• Story: Garden Party (Updated Chapter 4+5!)

    [Normal] For some reason, I like normal Luna more than shipping now days.  I think something is wrong with me.

    Author: Ninja Tales
    Description:  When Luna finds a stranger in the castle garden, she is unsure of how to act around another pony. But as the relationship between the two ponies grows, Luna hints about secrets in her past. There are some nightmare's that you can't wake up from.
    Google Documents
    Garden Party
    Garden Party Part 2
    Garden Party Part 3  
    Garden Party Part 4 (New!)
    Garden Party Part 5 (New!)

    Alternate DA Links
    Garden Party
    Garden Party Part 2 
    Garden Party Part 3 
    Garden Party Part 4 (New!)
    Garden Party Part 5 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Needed

    29 kommentaari:

    1. I guess someone was being a vandal against the document..

      Or the blog brony's computer has been taken by a trolling relative.

    2. Looks like the author accidentally let the story be editable by everyone.

    3. Victorian R. Hellsly19. märts 2011, kell 14:42

      This looks like a job for inspector Pinkie Pie!

    4. @Roy G. Biv

      Hopefully, the autor will repair the story and disable the Edit-thing.

    5. It was fun trough turning the stuff into a small chat when we waited for the paste,

      The document is still open trough, Better lock it before another "Creative Revision"

    6. Good job! I cant wait for the next part. Luna fics are the best. Next time don't forget the permissions (although i did use it to fix a spelling error)

    7. I'd like to read it, but when I got to a random insertion of the word "dicks" I realized it was still editable. Then I saw two Anonymouses editing it further down... So I give up for now. I don't want to find that two paragraphs are missing or the whole ending is gone or something. D:

    8. Fixed the damn editing problem. Now we wait for the author to repost it.

      This is what I get for submitting things at 4am.

    10. NEW LINK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ml_haBR3AoS0DowuF1ZUP4rS2UKYj_35dM7mte0Gbw/edit?authkey=CKTcqtsM#

    11. "Part 1"? So it will be continued?

    12. Well, I'm glad all that was sorted out, but did something happen to part 2? The end seemed so abrupt.

    13. @Immaneuel Kanter

      I believe it was a cliffhanger.

    14. Oof. Part 1 was promising. Part 2, not so much.

      I expect a certain amount of angst in any Luna story, but that last line... not a good sign, there.

    15. Am I the only one who d'awwed at Socially Awkward Luna?

    16. That was an absolutely adorable and talented bit of writing. Normally I don't go in for fanfics, but this one I really did enjoy. A rare thing. A rare thing indeed.

      Well done, NP!

      @Display Name


    17. Hmmmm...not bad, but it fell a little flat, we aren't given a whole lot of insight as to what the characters were feeling.
      Perhaps some more FEHLING DAHLING!
      .................I GO!

    18. @Anonymous

      We are given subtle hints, but remember, we're dealing with a pair of characters here who're entirely introverted. Possibly both of them are INFP personality types.

      I worry that just cheesing emotion in there too early on and rushing it would actually ruin the story. Luna deserves time to blossom, rather than it just being forced. She does seem the kind of pony who's good at hiding her feelings. But given time, that can change. I just wouldn't want it to change overnight.

    19. This is good, I anon humbly approve of this story!

    20. MOAR. Also, Seth, fix this plz. It should be ranked 6, not 4. Review box must be broken.

    21. The story seems to be taking a... strange turn...

    22. Yeah, dude? I've got brain damage and have managed to get more chapters out in the last month than you have in total. There's something wrong here.

    23. good so far, just taking aaaages to update...

    24. Yeah.. Too much ages to update ! Come on Tales, bring those updates on !
