Author: Hephestus
Description: Doctor Whooves fic. First part of the first episode in a postulated 4-5. A series of unexplainable events get Twilight's mane in a twist. Suddenly she finds herself and her friends embroiled in a pan-dimensional conflict between two ancient races, one of which is planning to unleash an unspeakable horror from the Void in a desperate bid to conquer the multi-verse. The only hope for Equestria and the whole of creation seem to lie on the shoulders of a mysterious stallion and his impossible blue box.Timelords and Terror
Timelords and Terror Part 2
Timelords and Terror Part 3
Timelords and Terror Part 4
Timelords and Terror Part 5 (New!)
Timelords and Terror Entire thing 1 link
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120 kommentaari:
It was good, I personally lost track of what was happening now and then, but that's probably me
VastaKustutaFuture updates will have double spaces in them to facilitate reading all of my brick-like technobabble walls-o-texts. Thanks for reading anyway!
VastaKustutaFor those of you who don't want to do research for a fanfic (perfectly understandable!) I shall elaborate on what I think may or may not be large sources of confusion i.e pretty much anything not-pony related.
Hervoken: a race of magi-tech scarecrows whose ancient war with the Carrionites got them imprisoned in a pocket dimension know as the Deep Dark. They show up once in a book somewhere.
Carrionites: a race of magi-tech witches whose ancient war with the Hervoken got them imprisoned in a pocket dimension know as the Deep Dark. They appear in DW The Shakespeare Code. (Luuuurrrrve dat ep!!)
Z-Neutrino Energy: no proof that either the Carrionites or Hervoken use this stuff, I just like writing/saying the word 'Z-Neutrino'. Once used by the Daleks to try and erase reality, 'nuff said.
If anything else strikes anyone as odd, out of character, or whatever, just leave a comment on this page as my monstrous ego forces me to check on this thing every day.
I liked the story and I liked the fact the author used a not very well known enemy.
VastaKustuta5 stars and I can't wait to read the rest.
More scifi-ish than the average ponyfic, but I'm sure as heck liking it. Other Doctor Who(of) crossovers sometimes feel like they're just crossovers thrown together to see what happens, but this gives the impression of a bit more planned out plot in store.
VastaKustutaYeah, I tried to go for less a 'crossover' feel and more an 'Episode of Doctor Who were the Doctor lands in a universe of cute ponies' feel.
Yes, unfortunately there will be GrimDark moments from time to time, but I'm also going to try to mix in some humor too (like haven't been trying already...)
Either way, I've got at least 3 other similar stories put together in my degenerate brain. They will be sequels if Timelords & Terror pans out
...god I hate myself for that title...
There seems to be a bit of an issue with the link to the second chapter. Just wanted to let you know that so someone can take care of this issue.
VastaKustutaI could have sworn I emailed Sethisto the google docs link. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
VastaKustutawoops ;p
VastaKustutaAlright, now everything is good.
VastaKustutaNeeds 20% more Jelly Babies
VastaKustutaAnother great chapter.
VastaKustutaI couldn't stop giggling when I pictured someone as manic and expressive as the Doctor speaking in Fluttershy's voice.
I can understand how they are all drawn to the Doctor, especially Twilight given how much she wants to understand things. He just has that air about him. I know if I met the Doctor without knowing who he was I would still be drawn to him for the same reasons as Twilight, though not the same type of attraction.
Do I detect a shade of Mass Effect in chapter 3?
VastaKustutaI am so happy someone picked up on that!
I felt it necessary to draw on Sovereign for The Smooze*, something ancient beyond reason and oozing malevolence, regarding all around it as vermin. Also, Sovereign's voice makes me shiver, a good thing when writing something so evil.
Glad to know that the length of this chapter wasn't a deterrent. Thanks for your time! It really means a lot.
*that's how it's pronounced, I can't get an umlaut into these text boxes, don't know why.
VastaKustutaDefinitely a good choice pulling on Sovereign, every time I come on that cutscene I get a sense of something so ancient and vast that I can't even begin to understand.
