• Story: Squeak and Madmax

    [Random][Shipping] It would be different if these weren't well written, but they all are...  What am I to do? 
    Description: Taking Tripfag circlejerks to a whole new level, with 3rd wheel style romance.  Yah, you read that right.
    Squeak and Madmax

    I'm gonna go pray for forgiveness now. 

    This is the final Trip shipping fic.  Hopefully you enjoyed our little venture into the abyss of fandoms.

    42 kommentaari:

    1. Why you do this.

      More importantly, why am I not invited. /spoiler

    2. Cupcakes are Evil! Doesn't anyone know that? Muffins are more trustworthy.

    3. Putting it up here, right now, I had NOTHING to do with this.

    4. @Squeak

      I'll delete it if you want me to.

      But hurry up and want me to cause I leave in 10 minutes for work!

    5. Hmm, 3 of these? Don't know if want. I guess I'll have to read it and find out.

    6. @Sethisto

      Don't you dare Squeak, I have got to see what Madmax says first.

    7. what in gods name have we done

    8. Just going to warn you folks now, something like this got started up a few years back on my home message board. Before anyone knew it, an explosion of more than 300 stories of varying quality had popped up just of various board members shipping themselves with each other.

      You're standing on the edge of the abyss right now. Last chance to step back before you fall in.

    9. Am I the only one who finds this adorable?

    10. @Squeak

      I know, you can blame me for this one.

      Sorry folks, had to get it out of my system.

    11. @Phoe

      Yah I think im stopping this here.

    12. Can't stop the signal, brah.

    13. Well . . . that was tame. When you ship trippers, I expect the story to be as over the top as the concept.

    14. I like it better when we don't involve real people into these stories, even if it's supposed to be funny, it just feels weird if there's shipping involved...

    15. @Anonymous

      That's why I find them hilarious.

    16. That tripfag shipping comic was bad enough, but now tripfag shipping fanfiction too? This is bottom of the barrel sad you should feel sad.

    17. Um, if I might make a suggestion!
      Much like the ponies in panties, put all the Tripper Ships in one article?

    18. I suggest that we deem tripshipping "so yesterday", seeing that (even though it was hilarious as hell with the first few) some people are feeling a bit creeped out about this and, gone unchecked, would blossom non-ironic, poorly-written "Pony-A X Pony-B" metafiction.

      Not to sound UNFRIENDLY towards those who wanted to hop aboard on the band-wagon, but I think anything after this would be... bad.

    19. This self insertion shipping stuff is far more disturbing and embarrassing than the pony panties, just FYI.

      Probably not a great idea to have this stuff up here after you made that post on the PA forums about how the creepy stuff was just a joke.

    20. @Anonymous

      It wasn't self insertion, somepony else did the inserting, I think to troll us.

    21. Stop. These aren't even like... funny.

      They are actually serious.


    22. Pull this shit before you give people more ammunition to shoot against your blog. Housing stories of this pathetic level will only bring you trouble.

    23. Am I the only one who actually likes this sort of thing? I really don't see what's so bad about OCs or stories about them, especially if they're well-made.

      Now, mixing OCs with characters from the show is pretty sketchy, mostly because it's near-impossible to do it well, but why is something like this so villified? It's a cute, simple story about characters who are ponies, and it's on this site because it references/contains the site's owner and several of its regular contributors. It's not the end of the world to have something different once in awhile, and I highly doubt that it's going to cause some sort of trend in the content here. Case in point, there's a huge number of stories and drawings of MLP-esque OCs out there in internet-land, and they don't get posted here.

    24. @natashasoftpaw
      Think about this way...
      They're writing stories that ship actual people but as ponies.

      Imagine if you were at a friends house and you found stories about people you knew, no names changes, put in romantic or sexual situations.

      When it's done for laughs, hey ya know whatever, but this is... getting not funny.

    25. @Pacce

      Well, I was under the impression that one of the people in the story had written it. If that's not the case, and the characters weren't used without the permission of their owners, then yes, it's a problem.

