• 2d Pony MMO Combat Demo 2

    Looks like the combat demo from earlier was only one of many potential combat systems planned for the game.  This is number 2, with a much more mmo-eqsue feel. 

    You can find the link to it below!

    Combat Demo 2

    Also check out their forums for combat discussion!

    2d Pony MMO Forums

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Keep working on it, this is quite a bit better. It allows me to hit the target with the spell for once with Sprite the crash test pony for some reason named Twilight Sparkle.

      Also rapid fire bucking.

    2. I like this one more then the previous one.

    3. This is more fun as a player, but their hardware and coding need to be up to snuff to pull it off. Real-time combat is always far more demanding than turn-based.

    4. @Jebin Zedalu.

      Good thing the game is not entirely combat oriented huh?

    5. My only concern is that Pegasus could break the game via being invincible to any enemy without ranged attacks. Well, since the game is not combat-oriented it would only really be breaking the combat but still...

    6. @Anonymous
      It's still important to make it work right. I mean, the MLP show makes sure every little detail is taken into account. Tiny things that no one ever really needs to notice, ponies blinking or walking in the background, yada yada. Why shouldn't the fans be similarly prideful?

    7. dont forget items appearing of thin there when there not supposed to or were even there to begin with. Just noticed it one of the cutie mark crusader video with the backpack.

    8. This settles it, bronies are amazing!

    9. @Anonymous

      Fwiw, his name is altoid.

    10. I think I like this demo better than the other one; I also think that this version of combact feels more natural. My only suggestion would be to use the up, down, left, right keys instead of WASD so that pressing the 1-9 buttons is easier.

    11. btw, the official dev name for test pony is "Altoid".

    12. Just so you know our Engine will support customizable key mapping so you can set up your own layout also we'll try adding controller/pad support to!

    13. I definitely like this better than turn based combat.

    14. This is at least 20% cooler than the previous engine.

    15. How crazy is it that this is a real thing? The constant progress on this just blows me away.

      My 2 cents - I could see myself having lots of fun with either combat system. But what would really improve the experience for me would be larger sprites.

      I know re-doing the animations would be a major pain, but combat using these tiny little sprites just seems really... I don't know if "empty" is the right word for it.

      Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the good work Urimas!

    16. Much better than the previous.

    17. @Gamerlord
      They could make it so they can only fly for, maybe, 5 second bursts or something.
      -elite guy 94

    18. This version is much more fun!
