Brony Hitler Reactions have officially ended! You can find the new episodes 6 and 7 below after the break, along with all of the other episodes. Part 1
I thought this was one of the best one of these I've seen, especially considering the fact that there's some guy who posts under the name Hitler on ponychan
I enjoyed it but i had seen it before with direct translations so it wasnt as funny as it could have been. knowing what they are really saying makes it different
Admitteldy, the only other one of these I've seen is the 3DS reaction video, but aren't they supposed to end with Hitler giving in to whatever it is he's pissed off about?
He probably should've resolved to buy the DVD set at the end, which would've matched up well with his tired, depressed tone of voice.
It has clever moments, but I think it could have been cut down from 4 minutes to 1. A significant part was simply Hitler yelling curses. I prefer the videos to have a little more clever banter in the rants. Like the "Stalin" thing was very funny.
I know it's been said the take down was a trolling. But I was thinking, if Hasbro was to make a DVD, all they would have to do is to add extra content like behind the scenes of the production, talks with the writers/creators, and maybe episode commentaries with the voice know, stuff that would be on a movie DVD....and I'd so buy that for sure! And I don't even normally buy movie DVDs!
While not Hitler, someone posted a picture of Goering playing with my little ponies. (Though I think they got banned from DA. It's still on Y!Gallery though)
There's also a tumblr blog that's been posting nothing but pictures of ponies inserted into pictures of Nazis.
I have never laughed so hard to a Hitler reaction video. Also, Hitler is kinda a terrible brony. No Love? No Kindness? Although I should expect no less from Hitler, it still makes me a little sad to see a brony in distress.
I'll be happy to buy it on Blu-ray. I converted the 1080p rips to BD5, and they look alright projected, but the high-motion scenes are poor due to the cable-tv (or perhaps DVR?) compression.
I was inspired by this purchase the episodes legally on itunes in hi-def.
Have to do your part, you know. The only problem is that now Hasbro has almost completely cut off all avenues for new fans to enter what with the atrocious barriers such as the expense to purchase the Hub and the bizarre time they chose to air the show.
Man...poor Hitler. Although, if he gets the Hub over in the Third Reich, he REALLY needs to watch it. Even without MLP, it would still be one of the greatest channels on TV. The 1:30 pm-on-Fridays airtime can obviously be inconvenient for many, but can always be recorded, at least. Also, I for one would be thrilled by a DVD box set. ;) Owning a copy means security. Almost anything online could be gone at any time.
Poor Hitler, always just a misunderstood abomination.
That was one of the better Hitler dubs that I'd seen. I was wondering what sort of line they'd use for the clearing of the room, so 'closest bronies' got a good laugh out of me.
Gasp... My relatives had died in the WWII. I will never be able to laugh on this abomination of mankind. I feel sad that Hitler is now on lovely blog. (at least it WAS lovely before)
Things you least want to hear: "Oops!" in an explosive factory; "You DID lock the cage, right?" in a zoo dedicated to deadly species; "That's irritating" from Bruce Banner; and, of course, "You'll see" from Adolf Hitler.
LMAO Whoever you are you're 20% cooler for this comment.
I never saw why people think that gives you a free pass to butthurt. I probably have distant relatives who died in WWII and my grandfather was in the navy in WWII.
But I'm NS anyway so maybe my opinion doesn't count.
Honestly, I can't see this as funny. I mean, I LIVE in Hitlers home country (Austria/Österreich). And there are still some old nazis in the town I LIVE IN! MAKES ME ANGRY!!!
That and ponies were invented by Americans (I think), so I doubt he'd like that.
I bet you enjoyed Episode 21 though, which is a reference to the conflict between native Americans and settlers. Shame on you for enjoying that episode! My great, great, great, great, great, great ... You get the point ... could've been a native American.
Don't get uptight over videos making fun of Hitler and WW2. You need to live and let go. If you let everything a relative of yours died from bother you, you'll not have anything left to enjoy soon.
C'mon people, the missing episode is obviously just an april fool joke from Faust and her development team, right?. They are just having a little fun on our behalf. Isn't it strange how it's like 1st April just when they skip a friday?
It just gotta be a joke... D: What else can I do on a friday? I've gotten so addicted to ponies that I have simple forgotten...
