• Story: Pinkie's Tongues

    [Random] Some funny to make up for diabetes earlier.  Not every story is allowed to harm Pinkie's image!

    Author: Hawksyu
    Description: Pinkie babbles. Twilight tries to understand.
    Google Documents
    Pinkie's Tongues 

    Pinkie's Tongues

    Additional Tags:  Pinkie sprichst deutsch sehr schlecht

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Really hilarious story!

      I really can't think anything I don't like about this one; it was well written and kept me laughing the whole way through. And I don't even speak German!

    2. I lol'd at Twilight's hiding place filled with pervy books.

      It's always the nerdy, quiet ones...

    3. Pinkie Pie is right; fillylover IS the best word ever!

      and oh jesus, I was constantly snickering throughout the whole thing. c:

    4. "Twilight, ich weiß. Du bist ein Fillylover." - Pinkie Pie

      That made my day.

      And speaking german fluently this was very funny. Just you don't say "fick" instead of "f***" in german, usually some word for feces is used. Yay german cussing!

    5. I'm not entirely sure I could ever see Pinkie cussing, even in German. Still, fun story, two thumbs.


      Could you give it a try and translate Fillylover? The best I can get out of Google translate is "Liebhaber der Stutfohlen", which I suspect sounds more pedoish than it needs to.

    6. Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y6. märts 2011, kell 08:45

      I speak some German, so half the fun for me is deciphering what she says without a translator. I do however, must say Pinkie Pie does not cuss like Lee Ermey. Pinkie Pie has a generally softer disposition. Otherwise, fun read!

    7. Translations, Plz?

    8. @Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr y

      Hey, if anything would make Pinkie Pie cuss, it would probably be not being able to be understood.

      Twilight cussing near the end made me giggle, for some reason.

    9. @Anonymous

      Nope, sorry.
      Most of the stuff is in German though, so you ca Google translate it out.

    10. @Anonymous

      Sorry, use Google Translate. Most of it's in German if that helps.

    11. Derp. Forgot the title of this one after I printed it for some silly reason.

      Read this one a few days ago. Really enjoyed it, though I didn't try to figure out what any of the German text actually means. Laughs were had. And the whole Fillylover thing offered me a chuckle, so I keep the story around.

    12. ダニエル!3z7RcGCAqE4. aprill 2011, kell 00:47

      I do speak Deutsch as well and this was the kind of random I LOVE! I loled many times. Ich ficke Leibe sich!