I think a big part of why those kind of foes are so terrifying is that it that they are old and powerful beyond comprehension.
How insignificant must we be to beings such as they. If they turn their attention away for just a moment to them, whole civilizations will have already grown and collapsed into dust.
They are not good or evil, they are so ancient and powerful that they are just so far beyond such concepts and that frightens us.
Didn't mean to go into a whole dissertation there.
I like the interactions between Twilight and the Doctor, both are fascinated by new discoveries and I think in DW she would have made a very interesting companion.
This story is magnificent, and deserves far more comments than it has. I love the interactions between the Doctor and everyone, especially Twilight and Pinkie Pie. Like others have said, Twilight is definitely the kind of pony who would find the Doctor fascinating, and vice-versa, I think. Pinkie Pie's ability to dumbfound the Doctor was also awesome, both would make awesome companions in the show. And Twilight's anger/jealousy about the Doctor kissing Fluttershy was great. :)
VastaKustutaAlso, I just love Applejack's name for the Doctor, heh.
So anyways, I was watching the Nostalgia Chick's review of the old My Little Pony movie, when suddenly it struck me. It struck me like...something that...strikes things... *cough*
VastaKustutaThe villains in this story...they're almost identical to the movie's villains! I feel so stupid for not noticing it before!
Hey, I just remembered that Ace called the Doctor 'Professor' too.
VastaKustutaI'm loving the fuck out of this, keep it up.
VastaKustutaAmazing how well it works together. You've got the characterizations down right.
Admittedly, I at first merely 'liked' this story, and even then maybe just because it featured the doctor. =/
VastaKustutaHowever, having now read the third chapter, I can't help but love this story to pieces. About everything is perfect =3
And sure, there may be one or two grammatical mistakes lurking in the shadows, surfacing once in a blue moon, but it is nothing but minor insignificance when compared to the story as a whole. I'm so looking forward to the next chapter ^-^
I especially love everypony's relation to the doctor, though at times it may feel like they like him just a little bit TOO much =P
VastaKustutaI was starting to worry that the reference was too obscure! That movie...wasn't so great.
Hell, maybe the sequel will involve the return of Tirek (badass villain from G1 pilot)
I hope the author of this writes more doctor whoof fics.
VastaKustutaI feel you do a very good job writing this please keep up the good work
VastaKustutaHurray, I kept someone's hopes up! :D
Only one small concern so far. Horses are physically incapable of vomiting. The doctor vomits in chapter 2.
VastaKustutaOtherwise, excellent story
@ Previous Anon
VastaKustutaHe did say that he wasn't a horse.
I am enjoying the story. If the resolution requires the Elements of Harmony can we assume that Rarity will show up?
VastaKustutaYes Rarity will be appearing in the fourth chapter. My only regret is that I didn't write her in sooner, she's a lot of fun to write for!
So yeah, I'm not done 4 yet but I'm pretty sure it'll be the last one. Considering how much people seem to like my scribbles I may just go ahead and write my other Doctor Whoof story ideas as sequels.
DO IIIITTTT. I can't wait. I just recently got into Doctor Who (thanks to Squeak) and I love these crossover fics. Particularly the ones that are a Who ep with ponies, rather than a pony ep with the Doctor.
VastaKustutaHorses may not be able to vomit, but My Little Ponies can - we see it happen on-screen in Applebuck Season.
VastaKustutaFantastic story, BTW. Shocked the heck out of me to see a Pony get her soul sucked out through her eyesockets like that, but that's Doctor Who for you - it's unusual when everybody lives. Makes the villains quite terrifying, and makes me really wonder about how it will end.
After all, nothing can stop the Smooze... :)
VastaKustutaand that's all I got to say about that.
'f***ing magnets how do they work?' Haha that was great, also 'Twilight Sparkle, what does the scouter say about the S'Müz's PKE level?'.
VastaKustutaThis has been a very entertaining story thus far, can hardly wait for the conclusion!
