      The first three are all vying for my vote, but in the end I have to vote for "Day of Foals" because of how much the plot-twist at the end of the story affected me. (It affected me in a good way [Obviously, that's why I'm voting for it{Well no shit, there's no reason to clutter up your comment with nested self-referential clarifications}])

    19. @Anonymous

      I'm going to vote for Day of Foals for about the same reason.

      But Purple Menaces is a close second.