Actually, Hitler was a huge Disney fan. Watched all the cartoons, drew fanart on his free time, even owned a pair of mouse ears. Makes sense considering he was training to be an artist before going down his... political path. So, the canadian produced My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic isn't that far off. Actually, I wonder if he would have altered some of his more questionable life choices if pony had existed back then.
okay so I was listening to the eurobeats winter wrap up and paused it to watch the video. I was quite confused when it started, thought my computor went mad for a second
Creator of the Brony Hitler series here, and I have to say (to everyone who enjoyed my videos) thank you so much for the support - I do it for all the bronies out there who want a good laugh. To all those flankhurt over it: I don't care lol :D
If demand is high enough, I may continue making these videos and flesh it out to some sort of a series, so if you enjoy it a lot and would like to see that, just let me know!
Again, thanks to everypony who enjoyed it. HEIL PONY!
I was watching Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade earlier today, and as might be expected, some scenes in the movie were quite amusing...but, that just may have been my opinion.
Full HD episodes are available on iTunes. $3 per episode or $50 for the season. (less for SD) Remember, Hasbro is in this to make money. As long as the show is supported, they will keep commissioning episodes.
@Don_ko Yeah, WWII was the most devastating war in world history. Tens of millions died, many of them innocents. Anyone with relatives from ANY Allied or Axis nation— hell, even the ones in between— lost family.
All the same, it's comedy. Either all jokes are okay, or none of them are. There's usually a waiting period for good taste, but that's it.
Normaly these really get old fast, but these are brilliant (although if you speak german you have to mute some parts because it's hard not to listen what they are actually saying). I love the last scene in the new one "You have to write lesbian clopfiction featureing RD and AJ immediately" lol
Brony Hitler has a good point. The only thing I love more than MLP is the community surrounding it. Here's to all the great artists, writers, youtubers, and... whatever you would call those people who make the great remixes. Seriously, you guys are awesome!
I love how Hitler is such a HORRIBLE brony, while claiming to be the truest of them all. It reminds me to watch my own behavior so I don't come off like him :P
@Putuk you shouldnt talk that bad about Austria o.o i am soo glad to live in vienna! beside this, we are more active with ponys than many other countrys
127 kommentaari:
I thought this was one of the best one of these I've seen, especially considering the fact that there's some guy who posts under the name Hitler on ponychan
VastaKustutaHitler is totaly a brony, oh wait i mean "was" a brony
VastaKustutaI enjoyed it but i had seen it before with direct translations so it wasnt as funny as it could have been. knowing what they are really saying makes it different
VastaKustutaIch enjoyed it!
VastaKustuta@Hito chan
VastaKustutaMe too, and HitIar is always a good source for laughs on ponychan
I actually laughed out loud (not just lol'd) at that! Excellent work, whoever made this.
VastaKustutaHey, at least the Hitler dubs are making a comeback thanks to the Fair Use argument. So that's good.
VastaKustutaHitler is a brony? Dammit, Hasbro, we could totally have prevented WW2!
VastaKustutaI will never be able to understand these. Because I understand what they are really talking about. D:
VastaKustutaAnd reading the caps while muting the video is not the same for me :|
Admitteldy, the only other one of these I've seen is the 3DS reaction video, but aren't they supposed to end with Hitler giving in to whatever it is he's pissed off about?
VastaKustutaHe probably should've resolved to buy the DVD set at the end, which would've matched up well with his tired, depressed tone of voice.
Now thats the twisted kind of humor I was expecting to appear eventually.
VastaKustutaNot everyone can watch the hub, but it's not that bad a channel if you know someone who has it and can steal their Television for a while.
Hmm, I would've figured Hitler for a Rarity fan, not Rainbow Dash.
VastaKustutaHilarious video.
Hahaha! That was hilarious!
VastaKustutaIts kindda sad how I could totally imagine someone actually doing all this.
I always laugh at these.
VastaKustutaBesides, don't we still have pensivepony?
Exactly my emotions. Now let me be...
VastaKustutahitler wanted a fast war(Blitzkrieg) so it makes sense that he likes the fastest pony around.
Funny, but not as funny as the "TornadoHR gets banned from Hydra Blast" version
VastaKustutai lost it at
VastaKustuta"don't woorry, he's just butthurt"
/r/ing Hitler playing with ponies.
VastaKustuta(I'm a terrible person)
Damn it. Now I'm going to hell for laughing.
VastaKustutaIt's like I'm really in 2009!
VastaKustutaThat was the best thing I've seen all day.