This is just. This is mindblowingly AMAZING. I just. I lack words. The prose is phenomenal, the story intriguing. I usually find fanfic dull and boring, and I lose interest quickly. This? I refresh Equestria Daily like it's going out of style in hopes that this fic will pop up with an update.
VastaKustutaThanks, that really means a lot. I like knowing I entertained someone. chapter 5 will be the last one, it's gonna be very short so it should be up in a day or two.
VastaKustutaYou're welcome! And just in case you didn't know, someone recced your story over at TVTropes!
So. Very. Awesome. I love this fic, just finished the latest chapter instead of working on uni project (screw my degree, it's pony time)!
VastaKustutaI cannot wait for the ending!
VastaKustutaI know the feeling! Sociology final paper be damned, the Poni!Doctor and the gang are fighting Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu's hate-child!
Just curious: Is this a David Tennant Whoof, or a Matt Smith one? I've kind of been getting hints toward a Tennant one with the "Allons Y" cry there, but he also said it was his 11th life.
VastaKustutaAlso, now that he's out of the Void, is the Good Doctor going to stay in Equestria, or would that be a spoiler?
All in all, a completely wonderful story. You're doing a great job.
VastaKustutaThis is the 10th Doctor, he just referred it as his 11th regeneration due to him suddenly becoming a horse. He figures out that he's still 10 though.
VastaKustutaYou know that pumped up feeling you get when you watch a really awesome Action Flick? The feeling where you would like nothing more then to burst out of a window and punch a bear in the FACE? Well that's what this story's left me with. Now excuse while I go find a bear.
OK, I just read the first chapter, and it seems pretty darn interesting to me, but the creatures at the end are described a little vaguely, are they just carrionites?
VastaKustutaThe Doctor, killed and looking down at the cause of his death, with his only reaction being a sarcastic comment. Do I see the bright light of regeneration over them hills?
VastaKustuta@Jack of Games
VastaKustutaBrony Jack! Spoilers! But no, Time Lords need life energy to regenerate. So no regeneration into Poni!Eleven.
Is anyone else having trouble loading the fourth part? My computer only loads the first page, sometimes the second, and then just stops.
VastaKustutaI was afraid of that.
Mark my words whovian bronies, I will have my Eleven Rarity exchange on the merits of bow ties.
Until that day comes however, this is easily the best Doctor Whoof story I've read so far, up there with some of the best fan fiction that I've ever read in my life.
>“…I swear it’s the same everywhere! Never mind the brain-melting cosmic abomination, there’s shipping afoot! Oh excuse me, shipping ‘ahoof’!”
>Twilight’s quick mind immediately began running through all she knew about PKE. Every fact, every tidbit, every theory. ‘…F***in’ magnets/how do they work?…’ Another spark. “THAT’S IT!!!”
The 5th part won't open for me, its saying i need to ask for permission to open it.
VastaKustutaWTF? I need permission to see it?! :(
VastaKustutaYea, same here
Yea, same problem probably just a mistake. =P
VastaKustutaWell this blows. Can't access the bloody thing. And I was so looking foward to see how it ended. Oh well.
VastaKustutaChapter 5 posted:
Need a password:
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaDear Author,
VastaKustutaWould you be so kind as to allow us access to your work please?
Last most removed due to spelling error.
Oh nooo no access
VastaKustuta>finish reading part 4 after 2 hours of interrupted reading
VastaKustuta>go to sleep at 1:30
>wake up to see part 5 is posted
>find out it is password protected
ACK!! Sorry you guys! It's all fixed up now! That's what I get for uploading a story so late at night, I tend to forget important things!
Awww YEAH!
VastaKustutaStill requires permission.
I don't understand. I changed the settings and everything (also it works for me). Maybe I should send Seth a new link?
VastaKustutaI think maybe you should, I can't read it either.
VastaKustutaYAY! More episodes!
VastaKustutaYes, send Seth the new link. Unlike the past parts this one doesn't have the auth code required on its link. D:
VastaKustutaI need to get to read thiiis. ;_;
Confirmed that link works.
VastaKustutaAWWWW YEAH!
