• Amazing 3d Pony Models

    What..the...hell. These are just awesome!

    Hasbro needs to hire this person for a pony game...like now.

    I don't think I have ever seen another fandom come this far with something so quickly.


    1. This piece is simply incredible.

    2. Shit. This is AWESOME!

    3. wow, simply, wow... THIS IS AWESOME!

    4. Really impressive work! It would have been nice to see the others too, rather than just Dash and Fluttershy.

    5. Bronies deliver almost as well as anon.

    6. Nice. He better put those models to good use; I'm dying for a 3D pony game.

    7. *jaw drops* Absolutely fantastic!!

    8. It's official; Hasbro is sitting on a goldmine with the possibility of video games marketed to bronies.

    9. ponies. a freaking force of nature.

      next step: sonic rainboom for rainbow dash. good for fast travel around the world. Or at least that's what I hope this guy does. I swear, hasbro needs to get a freaking clue. They could be making so much money on this phenomenon.

    10. I lost my shit at the rainbow trails Dash makes.

    11. Wow, this is awesome. I can't wait to be flying on 3D with Dash and leaving rainbows everywhere.

    12. All of my money. All of it. All my belongings to.

    13. Needs more Derpy. Just so you know.

    14. I watched this and my jaw hit the floor...I had to watch the Monty Python with Rainbow Dash vid to snap back to reality lol

    15. What the hell is with this community?! That's great! I mean I'm as addicted as ponies as the next bronie. But holy shit. What drives us to .........amazing?! I DON'T HAVE AN ANSWER.

    16. This is truely an impressive feat, if I or anyone have ever seen one.

      This is actually REAL 3D modelling WITH mouvements through a 3D environment, with the air-ground orientation and wing mouvements and all and etc and...! (faint)

      The part with Rainbow Dash was REALLY especially interesting. :D

    17. I don't even care about it being a game. I just want to be able to fly around in various locations of Equestria at tremendous speeds as Rainbow Dash. Imagine if it was a shared server-type-thing that people with permission could edit, adding in all sorts of things to find while exploring.

      ... It's too bad Second Life became what it is today, because some concerted Pony effort could make an incredibly awesome Ponyville. And Canterlot. And Trottingham. And...

    18. Color me impressed.

      Man, the things this show makes people do... amazing.

    19. umm... the other ponies can't fly. (at least it's not practical)
      and would derpy fly in spirals? backwards? and occasionally pass through other dimensions? (i think that last one might be a little hard to make)

    20. i'm really impressed im interested in were this will go

    21. i'm suprised hasbro hasn't gone recruiting bronies. somepony needs to send them a letter. even if a major game was released with only the brony community in mind, it's still a children show. if they make a mind-rapingly awesome action, rpg, etc. game it would probably still be a hit with the original intended audience.

    22. Earthpony, looking for 2 pegasi and unicorn for Diamond Dog run.

    23. O.O

      By Celestia, this is beyond what I have ever dreamed of pony-related.

      Am I dreaming?

      I must be.

      I don't want to wake up. I want to dream on to see this as a whole 3D Pony game.

    24. with this level of quality already i half expect to see a near comercial quility 3d pony game within the year, 100% fanmade.

      two words: FUCKING AMAZING

    25. The hair seems a little hastily done, but it works fine as a temporary stand-in. The real star is the models themselves, very well done.

    26. Jesus, to think what this is going to look like when it's finished.

      My money, all of it, just take it already.

    27. Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+yApril 5, 2011 at 3:16 PM

      This probably came from the RPG creation team.

      Just to let you know, a 3D MMORPG for the ponies IS being made.

    28. He's knack for awesome

    29. Need .pmd models. NOW

    30. Ok, first of all, this is not as incredible or awesome (yet) as you say.

      But that's mostly due to wrong colors, missing textures and missing tuning of the 2D parts (I'm suprised how good the movements already are).

      Seeing that the creator came up with a good concept for the models, I bet that the next version will be VERY close to the flash ponies. I hope he keeps that up and together with a skilled programmer and some good game design this could be beyond awesome.

      But please, stop this kind of praise that always tries to be the best possible there could be.

      It makes artists feel bad when they realize that they get the same amount of positive feedback for just a fraction of the effort.

      I'm living with a graphic artist who is really annoyed by people always giving the highest form of praise and it really makes him frustrated that people cannot see the difference between a sketch and a 20 hour painting.

    31. @Anonymous:

      >and occasionally pass through other dimensions? (i think that last one might be a little hard to make)

      Step 1. Get a Derpy.
      Step 2. Make it fly.
      Step 4. Derpy disappears from map.
      Step 6. Derpy reappears, upside-down, possibly wearing a hat.
      Step 7. ???
      Step 8. PROFIT!!!


