• Story: The Quiet Kind

    [Shipping] Some Big Mac/Rarity Stuff!
    Description: Big Mac makes another entry in his journal after an eventful night at the Summer Sun Celebration.
    The Quiet Kind


      Great writing. It was, well, adorable. This made me happy.

      Secondly - Halfway through I imagined the whole thing being read by Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2. Can not un...think?

    2. The writing was pretty good and you did a good job portraying Mac as the "no time for anything but business" type of farm worker.

      Still... I didn't really feel a climax or an overall understanding to the love between the two. Big Mac kept on being all "I have to get the fuck out of here" and Rarity kept being "OH BIG MAC SEXY BECAUSE... YOU DON'T SAY ANYTHING"

      Like I said. Good writing and good characterization, but the romance between the two was a bit weak. Overall good job and I look forward to more by you.

    3. Great diary entry story. Very romantic and thought out.

    4. Awww. That was a really sweet story. I really liked how it was more of a romantic story with actually a believable story, Its a nice break from the regular shipping stories that this site normally has. I really love this story because its amazing how I can relate this to my own life.

      I love this story. Good job =)

    5. LOVED. I wish there were more Rarity and Mac shipping.

    6. Trevor liked it, but felt that it needed... Moar. It was somewhat lacking in character development and why, exactly, Rarity likes Rarity and vice-versa. It feels like one is missing some backstory or something. Anyhoof, that's just Trevor's opinion...
