Author: Bookish Delight
Description: Movieland's greatest villains have joined forces and set their sights on Equestria! It's up to the Magic of Friendship and the Power of VFX to combine and strike back in a heroic display of color and special effects! Let's Go Into The Action!Climax Pegasus!
Additional Tags: Viewtiful Joe, Action, Tokusatsu, Video Games
15 kommentaari:
Pffft, and I just got done reading this, too!
VastaKustutaI've never played Viewtiful Joe and only know the characters mentioned off-hand, but even I am interested as to where this goes!!
Action Dash, oh yeah~
"At ant rate" = win. It's a slow uphill battle for the mound.
VastaKustuta>> Rainbow Dash
VastaKustuta>> Viewtiful Joe
Commented on DA, but that was fuckin' awesome. Full of the kind of humor I'd see from VJ, and the action plays out in my head from having played the first game so much (never played 2 actually, but I've seen it), even if all you say is they're punching everyone, lol.
Loved it. I so want a second part to come out now.
VastaKustutaI saw the word "Viewtiful" and I already loved it.
VastaKustutayou took my favorite sow and mixed it with my favorite game. so please excuse me i have to clean up from the fangasm i just had.
VastaKustutaThis post drove my to buy Viewtiful Joe 2
VastaKustutaI loved the first, and now I'll have the second
First off, thanks to all who pointed out the typo. Secondly, apologies to all who wanted it left in. ^_^
VastaKustutaAnd thanks bunches overall, everyone--I admit I was on pins and needles as to how this might be received, since Friendship Is Magic isn't exactly known for action setpieces. Thought I might as well take a chance; rarely does inspiration hit me this hard.
For the uninitiated, the first two Viewtiful Joe games are wondrous and fulfilling action titles that can be purchased for almost nothing nowadays. I highly recommend them! As for this story: if you enjoyed this, then definitely keep a look out for the eventual second half, which actually ups the stakes by quite a bit! :)
When I saw this, I just yelled "YES!"
VastaKustutaI didn't actually think that people liked that show.
Finally a crossover I can understand!
This was epic. I'm awaiting Cranken's shot at fighting Wonderbolt Dash next time... Once it comes around.
Rest assured this story hasn't been forgotten! I've actually been plinking away at it for the past week on the back burner. Wish I could give an ETA but at the moment the majority of my energies are directed towards a project that you'll probably like if you were into this one's action. :)
What's this other project called and where can I find it?
VastaKustutaIt's called Fireball!. You can find it here.