      ...I don't know whether to surrender my money or to admit my loss of faith in humanity.

    32. @Anonymous:

      But it IS that amazing.

      Not necessarily because of the quality, because obviously there's still plenty of work to be done to perfect this, but mainly because something like My Little Pony became such a hit that it inspired something like this.

      It's more the inspiration than it is the product itself.

    33. I find it really funny and awesome how much talent there is in the Brony Fanbase for MLP. Hell, we got drawfriends, writefriends, even Animators now that dont even work for hasbro!

    34. Someone should mod this into Overgrowth.

    35. Looks like the dude is a lonely worker, coz the guys who are doing MMORPG says they have nothing to do with that.

    36. Good gawd that is beautiful...
      Other than the simplistic hair and the clipping issues... geezes. The creator got cell shading down faster and more accurate than, like, 90% of games I've seen, and the ones that did get it right are the bigger, higher paid companies.
      I hope they hire that person and create a 6 player free roaming game where you had quests to do and objectives. Give each type of pony their own perks and geeze... looking like that I would play it for hours on end.

    37. pretty damn awesome, but the 3D figures seem too ..... 2D. Flat faces and hair.

    38. At first I was like: "Meh, OK models."
      And then THEY WERE ANIMATED. Huge huge bonus to appeal in my book. I don't care for the music in the video, though.

    39. @Anonymous
      I sympathize with the graphic artist. Buuuuuuut that's just how it is. It's a lot more about the idea at the core than it is about the polish, especially when it's work going to existing fans. Polish is great though, if people are paying you, or if you're going to drop it in a portfolio. Polish is also the thing that makes things stand out when someone is working for themselves. But it's not going to make a lot of difference in the minds of people who don't always see what that person is capable of as an individual- rarely do they care.

      My point is. It got shared on a semi-popular web-blog with links back to the guy. That's gotta be worth at least one GJ/NWG.

    40. My money.. take it

    41. @AnonymousI have to agree with you completely. While I love the idea of seeing these characters in 3D, this work is obviously very early on and unpolished. People are treating it like it's amazing, when there is a TON that can be done to make it better.

    42. First I was "cool"
      Then they moved and I was "sweeet"
      Then came the rainbow trails and I was E3 reaction guys pose meme.

      It's only a matter of time until we get a real MLP:FiM game, Hasbro are not strangers to their licenses being made into games.
      We just need to hope they realise their market is not just little girls (we know Faust and co know, but do Hasbro?) because otherwise they won't do it. Or if they do it could end up as MLP themed minigames on Wii.

      I'd love what would basically be an interactive episode, at least written by the shows' writers.
      3D or 2D, I wouldn't mind.

    43. @Anonymous

      We (at least I know I am) praise the concept, not the actual video.

      Of course I'm not flattened by the quality.

      I'm flattened that someone actually took the time to create AND animate (plus you gotta admit the animation is pretty good)the ponies, trying to be true to the flash version. All that while totally not being related to Hasbro.

      That's what I praise and hopefully word gets to the creator that there's a huge base of fans likeing what he/she is doing and probably encourage him/her to work on it more.

      That's the point of it.

    44. Oh my. Oh golly gosh. Yes, please, someone hire this person and have a game made about ponies, it simply must happen. If you build it, Hasbro, we will come. Or something.

      What I can't get over is how it seems to have proper flight sim controls. I often despair about how games set in the air have very, very limited movement controls. Such as every MMO, ever. Oh, and I'm looking at you, Ego Draconis. I miss it.

      But this...

      Damn it. Now all I can think about is how much I want to try to pull off a Cuban 8 as Rainbow Dash. (I know that's not the most hardcore thing I could say, but Cuban 8's are fun, even more fun with ponies I suspect!)

    45. I'd totally play this game. Just so ya know.

    46. Another 3D wiz has created a DERPY!

    47. My, that is great...

      I feel a bit saddened, though, as a friend and I were thinking about this exact same thing, making ponies in 3D. Well, this will only drive us even harder, as we try to out do what is already out there...

    48. Needs a lot of work, but off to a fantastic start. :)


      I cannot even what this will look like fully textured. RD's rainbow trail? THE MOST EXCELLENT. If modeler!Brony manages to fix the clipping I will be even more amazed, but the animation is gorgeous as is.

      P.S As an artist, I will accept any and all praise from the public to whom I am presenting my work. If they love to death my 5-minute scribbly fanart sketch and ignore my painstaking artistically composed 30+ hour oil pastel render, I will love that praise all the same. If my other artist critique peers do it, though, then I get annoyed.