Once again, gracious author, you have made my day. I loved the ending, and I can't wait to see more stories from you. Looks like you found yourself another loyal reader.
VastaKustutaThats the link thats appearing in the post and its still requiring permissions.
This is freaking EPIC.
VastaKustutaI keep cracking up at how everyone immediately assumes that the Doctor got a little romance.
More proof that the Doctor is a fucking pimp.
Still can't access it. Maybe it's geolocked or something?
VastaKustutaWe're going to need EPIC LEVELS OF WIN to keep our pony-form now that we ran out of this awesome story :D
VastaKustutaHephestus, think you can do something about it? :D :D :D
Scratch my previous statement, just read it. Truly a great read. I can't wait for the next episode.
VastaKustutaQuestion though, doesn't the Doctor have pictures of human beings in the TARDIS? Why didn't he just show one of those to the Mane Cast to get them to believe him about the pink bipeds with the knack for survival?
@Cody MacArthur Fett
VastaKustutaMostly because it wasn't really all that important. The Mane Cast understood that manure was going down, what with the witches and cosmic monstrosities. Besides, I'll probably get into all that wonderfully awkward stuff in the next episode.
Have I mentioned this is brilliant?
VastaKustutaAlso, can we expect a sequel based on that exchange with Celestia? 8DDD Because it would be even more epic.
You mean there will be more?
VastaKustuta*Happy squal*
VastaKustutaI still can't open it! It tells me to ask for permission if I'm logged in; or log in if I'm not, then ask for permission...
VastaKustutaIt's okay, just send me a share request and I'll give you permission. Google Docs can be so difficult sometimes.
I'm the same guy who posted @Anonymous. Scratch that, it works now after doing a hard refresh of the page. Stupid browser was caching the old link... Sorry!
VastaKustutaCongratulations Hephestus.
VastaKustutaYours is one of only 5 fan fictions that I have ever officially archived on the off chance that they one day disappear. I'll be holding onto this one until the day that I die.
@Jack of Games
VastaKustutaThanks! That really means a lot! I love to know that I made someone's day at least a little better.
I liked this story alot.
VastaKustutaI hope to see more from this author because this author is very good at writing these kind of fics.
*Mind blown*
VastaKustutaDamn you, you made me watch the show 8(
Thanks Haphestus for this fic!
A glorious fic, a sequel would not be unwelcome.
VastaKustutaHephestus, that was stupendous! I loved every inch of it! A personal suggestion for the next episode, MLP uses a lot of mythological creatures, so will there be things like tommyknockers and dwarves in the caves?
VastaKustuta>music on shuffle while reading chapter 5
VastaKustuta>Doctor Who theme (2008) plays when I get to the "THE END/CREDITS/NEXT EPISODE" part
Amazing ending, and I can't wait to see the next story.
VastaKustuta@Dat fucking Writefag
VastaKustutaI'm always happy to get another person onto Doctor Who! It's a great series!
Now that was a happy ending. I hope to see more adventures posted. I've never gotten into Doctor Who, but if the Tenth is anything at all like you've portrayed him, I'm going to have to start.
VastaKustutaBrilliant. Read through all 5 parts in one sitting, and you have to love how it stays true to the show right down to the quips. If you have a sequel in the works already, it will be glorious and good on yah.
You should make an adventure with Daleks and Cybermen very soon!
Excellent. The writing style is easy to understand, but conveys the content wonderfully. The characters are excellent, and, of course, the Doctor is forever David Tennant. Overall, Excellent work. I can't wait for more
VastaKustutaDoctor Who.
Good stuff. Another would be excellent!
VastaKustutaMagnificent. One of the best fanfics I ever read. Fun, tragic, funny and incredible well done. You managed to create a very tense adventurer, with all the flavors of the Doctor Who franchise and Eldritch Abomination worth of the Cthulus Mythos without losing the love, friendship and cutesy atmosphere of the My Friendship is Magic Universe.
