Author: Neon Noble
Description: Inspired by a comment on the image of the same name. Princess Luna has fallen ill and Princess Celestia turns to Twilight and her friends for help.Ten Very Venturous Ponies Part 1
Ten Very Venturous Ponies Part 2
Ten Very Venturous Ponies Part 3
Ten Very Venturous Ponies Part 4
Ten Very Venturous Ponies Part 5 (New!)
34 kommentaari:
Yay!! Very good story!!! Continue, I insist!
VastaKustuta@Desert Rose
VastaKustutaWell, if you INSIST! XD
Awesome. Do want more, mmmyeesssss.
VastaKustutaLuna? Luna?! LUUUUUUUUUUNA!
VastaKustutaAn interesting read, I humbly request more my good sir.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWait, what's the point of an umbrella hat if her coat is going to get wet anyway?
VastaKustutaI'm not really sure, but Pinkie still owns the hat anyway. And umbrella hats are pretty crappy-- I should know, I used to have one! :P
It's Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie that's all you can say.
VastaKustutaAnyways good read can't to see what happens next and where their adventures take them.
We want MOAR!!
VastaKustutawho's with me???
@Desert Rose
VastaKustutaYou'll get your MOAR when the blog is next updated-- I sent in Part 3 an hour or two after he left.
I probably could've finished a Part 4 if I hadn't been playing TF2. :P
But, man, it's nice to know people like my stuff! XD
@Desert Rose
VastaKustutaYou'll get your MOAR when the blog is next updated-- I sent in Part 3 an hour or two after he left.
I probably could've finished a Part 4 if I hadn't been playing TF2. :P
But, man, it's nice to know people like my stuff! XD
Yayayayay Iz gettin sum moar!! :)
VastaKustutaGood story, bro.
This is going along swimmingly! Keep up the good work!!
VastaKustutaMust have been hell writing zecora's part
VastaKustutaTrust me, I had to look up a LOT of words in the thesaurus to get that all to rhyme. XD
Heh. Very cool stuff so far. Beginning of a legendary fic, this is, methinks.
VastaKustutaDerp. I hate reading fics that aren't finished. Please hurry! I can't wait to see how derpy gets involved.
VastaKustutaThat was GREAT!!!!!
VastaKustutaYay!! Very epic, much.
...that is if you don't mind...
VastaKustutaI sure can!
However, I've got a segment or two until they show up, so be patient.
VastaKustutaOh, I'm liking this.
VastaKustutaI wonder who the other 3 are gonna be.
Loved the random Derpy appearance!
VastaKustutaMuffins ftw!!
Oh dear Celestia!
VastaKustutaThis is my new vice.
Ship sets sail next chapter. I excites.
VastaKustutaCharacters acting in character? Check.
VastaKustutaCharacters speaking in character? Check.
A good plot that could actually work out nicely for an official story arc? Check.
Now if you can somehow shoehorn in Derpy like that picture suggests and I'll gladly give you that five-star rating!
Stiillll waiting.
VastaKustutaThis story is totally frigging awesome
VastaKustutaIt needs to continue... like now-ish.
VastaKustutaI'm hooked... I'M HOOKED!
VastaKustutaIs this dead?! I hope not! I want to know just what the Crusaders are gunna do to get onto that ship.
VastaKustutaThis story is DEAD! That sucks, I was liking it.