• Wakfu Download

    Don't Worry, I'm not turning this into a Wakfu blog.  I may have a new waifu every other day, but I'm loyal to ponies as a whole.

    I am however going to have a download section for Wakfu season 2, since I love Wakfu. 

    Episode 1 is out, on the side bar, Hardsubbed in standard definition.


    For those interested, check out Season 1 below.  This show uses similar animation to MLP so I thought you guys might enjoy it.

    24 kommentaari:

    1. And at first I thought that some crazy pony-hater and wakfu-lover hack the site and made this post =P

      It' nice. I wanted to see this show not long ago. Now the link is here ^_^
      But do not cross the line - it's a blog about ponies after all.

    2. @Don_ko

      It's season 2, I don't have links to season 1 at all.

    3. @Pecan
      As I know, it's a cartoon based on French online game... But I can mistake

    4. thanks blogbrony this is a good idea

    5. Hardsubbed? Disgusting.

      It's the 21st century, damnit.

    6. @Anonymous

      There are softsubs, but I always preferred hard due to my ps3 media server link thing having issues with soft and synching.

    7. I advise everyone to go into the current wakfu general on /co/ (there's pretty much always one up) and ask for the downloads to season 1.

      The first 13 episodes are basically a bunch of friends going on adventures, while episodes 14-26 are action-packed episodes where the heroes try to stop a super villain from genocide.

      It has a ton of twists that I did not see coming, and I highly recommend it.

    8. I played the game once or twice. Pretty sure I never got beyond level 3. To be honest, I'm surprised the game client ran at all in Ubuntu. I'll give the animation a shot.

    9. oh boy, awesome!

      thank you seth

    10. Wakfu...
      i'm ok with this, i liked the games.

    11. hmmm i was meaning to watch it, /co/ described the show as a orgasm lead by a 12 year old sexual tyranasaurous with hot chicks everywhere, you can't really turn down a plug like that.

      im ok with this to o7

    12. S2?
      man I cant even find S1!

    13. I think it'd be nice if you had the post somehow relate to ponies (beyond just the waifu thing) like, "if you like ponies you might like this, since it's also a good piece of animated work" or something.

      I don't want non-pony posts to become expected on a blog whose purpose should be pony and nothing but pony; if you do feel the need to post something that has nothing to do with pony, you should relate it to pony in some logical way, I think.

      Also, why do you keep getting new waifus? I actually thought it was kinda cute when you were all "i'll be spending valentine's day with twilight sparkle <3" but now I don't know what to think!

    14. @Anonymous

      i find myself agreeing with this anon, Wakfu doesn't really have a place on a blog called Equestria Daily.

    15. Gee whiz, where can I find the Johnny fucking Test downloads?

    16. @Don_ko
      You can find everything about wakfu season one with softsubs here: http://plus4chan.org/b/coc/res/35378.html In general 4chan+ has tons of wakfu information.
      ^ Wakfu Season one downloads ^

      And Sethisto I love this given I'm a wakfu fan my self, but since they're haters maybe just let us know in a pony post whenever the next eps come out. Either way having wakfu with my ponies is awesome.

    17. "I may have a new waifu every other day, but I'm loyal to ponies as a whole."

      Don't forget about Cynder :3

    18. @Anonymous

      I still have my mousepad of her... shame they never released action figures, but she doesn't have hair to brush so I guess they would be popular with girls.

    19. I approve much of this post.

      Personally I think Wakfu is better than MLP...but I'm also a total frenchfag who take 5 years of the language, so I could be biased.

    20. Season 2 launched and it's at ep 18 :D