VastaKustutaThanks friend. Really, that comment made my day as I've been a bit out of sorts as of late! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, and I hope you'll enjoy the next one just as much (more?)
I'll upload the first chapter of it whenever it's done and upload a new chapter every Friday. Cheers!
VastaKustutaThere's an actual TVTropes page for it now? I was just happy it had been recced!
Thanks so much you guys, that really made my day!
Still waiting excitedly for the next part! I like your idea about updating every Friday, it makes up for the fact that I don't have a new episode to look forward to.
VastaKustutaWhat else needs to be said about this fic that hasn't already been said? It's fantastic how you're able to incorporate both the Whoniverse and Equestria so seemlessly, and I'm eagerly looking forward to the next episode of Doctor Whoof! Will we be seeing more Who villains in the future as well?
Also, is there a way I can contact you BTW? I'd like to do some art for your fic and your future chapters when you post them next.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta*finishes reading*
VastaKustutaThat was...bloody brilliant. Fantastic! I loved every moment of it! Like everyone else has said, you really managed to merge the feels of both shows perfectly, neither overpowering the other.
How much did I enjoy it? The worst thing I didn't like about it was that it wasn't my favorite version of the Doctor (the 11th). If that's the biggest complaint I can come up with, you definitely did something right! XD
Just wanted to say, that I've read pretty much every Doctor Whoof story on posted here, and I haven't seen any of them that really captures the feel of personalities of both the Doctor and the Mane Six as well as yours. It actually feels like its the Doctor and the ponies going on their adventure, instead of someone attempting to write about them doing it. It was bloody marvelous!
VastaKustutaI have to say, I was really impressed with this. I'm a Creative Writing and a Theatre major, so I'm very nitpicky when it comes to fanfiction. To write well you must really understand and respect the characters and the story you intend to write. And you got it. I could hear the characters' voices in my head as I read the dialog, which is always a very, very good sign. You pulled off Ten extremely well.
VastaKustutaNow I'm going to critique a little, but only because I can tell you're a good writer and such comments may be beneficial to you. There were very few times I felt pulled out of the story. Such as in part 2 when you used the phrase "shriveled grey body" twice in the same paragraph. The ponies swearing also pulled me out occasionally, not too bad except for the "world-class social retardation" line in part 4. I could never imagine Twilight using the word "retard" or any of its variants at all.
These incidents are very few. Your story is fantastic and I'm looking forward to starting on your sequel.
VastaKustutaGreat! I love getting critiques like this, it allows me to refine my end products for maximum effect.
BTW I've gone an fixed that little bit of repetition as it is rather clunky and may be a bit of a bump in a future reader's experience. As for the 'retard' bit if anyone else feels it to be noticeably out of place, just say so and I'll give it a tweak.
I was going to sleep last night, but instead I read this story. It surpasses sleeping by a long shot. I felt the story as it unfolded and was really interested in the characters. Is Doctor Who as a show this good? I might have to start watching it.
VastaKustutaIf I can turn one more person onto Doctor Who, I know I've done my job.
Thanks for disrupting your circadian rhythm to read my scribbles. It really means a lot :)
I'm not even joking, this and the sequel are the two best pieces of fan fiction I have ever read. I swear, I do not exaggerate.
VastaKustutaHephestus, you shall be heralded as a deity to best fit your username. Good work!
Of all the little things (and the big thing; the story itself) i liked about this story, my favourite has to be the Doctor's gay-dar going off for Big Mac and Caramel. Oh so subtle, but way too awesome to overlook =D
VastaKustutaFirst off, I thought this story was fantastic, probably my favorite fanfic I've read so far.
VastaKustutaJust a few things though. I agree with tsumirechan about the language, though I didn't quite feel pulled from the story due to it, it just doesn't really express the characters that they're portrayed as in the show. I guess you're the one who chooses to follow their original personalities though.
Another thing I noticed is I think that you're trying a little too hard to include all of the mane characters in each aspect of the story. Mostly when conversations over complex topics that only the doctor and twilight generally comprehend come up, it seems like everyone else's character temporarily obtains a greater intellect just for the purpose of giving their own input. I think you should try other ways include them without taking them out of character.
