• Story: A Nightmare to Remember (Updated Complete!)

    [Normal] Cereal says that this last part is the conclusion!

    Author: Cereal Velocity
    Description: Ancient magicians filled scrolls with their powerful, untested magic. Most of these lay forgotten, lost to the ages. Some, unfortunately for those brave enough to search, are found.
    A Nightmare to Remember
    A Nightmare to Remember Part 2
    A Nightmare to Remember Part 3 (New!) 

    Additional Tags: Rarity now hates tea cups.

    25 kommentaari:

    1. That was brilliant. The dream seemed vivid, yet confusing, as dreams often are. Characters seemed vibrant and it is an interesting story that seems to be using nightmare moon as some kind of antagonist, an occurrence that's becoming more and more common (which is awesome).

    2. Glad that picture got a color change, it always looked scary before.

    3. The part with the tree reminded me of Majora's Mask.

    4. I was nervous to see this get a followup- the original is so tantalizingly unsatisfying, I was worried a sequel would ruin the magic.

      I am happy to see that that is not the case- I really should not have doubted CV. The addition of Rarity and her vexing jealousy is a marvelous one, and I love the explanation of how pony magic works. The dream was feverish, but clearly themed: centered around death. I eagerly await more!

    5. This is looking pretty awesome. Is it heading toward grimdark territory? It seems like something that would make an amazing grimdark piece.

    6. I have enjoyed the story so far. While I wouldn't mind a grimdark story (because it seems to be heading in that direction) I do hope it will have a bit more...character dissection, for lack of a better term.

      I also really like the characterization of Rarity in the latest update.

    7. What Ebonmane an Malacoda said. This seems like it woul make a good Grimdark piece, while also "dissecting" the characters and their motivations/feelings.

      Whatever way it goes, I look forward to reading it.

    8. Thanks for the comments, guys.

      Regarding where the story is heading, I (for once) have part three roughed out in my head already, and it will be the conclusion. So far I've been trying to toe that grimdark line without actually crossing it, and for the foreseeable future that's what I'll continue to do.

      Thanks for reading!

    9. The far overdue Part III is complete, as is the story!

      If you've read it, I hope you enjoyed it! I certainly enjoyed telling the tale.

    10. I'm glad I didn't see this story earlier, I don't think I would have liked it if I had to stop reading at chapter 2.

    11. Dream theater reference? (probably not... A nightmare to remember is probably a common phrase)

    12. rarityismytrollqueen2. mai 2011, kell 23:52

      That was excellent

    13. I dunno. The third chapter felt like it wasn't a part of the rest of the story. The mysterious spell puts the pony into a nightmare to face their own anger? Then again, the rest of the story is intentionally ambiguous on a lot of points. I think it gets across the idea that Rarity is avoiding a far darker fate than we guess. The dream sequences were brilliant, and I love the imagery. Overall a really good read. Thanks. :)

    14. Hmm. I am not sure if this references something. If it does, it would explain some of the confusion. Either way, it was a compelling read. I am not sure I understand everything, but I enjoyed reading it none the less.

    15. It was great, I really enjoyed it a lot.

    16. "Are you going to kill her for this?"

      My blood ran ice cold. I remember thinking that, and reading the next part, where Rarity's did the same.

      This was a roller coaster! I was enthralled. Some really, really deep stuff was explored, and done so beautifully. I particularly like Luna's part in all this.

      I wish I could write half as well as you.

    17. If I could rate this six stars, I would.

    18. Oh my god. Reading this while listening to Thanqo's youtube version was absolutely AMAZING. I actually got really freaked out by Sweetie Belle!

    19. It's not until we wake up that we realize that it was actually strange...

      Dream Bigger.

    20. I bursted out laughter when i saw the title. There is actually a song named A Nightmare To Remember :D

    21. Hmm... My Little Pony meets Inception? It's certainly strange enough.

      Every scene which was supposed to be a dream actually felt like a dream, so well done!

    22. I'm such a big sensitive softie.

      Half the fics I have read aren't even marked [Sad], and yet they bring a tear to my eye.

      Beautifully written.

    23. holy hell... mental note: look through the story archives more often, because you find THIS kind of writing if you search.

      Idk if Cereal will ever read my lowly comment, but if you are, bravo. While this story didn't bother much with the characters of the show, what was happening, the themes and revelations in the writing- they were so stupendous. How on earth is this based on a show about magical pastel colored candy equines?

      Seth needs to do an archive repost marathon, so stuff like this is never lost to the void. Cereal, go write a book already, so I can buy it.

    24. I agree with Risky. This is an old story but it was heart warming all the same. If I wasn't looking through the archives, I would have missed this.

    25. Holy crap. Inception central.
      And like Risky said, take the time to look through the story archive to find writing like this.
