• Story: Friendship is Forever

    [Grimdark] All these Spike stories lately!  I don't have enough images for it!
    Description: Spike is awarded medals of honor for his service in the war between the New Equestrian Dictatorship and the Rebels, but what of his old friends?
    Friendship Is Forever

    3 kommentaari:

    1. So instead of having unique ways of pony war, involving magic unicorns, armored pegasus and fodder earth ponies... you decided to use Armored cars, guns, and explosions.

      Why? I feel like I could mix around the names a bit and get your average war book. I really don't know what else to say.

    2. er, I (midnight shadow) didn't write this...I'll find out who did...

    3. The story was...okay, at least, but the whole "it was a dream" ending ruined what good it had in it.
