• 2D Pony MMO Rough Combat Demo

    More Progress on the 2D Pony MMO! This time in the combat department.  This is a rough test of the system overall, and as always they are looking for more feedback over on Urimas's DA Page!

    2D Pony MMO Combat Demo

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Combat in FiM? Well, I sure hope they pull it off tastefully...

    2. @Anonymous

      I'm sure enemies just "faint" or something like that.

      Besides, screw parasprites.

    3. Interesting idea, although I would worry about "combat" last.

    4. Twilight is going to murder everyone since she's the only one with an ultimate form. :p

    5. Combat happens in FIM. Just not very often.

    6. Ten bits says that apple pies and fruit can be weaponized.

    7. Eh, this is a bit tedious and slow. While the other demos that have been released so far are quite good, this is disappointing. Might just be weak attacks vs high hitpoints, but slow and boring combat is never a good thing.

      Of course, this is a pony game. Combat should occur only in extremely rare situations.

    8. @Anonymous

      I have to remind everyone that this is a very rough demo, and may not even be recognizable in the final cut.

      Urimas is busy with testing and implementing different styles of combat to determine which gels the best with the community. There will be more to come.

    9. Batty Gloom

      I will raise you pillows being used as artillery.

    10. @Anonymous

      I would want to remind everyone that this is a very rough demo. The final cut may be completly different.

      As it is, Urimas is testing different combat styles to see which gels with the community the best. So expect changes and more stuff.

      Feedback is welcome!

    11. I would want to remind everyone that this is a very rough demo. The final cut may be completly different.

      As it is, Urimas is testing different combat styles to see which gels with the community the best. So expect changes and more stuff.

      Feedback is welcome!

    12. Why can't it just be a real-time combat instead? Instead of turn-based?

    13. At the very least could you make the sprites bigger? It just feels so empty and boring, and it's kinda annoying and tedious to watch them run all the way across the screen.

    14. For those who don't frequent the game's site:

      1. This is a rough demo. Don't expect it to actually play like this.
      2. Don't worry, combat won't be a huge part of the game.
      3. This isn't all the dudes are experimenting with. Expect other styles.

    15. Just checked it out. Let me just say that Twilight here is a HORRIBLE shot with her single available spell. I think I connected with 2 out of a dozen shots or something.

    16. Oh dear Luna why did I turn it up to volume before I attacked

    17. Just a heads up, Urimas posted a second combat demo: http://urimas.deviantart.com/#/d3ekvzu

      Personally, I think this one is a big step in the right direction, and I'm interested to see this one would play out if expanded upon.

    18. @Anonymous

      Bad idea. You want to get your core gameplay mechanics hammered out ASAP so you can build around them.

      Also, I'm hoping that the combat mechanic gets adapted to various 'combat-like' scenarios. Pillow/snowball/food fights, pegasi fighting over-large storms, etc. MLP doesn't have enough 'real' combat to justify a combat mechanic much deeper than RPS.
