• Story: Pinkie Pie Style

    [Normal]  Lots of Pinkie Pie Today!
    Description: Pinkie Pie travels to meet an old friend, but finds Gilda waiting for her instead.
    Pinkie Pie Style

    38 kommentaari:

    1. Seems like autopost is working fine and dandy.

      Time to sleep now, 1am and I have to get up 7am tomorrow. Confound these ponies, driving me to insomnia.

    2. Yep, looks like the autopost is working well.

      I loved this story. This is EXACTLY the way Pinkie would've handled the situation.

    3. Pinkie Pie meets Machiavelli.
      Me gusta.

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. Holy Manure.

      That was like Death Note complex

      I LOVE YOU.

    6. 5 Stars. The characterization is perfect. Moabite, have an internet. You deserve it.

    7. Me... ENCANTA.

      That was awesome, and silly, and still believable. Great for Gilda, and better for Pinkie, who damn well knows how to plan ahead of Swarm is any evidence.

    8. @Triple 9.

      Technically if she planned ahead in 'Swarm' then the town wouldn't have been destroyed by parasprites. She did however plan ahead with the trombone.

    9. Pinkie Pie is the most manipulative...

      That was an awesome story. Good jobs, Moabite!

    10. That was... like eight different shades of awesome.

      I am not usually a fan of Omniscient Omnipowerful OmniPinkie, but this was so well-executed I cannot help but smile.

    11. Ha ha. You twisted my mind not once, but TWICE.

      1. I thought Gilda had like murdered her friend or something then "you were right" comes up and smacks me in the face.

      2. I thought Pinkie was screwed. Then you smacked me in the face again.

      Overall great writing. Looking forward to more by you.

      Thanks for the story.

    12. My first thought was: "bloody hell, now I have to change the name of the next P3 Project episode!"

      But after reading this? You can have it. :) I'll think of something else.

      My only hiccup would be that this seems to be a story that would take place more than one year later, given both the subject material and tone of voices on display. Maybe five instead? But that's so minor I can barely see it.

      I'm also in general not usually fond of fanfics that introduce chemical substances, if you will, into canon, so the fact that this won me over is just icing.

    13. Did Pinkie Pie Xanatos Gambit Gilda?

    14. Wow, just...wow. REALLY good characterization as someone said. Also, I second Anon, Light's got nothing on Pinkie here. Thanks for an awesome read.


    15. No a Xanatos Gambit is a victory no matter what the opposition does. There was a small chance for Pinkie losing for not bouncing the nasty Poison Joke sellers out of there.

    16. Awesome stuff, I love how you guided the story. You're a great writer hope to see more of your stuff.

    17. I find it... impossible to believe that Pinkie would be able to manipulate or blackmail anyone.
      But that's me.
      And this is fanfiction and the stories are free to unfold however you see fit.

    18. @Pacce
      I'm sorry. That was unhelpful and bordering on rude.

      Blog Brony, could you delete that? And this?

    19. I wanted them to hug in the ending. I want Pinkie and Gilda being friends! And I want Pinkie to apologise for what happened to Gilda.
      That was me being a fangirl. I'd find it highly unlikely something like this would happen but that is how I like fanfics and this is just another style. Pinkie being godlike is kinda bothering me, even though it is somewhat canon. A subject like drugs is too much out of our franchise in my opinion.

    20. @Pacce You can only delete your own post if you have a linked account.

    21. Pinkie Pie Vs David Xanatos...i'm not sure who will win now...maybe xanatos because he has more experience...but perhaps...just perhaps...Pinkie pie...there now needs to be an epic thirty chapter cross over of Xanatos VS Pie! Who ever wins, this will be EPIC.

    22. Xanatos will win but Pinkie will put up a good fight to the point that they are friends in the end and that's what they were both aiming for in the first place. A mutual if mysteriously beneficial friendship.

    23. Now I'm convinced that Pinkie will literally kill someone with kindness some day, even if she doesn't mean it...or does she?

    24. I liked this story - it was definitely well-written and I liked the double tweest. I can't help but think pinkie was off-character, but I can forgive that for the way it was handled :)

      great story, I can believe it going down like that.

    25. @Anonymous
      She got pretty close to that the last episode, IMHO ^-^

    26. When I was reading it, I was thinking "Drugs? In MLP? Srsly?" Then I kept reading. That's a really high-difficulty story and you pulled it off. I enjoyed it.

    27. Thank you to all who commented. I understand that Pinkie's characterisation was a bit polarising, but I knew that going into this.

      The use of drugs as a plot point was indeed a cop-out on my part. I should have come up with something more appropriate for the genre - live and learn.

      Okay - just for you, a non-canon epilogue:

      Through vision blurred by tears, Gilda looked up from the floor to the pink figure in front of her. Pinkie stood with her hoof extended to the griffon. Slowly, Gilda reached out, took Pinkie's hoof in her own shaking talon and, overcome by the kindness of the gesture, pulled the pony into a warm embrace.
      Her nose buried deep in feathers, Pinkie decided it would probably not be a good idea to tell Gilda that she had only wanted her library card back.

    28. Pinkie Pie, you magnificent bastard.

      Well done.

    29. Okay that epilogue cinched it for me, great work and a great story.

    30. This was all kinds of awesome

      And Schemer Pinkie is a bit scary oO

    31. The end made me smile.

    32. The idea was good, the writing was good. Loved it, but the ending was unnecessary.

    33. I was going to give it 4 stars, but your epilogue in the comments made it go up to 5 :)

    34. Pinkie?

      You're the best.

    35. Pinkie Pie : Queen of Benevolent Conspiracies.

    36. Hay yeah ! Very well writen : short, strong, outstanding.
      I don't even remember how I got here, but that's a good surprise !

      Epic epilogue too, by the way ! 8D