One last thing, (I'm pretty sure I've said this to the author of every fanfic I've read) it's a shame that such a great story has to be flawed with spelling and grammar errors. There were only a handful that I noticed in this story, but still I really don't think it's that hard to run a spell check in ms word and look really carefully for unintentional writing flaws.
Anyways, that’s all I’ve got. Don’t get the wrong impression, I absolutely loved it. As a huge twilight fanboy I’m gonna have to encourage you to keep going with the implied shipping. Not only do they make a perfect couple, but honestly it’s just refreshing to see her in a heterosexual relationship in a fanfic, I really tire of the twixie/twiluna bullcrap. If you keep adding to this story as a series then it’ll definitely be a good idea to continue keeping it to an only-implied level, but if you ever end the story once-and-for-all, you definitely need to finalize their relationship.
VastaKustutaGreat! Thanks for the input. However, I feel I must ask which spelling/grammar errors you are referring to. I did run it through MS spell check and nothing came up except for the made up words. Could it be that I've got mine set up for Canadian/European english and therefore throw in an extra 'u' or something here and there?
(the part where I defend my mistakes)
As for the language, I am primarily a Doctor Who fan and therefore stick to that end of the spectrum in terms of profanity, in that it's simply for flavoring and emphasis. But if it does bother people, I can just give it the ol' edit and the story will be no worse for the wear.
Finally, the characters. I think I've got an idea which scene you're referring to, and I don't think it's that much of a stretch that they'd arrive at the conclusions that they did. I tried to make it seem like a believable flow of logic. Also clumsy exposition.
That out of the way, thanks for the feedback, I really do like it when people give constructive criticism, it means I've succeeded as a writer because people are thinking about it enough to find flaws.
Ok so that was awesome and i am going to have to read the nexta one :D:D:D:D
VastaKustutaDid anyone else find their mental voice for the Doctor slipping between incarnations while reading this? I had Nine and Six creep in a couple of times.
VastaKustutaAside from that weirdness, this was a fantastic pieces of writing. Five stars.
This got six stars? Really? I'm sorry, I just couldn't get into this. It really needs a good editing. I don't know how you got Google Docs to replace quote marks with a square symbol and the letter n, but that needs to be fixed.
VastaKustuta@Bradley Armstrong
VastaKustutaI think that may be more a problem with your computer's compatibility, because this is the first I've heard of it and it certainly wasn't intentional.
VastaKustutaAppleDoctor - I need it.
VastaKustutaI will hate you forever for that little bit of implied shipping between Caramel and Big Mac. Seriously. Even if the rest of the story is solid gold, that one line poisons everything. Gods, I hate your friggin' guts right now. They're practically the only stallions in a town full of mares, and you want to imply that they're GAY?
VastaKustuta*strangles you through the computer screen*
I was half expecting Celestia to say “Spoilers!” to The Docter in the last chapter.
VastaKustutaSo, does this mean Peter, Egon, Ray, and Winston will be showing up?
@Nightgazer Starlight
VastaKustutaSay, now THERE'S an idea...
Holy god, I now have a new all-time favourite piece of literature. You are a God.
VastaKustutaIs there someway to subscribe to a story so I'll get an e-mail when it updates on here then, please let me know?
VastaKustuta@Nightgazer Starlight
VastaKustutaI'm not sure if Equestria Daily has such a feature, but they probably do, so be sure to email seth and ask!
As for updates, Timelords and Terror has finished updating. So if you wish to continue the story of the Mane Six and The Doctor, I suggest you read Mines of Dragon Mountain, the sequel (which is also complete)
Thanks for reading!
Good lord this fic was fantastic it felt like doctor and MLP absolutely loved it can't wait to catch up with the rest of your stories and I hope you make more :D
VastaKustutaSome of the best Doctor Who Stories I've ever read, both of them. They're so jam packed with goodness. Hope you write more of these dude. We seriously need to convince hasbro and BBC to collab on this concept.