• Story: Drink Special

    [Shipping] Some Rarity/Applejack stuff! Hooray shipping has been revived tonight apparently.
    Description: After a very long and trying day, Rarity tries to find comfort at the bottom of a martini glass.  What she finds, well ...
    Drink Special

    13 kommentaari:

    1. This was good. Solid writing, great choice of setting, but there was a little something missing. I felt that if the author wanted to go for a lost love attitude, they should have accentuated the sad aspect of it, otherwise it should have had a bit more closure. Either way, still very well written, and fun to read.

    2. I know my english is not the best.. but this one was the hardest to read for me =S I couldnt understand very good the first part.
      Still I liked the end, I really want to see more like this ^^

    3. It's a bit rambly. But considering it's depressed Rarity, I suppose that's to be expected, she is a bit rambly too.

      Clearly shipping, but maybe a bit sad too. Or is that just subjective? There's more that the story can do, but it's mostly longing at this point, so that's probably, technically not that sad.

    4. Aw man, ending line just plain broke my heart.
      I always like the rareapple ships. It´s so improbable and yet so right.

    5. Ok that picture is freakin me out. Don't get me wrong I'm all for smooching ponies, I just find something sorta loli-ish about the top pic thats making me cringe.

    6. We haven't had rarity/applejack since Swayback Mountain, and this one is sad.

    7. Quite a well written story. Kinda sad that nothing really happens. I guess it was meant for a lost love story.

    8. A great little scene into Rarity's life. I think it's perfect like this, no need for a sequel (as the writer said too) Beautiful melancholy

    9. Classy. Sophisticated. Well-suited for Rarity. I enjoyed this.

    10. You have a great gift with words.
      This entire story is:
      Rarity goes to a bar and orders a drink of Applejack to help her forget her longing for Applejack.
      But you make it into a colourful and emotional experience that we drink in.

    11. @Anonymous

      We had What Rarity Needs. That was Rareapple. Eventually.

    12. Short, but sweet. And the little kicker at the end was a bit silly, but it was still pretty fun. Well done!