      So, to my previously-stated vote of approval for this sort of thing, I'll add the common-sense stipulation that stuff like this is only acceptable when written by the owner of one of the characters in the story, and/or all characters are used with permission by their owners/creators.

      Does anyone know whether that was or was not the case with this story?

    26. Derp, I should pay attention to the names used by commenters. Don't mind me, sorry y'all.

    27. Squeak, I have to know. Are you a boy, or a girl?

    28. @Pacce

      "but this is... getting not funny."

      I agree. This is honestly my only problem with it. The subject matter should be played for laughs, or it comes across as . . . awkward. This story, it keeps borderlining it. There are funny moments in it, but it plays like a romantic comedy.

      That's where I feel a line is crossed. Not the fact that these are tripfriends (unlike the kneejerk reactions of anon). Not the fact that these are OC ponies (like the people who proclaim this is the fall of the fandom). Not the fact that it is shipping. It's that it's all three of these things AND not played for laughs. The result is something that has missed-the-mark at best, or outright creepy at worse.

    29. I wanted something to do with Cheerilee with that picture. I'm starting to really dig Cheerilee.

      Maybe I should go write something that has to do with Cheerilee.

    30. Also, don't worry Sethisto. I still love you. :3

    31. @natashasoftpaw

      I am totally cool with OCs and their stories, but I think the issue here is someone is taking actual people and making them into ponies for shipping, and I am not sure with their knowledge either.

    32. I am fine with this, IF the creator/owners of the OCs know about this and are fine with it. If they are not, then it is definitely a problem; I know I wouldn't want it done to me without my consent.

    33. @brianblackberry

      Indeed, which is why I corrected myself in my subsequent comments. I was under the impression that the story was written by one of the people in it, or that the characters were at least used with permission, because I didn't expect a story where neither of those were true to be posted here.

      (This is the same person, I forgot that I have a Blogger account :-P )

    34. This is embarrassing and whoever wrote it should feel embarrassed.

    35. I'm starting to feel that, despite liking the show, some of the fans are already becoming... well, creepy. And this is coming from fandom that has grown men enjoying toys for little girls.

      Celestiadammit, I really, really hope we're not gonna turn into the fucking Sonic fandom.

      Blogbrony, please. I mean, you're the guy who writes and owns this blog, but... could we have less of this? This isn't pony related, and while both Squeak and Madmax are awesome, we really don't need shipping of them.

      It's creepy. And weird. And it's gonna tear the fandom apart.

    36. I'm sorry for what I started... I swear, the one I wrote was intended as JUST a joke.

    37. @Silver_Smoulder

      You're taking this story far too seriously.

      You're tearing me apart, Silver!

    38. @Roy G. Biv
      And I still like yours because it WAS so obviously a joke.
      But I can totally understand why others don't and it is already showing signs of getting out of control.

    39. @Anonymous

      A) Serious business

      B) I cry because you drink

    40. @Silver_Smoulder

      It's gonna be guys like you that freak out too much over small things or nothing at all being "horrendously creepy" with some "preach about the end-times" attitude that'll fuck up the community, not things like this themselves.

    41. @Anonymous

      I think that in a location priding itself for housing "all the pony that's fit to print", there's a very real need to take the concerns of varying members of the community seriously. The last time I was involved in a flood of authors shipping authors, it was concentrated into a single thread on a message board, and it STILL drew tons of complaints from people creeped out by it and refusing to accept that it was tongue-in-cheek. Eventually the whole thing was shut down permanently by the moderators after too many complaints were filed and too many decency lines were crossed.

      This sort of thing has a tendency to go all bandwagony explosion, and with the format of this blog the more that happens the more visible it would become. Blogpony's making the right call in drawing the line here. People should feel free to write whatever, but that doesn't mean it should all get published. Especially not when it's clearly making a not insignificant portion of the community uncomfortable.

      And that was my flimsy attempt to reconcile my beliefs about authorial freedom with the idea of censorship for the good of the community. Coming up next: sports!

    42. Hmm...I read all the comments and decided to see what all the fuss was about....I don't see it. Squeak and Madmax created OC's and someone shipped them together, it was rather cute really. And fairly well written. Nothing to get so worked up over by any means.
