• Story: A Series of Letters

    [Shipping] Applebloom and Spike in letter form.
    Description: A short collection of exchanges between Twilight and Celestia. Contains a little Spike and Apple Bloom shipping, although they do no appear in the story.
    A Series of Letters

    11 kommentaari:

    1. It was pretty "meh"

      Maybe I'm just being a star scrooge.


    2. >star scrooge

      why is that so funny to me?

    3. Dragons and humans have been doing it since the days of Breath of Fire!(Video game series, in fact it crossed dragons and winged people as well) So why not... everything exists because you think it does.

      Everything is posssible and nothing is impossible, if nothing were possible then nothing there would be.

    4. @Anonymous

      Rah... Rah... Fight... da... poawh?

    5. Twilight doesn't really sound in character here, which is my main gripe. She grew up in Canterlot, for starters, but she's also an intellectual and should generally be above such things as being worried about "taboos".

    6. Dang guys. Everyone is just SKATING around Spike x Applebloom.

      Do I have to write this damn fic?

      Anyways, I quite enjoyed these letters. I will agree with the above that Twilight seemed a bit weird though. Still, keep up the good work! Onward writer!

    7. Yeah, Twilight was out of character. Although it would make sense for her to show some concern about life length for Spike and all.

      Still though, I'm disappointed as a fan of Spike and Applebloom shipping. It's being skated around, although for decent reasons I suppose.

      Everyone skates around it because can you imagine what their marriage life would be like?

      Actually that would be pretty interesting.
      The brony writing The Bar stories should do that.
      Wait a minute... I am the brony writing The Bar stories!
      That makes things peachy perfect!

      Thanks for inspiration bronies!

    8. I did find it intersting to read. But serious man both twilight and celestia sound out of character.
      I know the are very close but it doesnt sound right that celestia would take such an angered tone.

    9. hope we can see more stories about spike, applebloom or the cutie mark crusaders

    10. Heh, if you think intellectuals are necessarily open-minded, I suggest going back and reading some of the middle ages' scholastics. Twilight's skepticism doesn't necessitate progressive social values; I can totally see her being a fierce devotee of natural law theory from what we've seen of her. Remember her open-mindedness in Bridle Gossip was more about the superstition over curses than anything else.

      Anywho, it was a smidge anvilicious, and I feel the final few letters rehashed the debates in the first few letters a little too much, but I enjoyed it. It needs some work, but don't let the haters get ya down =) The execution was lacking in some cases, but the premise was very intriguing, and I look forward to seeing what you can produce as your writing skills improve.

