• Story: The Sweet and Sorrowful

    [Sad] A WAYY late drawfriend entry, but I'll let it slide since it looks really promising! Author is MoronSonofBoron
    Description: After her latest defeat, Trixie returns to her hometown to catch up with her father.  Together, they must come to terms with their past. 
    The Sweet and Sorrowful

    11 kommentaari:

    1. It looked promising, and holy manure, did it deliver the sadness. This story made me shed manly tears... Good job, MoronSonofBoron

    2. Powerful, powerful stuff.

    3. I think it broke my soul.
      Strangely, not as horrible for Trixie as I expected, but still plenty sad.

    4. Appropriately believable and creative, with smooth narration and dialogue.

      I enjoyed reading this story.

    5. Must not cry....must not cry........*cries*

    6. I had to read it again it was so good. I might even have shed more tears the second time. and as always Trixe based storys rock.

    7. This just didn't have the same impact on me as some of the other sad fics on the site. Not sure why.

    8. Yo, where's the rating system for this fic? I wanna give it 5 stars!

    9. Fairly good, some sad stuff in there. Didn't quite bring me to tears, but I got a little watery-eyed at some parts, though, and the short paragraphs kept me interested as I was reading. The first section-change left me a bit confused, and then when it failed to follow a present-past-present-past pattern I was a bit confused again, but by the end of it I think I got the hang of it.

      OCs didn't bother me, since they were fairly well-rounded.

      *Spoiler in comment warning*
      I'm not always too keen on when the cutie mark relates directly to an event or a personality trait and not a specific talent. I've read at least two fics that involved fillies getting their cutie marks after some deep emotional discovery or them growing up or something, and while it's always cute and usually does its part at leaving me with tears of d'aww, it detracts from long-term recollections of the story, when I start to think of stuff like "Wait, when they grow up that won't make much sense and won't allude at all to what the pony's actually good at."

      In this one, however, that aspect was handled quite well. It was a grown stallion who was getting it, he'd been searching and trying to obtain it his whole life. With the other ones, it was fillies and they should've gotten it slightly later, when they discovered their talents, not when some major epiphany or heartfelt thing happened. Cute as it is, that's not really how it works, at least from my understanding of it in the show (I guess we might see some more detail in Cutie Mark Chronicles).

      In this case, the emotional epiphany is basically what he's best at. His talents aren't necessarily all that hard-set, he seems to be adequate at doing a number of things, but hasn't discovered himself as being great at anything in particular, except being proud and fairly determined, and it took the ordeal with Trixie for him to discover the last area where he lacked that pride in his life and that's why I think it works here. His special talent isn't necessarily "loving his daughter" because that's a bit sappy and he's probably going to wind up having disputes with her at SOME point in the future. No, his mark represents his overall sense of pride, I think, which seems to be what he is talented in.

      Or something like that, whatever. Pretty good fic. Well-written, but didn't quite make me tearjerk.

    10. @BronyMike

      I think 'being there for his daughter' was his special talent all along. He's been so miserable because he didn't acknowledge it.

    11. While I liked the majority of the story, there were a few points that kind of ruined it for me.

      Trixie purposely destroying her wagons just for a chance to be around her dad? Seems unlikely to me. You'd think he would just stop granting her new wagons after like the 5th time, and suggest that she get a tent instead.

      Her mother's suicide was over too quickly, not very clear and could have been a lot more emotional.

      I like that Trixie pretends to hate having to put on a little magic show, recounting her adventures to her father each time she returns home, yet its secretly her greatest joy. That was definitely the highlight of the fanfic for me.