    50. AW yis! MLP on the N64!

    51. Confound these ponies, they drive us to greatness!

    52. I don't think that anyone at Hasbro would have thought ponies would have been taken this far. +10 bro!

    53. This had better end up as a downloadable game. I don't even care if it doesn't have a goal or anything.

    54. =0
      This is absolutely awesome.

      I wonder what they're planning to do with it? Make a game obviously, but what kind of game?

    55. You know when characters in games have movements that they make when they're standing still? These models would look great with that. I'm sure that's going to be added later, but wing twitches would really add to these models. Fluttershy looking at the camera was pretty nifty, though.

    56. Actually decent 3D models?
      The ability to fly?
      Rainbow dash can sonic rainboom at ANY moment?
      Somepony please make this available to the public...

    57. @Anonymous

      You're thinking of idle animations. Agreed, those would go a long way towards making it even better. Maybe adjusting saddlebags, the wing twitches as you mentioned, maybe scraping at the ground...

    58. The work so far is absolutely amazing. The amount of time that it must have taken just to create these beta models (and pretty beta models at that), rig them, and animate them is a huge undertaking for a lone individual. As a modder, I have seen the amount of work a scratch made model can take, and how much work a custom animation takes too. more often than not, I see one modder making and rigging models, another texturing them, and another creating the animations. So to see what appears to be all three of these things being done by just one person, that alone is an amazing feat.

      Then there is the control system and 'game' engine that these models are being used in. It looks like a custom environment at least, whether the engine is scratch-made too is undeterminable, but it must've had edits made to it in order for the flight system to work so nicely with the ponies.

      What I think needs improvement, aside from the hair and clipping issues, is the characters need an 'idle' animation, they need to appear more alive on screen when not being controlled. Also, the clouds need to not being like a huge rolling sea on the top, the tops of the clouds in FiM are more or less flat, and are solid to Pegasi, the outer edges and lower parts of the clouds should have the rolling effect, but only slightly. If possible, Pegasi should be able to penetrate clouds when 'boosting', like when Dash speeds up to get the rainbow trail - that's the 'boosting' I'm talking about.

      Oh, and if a Pegasi flies upside down, they should return to flying right side up if they start hovering. It looks weird when RD is upside down and hovering.

      It's still amazing work, but it is a Beta still, and the creator is probably looking for suggestions anyway

    59. This also looks like it could have potential for being like a free-roaming RPG type of game.

    60. Magic needs to be learned.
      flight needs to be trained.
      earth ponies need to have more speed. More stamina. More power.
      there needs to be a multitude of quests, and depending on the ones you complete, the people you interact with, and the attacks you use, you need to get a unique cutie mark once you reach max level.

    61. please say there's a multiplayer beta for this :)

      inb4 everypony is rainbow dash...

    62. YOU DID WELL! - Heavy Weapons Guy

      Ok, but, I can't stop noticing the hair is... well... kinda... flat?
      Also, maybe their wings should move when walking, or be folded up.
      Anyway, keep it up!

    63. Also, colors seem a bit to bright, even for pony standards.

      DO A BARREL ROLL! (Press R or Z twice!)

    64. @ Anonymous

      >Oh, and if a Pegasi flies upside down, they should return to flying right side up if they start hovering. It looks weird when RD is upside down and hovering.

      Ah, but that's a canon occurrence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT_Jk744L2s&t=8m48s

    65. Awesome!
      I like how the ponys always try to look at the player.

    66. Impressive to friggin awesome all in one shot.

    67. Why does Fluttershy's hair look like cardboard?

    68. Heavy Weapons PonyApril 6, 2011 at 2:29 AM

      I got a boner when rainbow dash made her sonic rainboom.

    69. WHAT THE FUCK?!
      >Listening to Bittersweet Symphony on iPod while browsing ED
      >See this
      >Pause music to listen
      WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!
      -elite guy 94

    70. holy shit...

      i... i have no words...

      just... holy shit...

    71. OMG THIS IS FUCKING ADORABLE! And I get to endlessly stare at Fluttershy's ass! Hah, I'm kidding, but seriously this is just amazing. I wanna be Scratch =3

      Also, that cloud scares the shit outta me.

    72. My reaction:
      oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!

    73. @Duskwolf

      Cuban 8? Nah. Make it a Crazy Ivan, after all, Dash is a leaf on the wind, look at her soar.

    74. We need a game with this graphic about ponies

    75. Wow! If you want a 3D pony game, play ponyblox.com - it is awesome! :)
