• Story: Fluttermac

    [Shipping]  Some Fluttershy and Big Mac Shipping, by Roy G. Biv
    Description: Fluttershy and Big Macintosh fall in love. Roy's first serious story!

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Holy fuck i nearly baw'd at the end.

    2. Great work, loved the small details like "nurse macintosh." The ending was a bit odd though, you kind of implied they knew the exact timing of their deaths, which would suggest they killed themselves which...well doesn't fit with tone of the rest of the story. I'll just assume I misunderstood that bit, great work regardless.

    3. @Anonymous
      I think it leans towards them hanging on to life almost from sheer willpower and mutually deciding to "let go" while watching one last sunset together.

    4. oh god, i nearly cried at the end. this was so fantastically done, it had me hooked throughout the entire thing. excellent, excellent job :-D

    5. Shit. Now you've gone and made me cry.

      Excellent work. An easy-going and serene atmosphere, perfect to go with the characters of this unlikely, but logical pairing.


    7. I'm not usually one for straight fics,but this was great. :)

    8. Riveting story, 5/5
      OP gets 400 internets, congratulations good sir.

    9. Truly a work of art. Well done, well done indeed.

    10. 5/5

      Regarding them passing at the same time. Well, I dont how many of you own horses but lets just say that they dont age well. At some point every horse should wish to be put down rather than go down naturally... because that natural part *usually* is very unpleasant (Look up colic, lamenitis which get most of them). So one imagines perhaps in a culture of horses that they all keep 'the black pill' in the back saddle bag, and it is just seen as a part of life. After all, these ponies have medical expertise and know whats up.

    11. This one pressed all the right buttons and made me shed many manly tears. Great story!

    12. Reading a shipping where two ponies actually get to know and love each other was a nice change from the usual "I love you! - Likewise! *BOOM* MAKEOUT!". I'd love to read more of those as well as more serious stuff from this author.

    13. Confound these ponies...

      ...making me cry all the time.

    14. Out of all the creepy, sexuality-destroying and logic-defying shippings that this site has to offer, I've only ever liked the idea of Fluttershy and Big Macintosh.

    15. Randomly found this, It just made my day, that was amazing.

    16. This was a rather terrible story. Zero conflict makes it utterly dull.

    17. That was a rather lovely story. Zero conflict fits the characters, and it has fluttershy in it.

    18. Several grammatical and spelling error. I really would have liked the dating period fleshed out more. The story is super sweet without being saccharin, but there's no conflict in the story. Sort of no valleys to make the peaks higher. But that end.....



    19. i cried, I am a man, but i cried at the end

    20. The ending wasnt fair D:
      I was so happy when they go married and then, far too soon after, they died :'(
      At the sunset where they died i was almost crying.

      Wow, i wanna marry big mac <3

    21. I was going to read this but then I saw all of the crying comments. I've already read My Little Dashie this morning, I don't think I can handle any more sadness like that.
