• Story: Scooting the Skies

    [Normal] I was looking for an excuse to use this image for something!  This story has nothing to do with a game series that has way too many installments though! Author is Scootypuff!
    Description: Rainbow Dash substitute teaches the flying class in Ponyville. However, she's upset to learn that young Scootaloo has no interest in flying and would much rather just ride her scooter. Each tries to prove that they're right, leading to the two to begin competing with each other.
    Scooting the Skies Part 1
    Scooting the Skies Part 2

    5 kommentaari:

    1. I loved the imagination you put into this, and the competition scene was well written and enjoyable
      All i can say is MOAR

    2. That was a very amazing story. Nicely done, Scootypuff! Hope your future stories are as grand as this one!

    3. The tenses seemed to get scrambled during the middle of the race for a second, but it made it sound like a commentator was speaking, rather than just getting garbled. Other than that, really well written, and an extremely fun read!

      Also: I lost it at "What's a feet?" Pure gold, that line.

    4. I agree completely, this was a great story.

    5. How can such a good story have so little recognition, even if it was posted in March? It's just not right!