VastaKustuta'Don't worry, he's just butthurt'
VastaKustutaOH GOD I LOL'D
This Hitler meme is old as shit, but I enjoyed this one video quite a bit.
VastaKustuta"I should have never even watched the show, like Stalin! He told me I was a fag for liking it."
I knew there would be a Hitler parody on this! I checked for it yesterday.
VastaKustutaIt has clever moments, but I think it could have been cut down from 4 minutes to 1. A significant part was simply Hitler yelling curses. I prefer the videos to have a little more clever banter in the rants. Like the "Stalin" thing was very funny.
VastaKustutaHilarious video!
VastaKustutaI know it's been said the take down was a trolling. But I was thinking, if Hasbro was to make a DVD, all they would have to do is to add extra content like behind the scenes of the production, talks with the writers/creators, and maybe episode commentaries with the voice know, stuff that would be on a movie DVD....and I'd so buy that for sure! And I don't even normally buy movie DVDs!
VastaKustutaWhile not Hitler, someone posted a picture of Goering playing with my little ponies. (Though I think they got banned from DA. It's still on Y!Gallery though)
There's also a tumblr blog that's been posting nothing but pictures of ponies inserted into pictures of Nazis.
I know I was laughing my rump off...
VastaKustutaHitler's not a real brony if he doesn't plan on buying the DVD.
VastaKustutaI have never laughed so hard to a Hitler reaction video. Also, Hitler is kinda a terrible brony. No Love? No Kindness? Although I should expect no less from Hitler, it still makes me a little sad to see a brony in distress.
VastaKustutaI never thought I'd say this, but cheer up, Hitler.
VastaKustutaits spreading? hasbro is deleting other videos??
VastaKustutaOh, I don't know. I understand what they are saying fully well too, but I still find it damn funny =P
Ten bits says Fegelein was the troll who reported the videos as Hasbro.
VastaKustutaI'll be happy to buy it on Blu-ray. I converted the 1080p rips to BD5, and they look alright projected, but the high-motion scenes are poor due to the cable-tv (or perhaps DVR?) compression.
VastaKustutaI was inspired by this purchase the episodes legally on itunes in hi-def.
VastaKustutaHave to do your part, you know. The only problem is that now Hasbro has almost completely cut off all avenues for new fans to enter what with the atrocious barriers such as the expense to purchase the Hub and the bizarre time they chose to air the show.
"You'll see."
VastaKustutaApparently, it's on. Can't wait to see how this turns out. ^_^
It says something that ponies can make even one of the most agreed upon worst human beings in history out to be not so bad a guy.
VastaKustutaMy source still has them up on Youtube, but he takes a bit to get them up. Still on Episode 20, hoping he'll have 21 up soon, though.
VastaKustutaI'll probably raise enough cash to buy the whole set sometime after they come out, I'd kinda like to affirm my brony-ship or something.
Fucking lol'd so hard
VastaKustutaThe second video. I don't get it, what just happened?
VastaKustutaCan a kind brony explain?
God damn it, I almost fell of my chair laughing when Hitler said Berlin bronie.
VastaKustutaI live in Berlin.
"Stalin called me a fag for watching it"
VastaKustutaBrohoof brony Hitler
In the mind of Hitler:
So will this end up being a series now that there is a part 2? This is hilarious!
VastaKustutaI never thought that I would say this but...I'm with Hittler! THAT HASBRO.INC ASSHOLE SHALL PAY WITH BLOOD FOR THIS!
VastaKustutaInb4 Fegelein is revealed to be the troll.
VastaKustutaPart 3 will be beautiful.
VastaKustutaHitler is fighting for the ponies.
Man...poor Hitler. Although, if he gets the Hub over in the Third Reich, he REALLY needs to watch it. Even without MLP, it would still be one of the greatest channels on TV. The 1:30 pm-on-Fridays airtime can obviously be inconvenient for many, but can always be recorded, at least. Also, I for one would be thrilled by a DVD box set. ;) Owning a copy means security. Almost anything online could be gone at any time.
VastaKustutaAnd Part 3 WILL be glorious.
Poor Hitler, always just a misunderstood abomination.
That was one of the better Hitler dubs that I'd seen. I was wondering what sort of line they'd use for the clearing of the room, so 'closest bronies' got a good laugh out of me.
