• Story: Friendship is Epic (Updated Part 5!)

    [Normal] Some more Twilight and Dr. Whoof time traveling shenanigans.  

    Author: Noir deSilhouette
    Description: Compiled from the chat logs of a brainstorm in a google-docs chatroom.  Twilight's life is interrupted by the town's resident mad genius, Doctor Whooves, and everything is turned upside down when he and Derpy take her on an amazing trip to the future of Ponyville!  As the story continues, I will continue to add the brainstorms of people who respond in comments on Deviant Art or Equestria Daily, building the story as a community!
    Friendship is Epic
    Friendship is Epic Part 2
    Friendship is Epic Part 3
    Friendship is Epic Part 4
    Friendship is Epic Part 5 (New!)

    Additional Tags:   Epic Community Brainstormed References Everything

    19 kommentaari:

    1. No fucking way... Someone actually used that idea?!

      I am far too happy about that fact; I must read it to believe it!

    2. Well, I am not quite sure which Anon the author, noir-des, was, but I have the darn saved chat-log around here somewhere...

      Anyways, this story has a good beginning so far. Would it be any trouble if you mirrored your story via Google doc, Noir?

    3. @Zarkanorf

      The author would be Anon 1757. *grins*

      I have never posted a story by google doc, and don't actually have a google account to post it from ... what are the benefits of posting it to google docs?

    4. @Bramble Rose
      > No need to sign up to dA just to look at it (this sometimes happens)
      > The chat (when someone uses it)

      The only downsides are, yes, you need to grab a google account, you don't get comments with the story on the same page, and no potential of extra views of the fiction when people fav it...

      Each has their ups and downs, but I've noted one comment and another complaining about needing to sign up to dA to see a fic (maybe it's the same pony, who knows).

      @ Everyone else:
      What's the usual preference for looking at fan-fiction, if you had a choice?

    5. Gee, the futur seems to be f***ed everywhere.
      Please do continue.

    6. In answer to Zarkanorf...

      I tend to prefer Fanfiction.net and it's all text all the time, but the pony sections seems to be slow with any new stories which tend to end up on... I also frequent DeviantArt.com it's all pics all the time and if your looking for fan art I would definitely find it here except you can't find... Then there's Youtube.com for fan videos and otherwise actual episodes. That covers all the basic three bases of fan works.

      Then there is Equestria Daily it has a nice store of fanfiction, tons of artwork and fan videos heard of it? It's mostly pony central for quite obvious reasons and I visit every now and then. (Not to be taken seriously)

    7. I'm just going to note that you only need a deviantART account to view anything tagged as Mature.

    8. @Putuk

      Heh. Or at least, everywhere that Doctor Whooves ends up going.

    9. I prefer that people read my stories on DA because im more likely to get feedback, however, I prefer to read stories on google docs. (I can't really say why, it just seems easier to read) Just submit two links and let people decide which site to use.

    10. Geez! Mad Max Pony-style, every time I come here there's some fresh new insanity waiting to blow my mind!
      Seriously? A Mad Max reference in 2011, mixed with pastel horses no less? Looks like some ponies just can't get Beyond Thunderdome. BAM! HOW MANY CHANCES DO YOU GET TO USE THAT LINE? NEVER! OH SNAP!

      Seriously, good fic, lots of fun. Actually making me consider writing one of my own...god help me...

    11. @Anon

      *groans* Ohhh, that's a HORRIBLE line! I love it!

      I'm thrilled to hear your praise, thank you very much. :) Can't take full credit, though. Someone responded to part 1 with "I was hoping to see some Mad Max, pony-style." and I said, "I love the way you think."

      And here you are!

    12. We all need more references to those classic crazy action-adventure and sci-fi stuff! The Eighties, you never grow old! :D

    13. It's only part of the URL, mispaste maybe.

      Actual link:

    14. This must be completed! It is required by law!

    15. Another bad link, I am dissapoint
      Part 4

    16. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    17. @Zarkanorf

      I like google docs cuz i can easily access it from my phone but it does have some major flaws, but with DA i cant access it while at school so i have to eat up data to get on it since the wifi is picky about what im on
