• Story: The Ghost of Carousel Boutique

    [Normal] I have to admit, these CMC are growing on me...thanks to fanfiction.

    Author: ItsTheWhinyGuys
    Description: Sweetie Belle’s excited to be spending a foggy autumn night at her sister’s place, but strange things start to happen…
    The Ghosts of Carousel Botique
    The Ghosts of Carousel Botique Docs

    Additional Tags: Sisters, sleepover, haunting, spooky, happy ending, horror

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Read it on DA; awesome story! BTW, it's spelled "Boutique," not "botique."

    2. Spoilers?
      Okay, tell me I'm not the only one who was actually a little freaked out by this. The image of those converging ponyquins (which I already thought were a little creepy) is burned into my mind, not to mention that description of Rarity. *shivers* I can't remember a written medium giving me such a genuine sense of fear before. Kudos!

    3. @Old Kentucky Shark


      indeed it did scare the manure out me too. Especially the part where the ponyquins all started chasing her up the stairs. And when rarity didn't have any eyes. *shudder

    4. That was awesome!
      It did not creep me out but I had fun.

      "I bet its other CMC or Dash/Pinkie doing pranks"
      -ghastly Rarity description.
      "OH SHI-"

      Well paced and really well written overall.

      Listening to last 3 minutes of CoDmw2-Green Flares.mp3 when she was climbing stairs was just priceless...

    5. @Old Kentucky Shark

      Glad to hear I wasn't the only one freaked out by some of this! That description of Rarity... *shivers then sighs* Ya know, I just realized. Since the next season won't be starting until December, seems pretty certain we'll never get a Halloween episode.

    6. Actually got the creeps at a couple of bits.

    7. I read this on my desktop last night, and just as I finished, the power went out in my house.

      Bricks were shat.

      Anyways, that story was much, much creepier than I imagined it was going to be. The author did an excellent job creating a genuinely scary atmosphere. And dat last line...

    8. Makes you wonder what really happened when Rarity went downstairs. Very well done.

    9. Loading my guns before bed tonight.

    10. As I've said on Deviantart, this was an extremely fun read. Your way with visual description is spot on and made this genuinely creepy, even if the danger didn't turn out to be quite as real as it had been built up to be. Too many cute moments with Sweetie Belle to count. I felt sorry for her, though.

    11. What is this story and where can i find it?

    12. @Ziva12

      Just click on one of the two links above, and you can start readin'!

    13. Great story, and I'd love to see a sequel where the Boogeypony goes after Rarity herself next!

