• Story: Through Simple Eyes

    [Normal] Calling Big Mac Simple!?  The dude is a mathematics genius if the fans have any say in it! Also Written by PhoenixReece
    Description: A day in the life of Applejack's quiet brother. Everyone's got their own opinions, what does Big Mac think that he doesn't say out loud?
    Through Simple Eyes

    9 kommentaari:

    1. Entertaining piece. I'm no writer myself, so I can't say much more than that Big Mac is always fun to read and that having all six main characters was nice, if a little contrived. Needed more Derpy though. Because everything's better with Derpy.

      Also, that ending. Darn near fell out of my chair when I read it. E'yup.

    2. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Decent characterization.

      And I really should add another star just for that ending...

    3. Big Mac! Great choice. I'm drawn more toward 'fics that touch on side characters. Gotta admit, I also felt that half of the main cast felt shoehorned in, but the spontaneous (and welcome) appearance of a Pinkie song made my day. I liked it about as much as I expected to - which is to say, 'twas fairly good.

    4. That was really good. I hope there's an update.

    5. That was a wonderful read.
      I look forward to whatever else you produce.

    6. This was great! Its a really good story and I thought that the way you characterized him and the other ponies were really great and I thought that it was a really cute story.
      I love it =)

    7. I liked it. Seemed like it could be Big Mac having these thoughts even though it could also have been Forrest Gump.

      Also even though I laughed at the L4D reference Im still not sure if it has any place in the story.

      Only complaint is that I would like to think that Big Macintosh has friends of his own or at least others who he has a relation to (Not counting Keith), yet we dont see him enteract with noone but the main cast.

    8. Sweet little story. Definately 5 star worthy.

    9. in all honesty i think bigmac and fluttershy are mostlikely to get togather, why do you ask? (and im serious here) flutts has a huge bondage fetish (return of harmony episode 2) and big mac is just as quite and polite, not tomenchion strong... so yea