Gasp... My relatives had died in the WWII. I will never be able to laugh on this abomination of mankind. I feel sad that Hitler is now on lovely blog. (at least it WAS lovely before)
VastaKustutaYou know, humor can be a way of working up as well.
Don't be so butthurt.
Relatives of mine died as well.
I never met them, so I don't give a fuck.
Part 2 should've ended with "I'm gonna love and tolerate the shit outta him."
VastaKustutaCool, we bronies have the Hitler seal of approval!
VastaKustuta... Wait...
Things you least want to hear:
VastaKustuta"Oops!" in an explosive factory;
"You DID lock the cage, right?" in a zoo dedicated to deadly species;
"That's irritating" from Bruce Banner;
and, of course, "You'll see" from Adolf Hitler.
VastaKustutaI can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
Lots of people lost family members in world war II.
Thing is this isn't glorifying Hitler, it's mocking him.
The video isn't preaching a similar message or anything. This is just comedy using a well-known historical figure.
Not quite sure how you can be upset about that.
VastaKustutaLMAO Whoever you are you're 20% cooler for this comment.
I never saw why people think that gives you a free pass to butthurt. I probably have distant relatives who died in WWII and my grandfather was in the navy in WWII.
But I'm NS anyway so maybe my opinion doesn't count.
Honestly, I can't see this as funny.
VastaKustutaI mean, I LIVE in Hitlers home country (Austria/Österreich). And there are still some old nazis in the town I LIVE IN! MAKES ME ANGRY!!!
That and ponies were invented by Americans (I think), so I doubt he'd like that.
I bet you enjoyed Episode 21 though, which is a reference to the conflict between native Americans and settlers. Shame on you for enjoying that episode! My great, great, great, great, great, great ... You get the point ... could've been a native American.
VastaKustutaDon't get uptight over videos making fun of Hitler and WW2. You need to live and let go. If you let everything a relative of yours died from bother you, you'll not have anything left to enjoy soon.
"You'll see!"
The Jews trolled MLP?
VastaKustutaPeople don't have political views just to fuck with others. They can't help it. Get the hell over it.
Oh and Hitler loved Disney, so that argument is invalid. Your entire post was really stupid.
Don'tcha know? The Jews did everything.
VastaKustuta"You'll see".
VastaKustutaAnd thus, the invasion of Poland began.
part 3 is up nao.
VastaKustutaI lol'd so hard.
VastaKustutaAs if he wasn't already unstable, finding out there was no episode this week. Shit, meet fan.
VastaKustutaC'mon people, the missing episode is obviously just an april fool joke from Faust and her development team, right?. They are just having a little fun on our behalf. Isn't it strange how it's like 1st April just when they skip a friday?
VastaKustutaIt just gotta be a joke... D:
What else can I do on a friday? I've gotten so addicted to ponies that I have simple forgotten...
Somehow, I'm finding it hard to trust Hilter's plan.
VastaKustutagotta love the person who makes this
VastaKustutaActually, Hitler was a huge Disney fan. Watched all the cartoons, drew fanart on his free time, even owned a pair of mouse ears. Makes sense considering he was training to be an artist before going down his... political path. So, the canadian produced My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic isn't that far off.
Actually, I wonder if he would have altered some of his more questionable life choices if pony had existed back then.
Oh god.
VastaKustutaNazi cutie marks.
I can see all of them in my head.
I am pretty sure they just took his videos down because they were HD
VastaKustutaHis non-HD videos still work
VastaKustuta"How else would Himmler know about this?"
VastaKustuta"Equestria Daily?"
I Lol'd! XD
All the bronies wearing cutie marks to identify them, then being segregated from the general populace.
VastaKustutaI for one welcome our new pony overlords and can't wait to live in the pony ghetto.
VastaKustutaI mean, making fun of hitler is one thing, but I'd rather see some comedians do it than something like this. IT IS RUINING MY PONIES! >:O
VastaKustuta"Dear Princess Celestia, please burn it in the fire with the strength of a thousand suns because it causes flankhurt to me. Thanks.
VastaKustutaYour faithful citizen Don_ko."
Naxts: Trololololololololo~
VastaKustutaokay so I was listening to the eurobeats winter wrap up and paused it to watch the video. I was quite confused when it started, thought my computor went mad for a second
VastaKustutaCreator of the Brony Hitler series here, and I have to say (to everyone who enjoyed my videos) thank you so much for the support - I do it for all the bronies out there who want a good laugh. To all those flankhurt over it: I don't care lol :D
VastaKustutaIf demand is high enough, I may continue making these videos and flesh it out to some sort of a series, so if you enjoy it a lot and would like to see that, just let me know!
