• Story: Love is Abloom

    [Shipping] Spike and Applebloom?! That's not how you spell Rarity!

    Author: DarkJester
    Description: A romantic tale of a love-struck pony and her attempts to impress the dragon of her dreams.
    Love is Abloom

    36 kommentaari:

    1. Rarity and Applebloom! SETHISTO, APPLEBLOOM IS A MINOR.


    2. spike and rarity is the one true ship. or tsundere twilight forcing him to clean everything in a maid outfit.

      also zark technicly a baby dragon could be same age as the pony's he is alot smarter then cutie crusaders.

    3. @pollardy
      I was saying that "Rarity X Applebloom" was unacceptable, my fine sir. Sorry fo the confusion.

    4. D'awww that was cute and pretty believable that it could be an actual episode. It wasn't overly romance novel-y, which I appreciate. I never read these slash fics but I enjoyed that.

      Keep up the good work!

    5. Aww! That was a really cute story.
      It kindda reminded me of something similar that happened to me when i was younger, although it wasen't dramatic as this was. It still brought some good memories.

      Thanks for the story, made me smile =)

    6. What the hay?! My story isn't posted yet?

    7. That is the cutest picture I have ever seen on ED.
      Well, maybe tied with that Baby AJ & Bloomberg drawing.
      And the story was nice too :D

    8. This makes total sense for some reason.

    9. "Spike and Applebloom?! That's not how you spell Rarity and Applejack!"

      Fixed that for you

    10. Short and sweet and incredibly adorable. I loved this. Great job.

    11. i friggen' love applebloom/spike fics. they make such an adorable couple, even when they don't end up an actual couple. great job, very much enjoyed this

    12. I enjoyed it, but this story really could have benefited from proofreading. There were quite a few grammatical and spelling errors. Aside from that, good job.

    13. Loved it, esp the end. EEEeeeeeyup!

    14. I liked it, but there was just one line that really bugged me.

      "Applebloom sweat-dropped."

      Really? Sweat-dropped? Are we in an anime all of a sudden?

    15. @Anonymous
      All my stories go through a three-step proofreading process. First me, then my friend, then me again. So errors are bound to slip through.

      If you want to help me out, please point them out for me and I will fix them post-haste. Thanks!

    16. @Anonymous
      Embarrassing that slipped through the cracks. >.>; Thanks for catching it!

    17. @Anonymous
      It was actually proofread twice. Once by me and then by a friend.

      If you or anyone else could make a note of the errors you found, I will fix them post-haste. Thanks!

    18. Eh, what's wrong with sweatdrops? I love 'em. Anime has such cleverly effective ways of conveying emotions! Anyway, adorably adorable and believable story! :3

    19. @Anonymous
      Well I've been taught that anime expressions don't do so well when described with physical words. Besides that, FiM isn't even an anime. :P It's just a old habit of mine I'm still trying to break!

    20. eeeh, Spike is a baby dragon. He isn't that mature...

    21. Eh by dragon standards a baby could still be 35.

    22. That story made me d'aaawwww

      lol spike too young for a relationship but still loves rarity as much as apple bloom loved him.

    23. In regards of Spike I think it's a bit off how mature and respnsibple he is acting and handling the situation in cortrast to his personality in the show (especially thinking about his feelings and acting for Rarity).

      Apart from that, it's nice, well written, and definitly earned my [D'aaawww] seal :)

    24. Lots of beneficial reading here, thanks! I was checking on yahoo when I observed your submit, I’m going to add your feed to Google Reader, I look forward to more from you.

    25. awww what a great story! i gave you a 5 star because you earned it for that cute little applebloom/spike fic, i love that match :)

    26. I D'AAAWWWWWWWed all over my screen. I couldn't help but smile at the end with the "a-yup."

    27. I still can't get over how pretty applebloom looks XD

    28. My head exploded from how cute she looks. Luckily i had an extra lying around for things like this. Good story. It was sooooooooooo adorable.

    29. That picture...


    30. rarityxapplebloom? who thought of that so I can give them a lesson on impossible ships? just kidding. applebloom looks beautiful and adorable in the picture. the story is very well written and adorable as well.

    31. SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!
      And the sotry was so ADORABLE!!!!

    32. @Anonymous

      Spike hatched when Twilight was quite young. So he's only a few years old.

    33. amazing story had me smiling all the way, very well done
