• Video: Otaku Ascended's Episode 1 Review

    So those guys that did that 48 minute review about FiM in general are back with their first episode review. You can find their channel below!

    Otaku Ascended

    12 kommentaari:

    1. They're reeeeaaally awkward actors... :(

    2. hot sauce on cupcakes.
      my body is not ready.

    3. These guys have a lot of catching up to do!

    4. This is badly done.

    5. Hoooooooly crap the stare at the end!
      I think they mean me! NOOOOO NO CUPCAKES WITH HOT SAUCE!!!

      Anyway, I did like it.

    6. Yeah we are only really doing this for fun, and trust me. I -KNOW- we aren't the best actors.

      Frankly I'm still surprised we are the only ones doing anything like this for the show.

    7. Tabasco sauce and almost muffin level cornbread taste good whose to say evil cupcakes and hot sauce doesn't?

      Sorry I have a habit of putting the word evil before evil cupcakes.

    8. @videomaster21xx

      I think you should basically do what you did in that 48 minutes video, just improvise. When you try to follow a pre-written script you don't seem natural and that's why it comes off a bit awkward, this applies to famous reviewers like AVGN and NC as well, their first videos are much better than the ones they put out lately.
      I think it would be much better if you would review the episodes "Let's Watch" style, you just sit down start watching and just say whatever comes in your mind and edit it a little bit before you upload it.

    9. Idk, they remember the hair bit in going from Dash to Rarity, but not the saddle in going from Rarity to Fluttershy, so it really did seem more like a plot device. And considering in a later ep they have Twilight's entire wheelchair vanish, I really don't hold them to 100% continuity, they do some stuff for gags which seems totally reasonable imho since it gives them more freedom.

      Spike's spelling - I'm of the belief that Spike just spells words wrong now and sends them off rather than correcting them

      One thing I'm continually surprised by is how well they balance Fluttershy's voice, it seems to me like it would be exceptionally easy to either make her too loud or too soft in terms of volume, especially when she's making very minor reaction sounds.

      Funny how they overstate Pinkie's tastes (eating cupcakes with hot sauce and Applebloom's cupcakes) but later it's Spike who can stomach the "baked bads", so it's like Pinkie can eat the odds and Spike can eat the truly inedible

    10. this was funny - I'm going to tune in as they break down the episodes, and also check out non-pony stuff from them.

    11. "Do you do anything but be a bitch?!" lol