Again, thanks to everypony who enjoyed it. HEIL PONY!
Hah, I had to mute the sound, it was getting mixed with the subs. Damn it for knowing german and english so well.
VastaKustutado eeeeeeeeeeeet
VastaKustutaThis was all fun and games until it made me realise the awful truth that there won't be a new episode this week ;(
VastaKustutaA full series of these would be awesome. Very awesome.
VastaKustutaI was watching Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade earlier today, and as might be expected, some scenes in the movie were quite amusing...but, that just may have been my opinion.
VastaKustutaFull HD episodes are available on iTunes. $3 per episode or $50 for the season. (less for SD) Remember, Hasbro is in this to make money. As long as the show is supported, they will keep commissioning episodes.
VastaKustutaBTW, I lost it at the RBD shirt gag. Guess why...
It wasn't hasbro, but a troll pretending to be hasbro
VastaKustutaThis is HILARIOUS! I've seen many of these Hitler voice-overs and this is by far the best I've seen! I actually laughed out loud!
VastaKustutaoh god cupcake baking gestapo bronies.... now my life is complete.
VastaKustuta>I was on the floor
OK, I understand why this gave me an advertisement for a war game at the top of the page, but why did I scroll down to find one for ""?
VastaKustutaHitty, is there something you haven't told us?
This just keeps getting better!
VastaKustutaYeah, WWII was the most devastating war in world history. Tens of millions died, many of them innocents. Anyone with relatives from ANY Allied or Axis nation— hell, even the ones in between— lost family.
All the same, it's comedy. Either all jokes are okay, or none of them are. There's usually a waiting period for good taste, but that's it.
Im confused, every new part feels funnier than last one D:
VastaKustutaAnd now it is all gone.
So funny! This was fantastic
VastaKustutaNormaly these really get old fast, but these are brilliant (although if you speak german you have to mute some parts because it's hard not to listen what they are actually saying). I love the last scene in the new one "You have to write lesbian clopfiction featureing RD and AJ immediately" lol
VastaKustutahitler wants clopfic¡¡ aj/dash clopfic xD
VastaKustuta"I want you to write a clopfic featuring Rainbow Dash and Applejack as lesbian lovers immediately."
VastaKustutaBest line ever!
these are hilarious. and apparently hitler ships appledash
VastaKustutaBrony Hitler has a good point. The only thing I love more than MLP is the community surrounding it. Here's to all the great artists, writers, youtubers, and... whatever you would call those people who make the great remixes. Seriously, you guys are awesome!
VastaKustutaYeah XD.
I laughed harder at that then I should have.
gets better with every part.
VastaKustutaReally, seven parts? Now you're just spoiling us!
VastaKustutaHitler had so much to live for. If only he visited Equestria Daily, he would have known there was going to be a season two!
Hitler's a true brony. With majestic dreams of a perfect equestrian world. He lived and died a brony.
Rest in Peace Hitler.
(I am so going to hell for this.)
That was great.
VastaKustutaHope ye start up a season two...
This was not Hitler, this was BRONY HITLER!
VastaKustutaThere is a difference...
I love how Hitler is such a HORRIBLE brony, while claiming to be the truest of them all. It reminds me to watch my own behavior so I don't come off like him :P
VastaKustutaOh God, these are fantastic xD
VastaKustutaHe didn't die, he just got banished to the moon for a thousand years. :D
VastaKustutathat ending was sad
VastaKustutaoh my god
i cant believe a hitler parody of ponies made me sad
(i almost shed a tear, then i realized this)
what has this fandom done to me?!?
Part 7 1:13: "Aren't you supposed to bake cupcakes." That's dark, man. That's REALLY dark...
VastaKustutaHe deserves be in Pony heaven forever.
VastaKustutaFarewell Brony Hitlar.
Why do I feel sad for Hitler? What the hell has this show and this fandom done to me?!
VastaKustutaLawl, epic
VastaKustuta2:40 in #7, best conversation ever
VastaKustutaFegelein is a pro troll.
VastaKustutaThis is about the single greatest thing ever.
All in agreement?
@Putuk you shouldnt talk that bad about Austria o.o i am soo glad to live in vienna! beside this, we are more active with ponys than many other countrys