• Story: Poisoned Sugar (Update Complete!)

    [Crossover] I am running out of Dr. Whoof pictures to use. Here is another fic about him! Take note show people, time traveling ponies are apparently popular! 

    Author: LordOfTheWrongs
    Description: The Doctor is understandably upset when he mistakenly lands in Equestria, but he quickly realizes it isn't chance that brought him there. The universe is wounded, and Nightmare Moon was only the tip of the iceberg. A story in the style of a Doctor Who episode. Takes place between "The Runaway Bride" and "Smith and Jones", if you want to know.
    Poisoned Sugar Chapter 1
    Poisoned Sugar Chapter 2
    Poisoned Sugar Chapter 3
    Poisoned Sugar Chapter 4
    Poisoned Sugar Chapter 5 (New!) 
    Poisoned Sugar Non Canon Epilogue (New!)

    37 kommentaari:

    1. Neat, I hope we get more Dr. Whoof stories.


    2. Nope, this is the first one I've posted here. I'm sure there will be a second eventually, though!

    3. @LordOfTheWrongs
      Wonderful so far! Looking forward to the next chapters!

    4. So the evil of the story is the Care Bears Dark Heart... yeah, I'd buy that.

      Or it could Darkmatter from Kirby's dreamland, that thing is ridiculously hard to destroy.

      I too look forward to another chapter, also ponies doing things they don't remember equals good laughs.

    5. Thank you both! I'm glad that bit was as funny to read as it was to write. :)

    6. Loving this so far! Look forward to seeing what you do with it :D

    7. I loved every minute of reading this, especially Twilight's hangover and the Azumanga reference in the middle bit.

      Also: I could feel it starting to wrap up, tighten itself into a neat little ending where all the threads are tied off. It was a brief moment, but there.
      And then you went and ripped everything open again, leaving plenty of room for more awesome and leaving me eager for more! Well done!

    8. Author’s notes:
      Chapter 3 of Poisoned Sugar is up. I anticipate death threats.
      Did I say a week or so? When I finished chapter 2, this entire section was noted as “various challenges along the way”. Then I struck on an inspiration, the Muse grabbed ahold of my brain, and I’ve stayed up late to write two nights running because I just couldn’t stop. I’d intended these events to be the first half of Chapter 3, but they stretched nearly as long as the previous chapters combined, so we’re definitely looking at a total of 5 chapters now.
      Holy Celestia on a bicycle...

    9. This is really good! Can't wait for the next chapter! Write, write!

    10. This is great so far.

    11. This continues to be great but, yes, LordOfTheWrongs, I am rather put out by that ending. Do keep writing, I'm eager to find out what the foal is going on.

      Concrit note: the emergence of the tunnel is a little bit unclear, for me at least. Also, I don't know if Twilight rhyming after talking with Zecora was intentional, but I thought that was cute.

    12. No, the rhyming wasn't intentional. I didn't even notice. :)

    13. Next chapter is up!

      This really will be my last for a week or so, as I'm posting this from the airport on the way to spring break! Enjoy, comment, and review! :D

    14. Hm... This doesn't seem like the end...

    15. @Anonymous PLEASE don't let it be the end, eh?

    16. Um, not the end. Someone should really fix that.

    17. Huh. That wasn't the end, it just sort of stopped.
      Mayhaps only part of the story was downloaded? Anyway, I'm sure this will all be resolved. At least I hope it will, since you've gone and gotten me immersed only to pull the rug out from under me and itjustmakesmesoangryIcouldteardowntheworldandexterminateexterminateEXTERMINAAAATE!!!!

      ...*Ahem*...'scuse me, I let my inner Dalek out for a second there. Better...for now. But yeah, looking forward to the resolution!

    18. Uhhh, Seth, this isn't complete. There's one more chapter.

    19. There we go. Thanks for the quick fix!

    20. after seeing dr.whoof posted in various stories... and it being awesome everytime, I just HAD to read it. and i was glad i did :)

    21. Man, that ending tugged at my heartstrings.

      Well done, LordoftheWrongs.

    22. I really liked the part in there about justice.
      I hope there are more dr whoof fics in the works.

    23. That was really good! :)

    24. I like the epilogue. For some reason, I find "Cartoon Characters are just actors in their own show," plots to be very funny.

    25. The Doctor pointed upward. “The universe! Fix the universe!” he shouted.

      Best. Line. EVER.

    26. This was a fantastic story. Very fantastic. I really enjoyed Twilight Sparkle's struggles with her emotions, and the idea of her becoming a Nightmare Moon-like being is just awesome.

      *coughs* Actually, I'm uh, writing a superhero novel and um...would you mind it if I used that line the Doctor gave about justice?

      "Revenge with pretty clothes on is still revenge."

    27. This story is made of win.

    28. @sunset spurt
      Well, thanks! I wasn't really trying to make any grand, philosophical points or anything...

      I'm glad Twi's internal struggle came out believable. I was worried about overplaying it.
      And no, I don't mind at all if you steal that line! I'm flattered!

    29. @sunset spurt

      If you mean from me, no, not at the moment. I think I'm gonna go write some lighthearted shipping to cleanse my palate.

    30. @LordOfTheWrongs: Thanks!

      So I was wondering, do you think you'll ever do any more Dr. Who/My Little Pony fics? After all, it would make for an interesting story for the Twilight and the others to run into a newer regeneration of the Doctor and have to adjust to his weirdness all over again. :)

    31. @Brian
      I might eventually, but not for a while. Maybe sometime during the hiatus, after I see how they portray Luna onscreen.
      For now I'm going to write some fics just dealing with the core cast to get a better handle on their voices. Pinkie Pie in particular, I think, has to strike a fairly delicate balance. (There's a reason she took a back seat in this fic.) She's odd, but not insane or oblivious, and when she's used right she can bring a lot of heart to a fic.
      Or possibly a lot of trombone. :)

    32. Best. Fanfiction. EVER.

      Brilliantly written tenth doctor, rich attention to "don't tell, show," wonderfully (and I mean knock-down-drag-out blinding) written Luna and an epilogue that sings.


    33. Awesome...but the epilogue is painful.

    34. @Anonymous
      In what way? It was just supposed to be silly and fun. :)

    35. The beginning was awesome, but it got a little bit worse at the end.

    36. its a good thing the epilogue was labeled non-canon (does canon even matter in an already non-canon story?)
      i was about to rage at that "or is it" part. until it got lampshaded that is.
