• Story: Butterscotch and BlogPony (Updated Chapter 2!)

    [Random][Shipping] ummmmm.......I got shipped.. with an OC... 0_o
    Description: Butterscotch is a pony in high school, and she absolutely LOVES writing stories about oher ponies. Sethisto BlogPony is the editor of the school newspaper and all Butterscotch wants is one fo her stories to be in it. Little does she realize, there is a cost to every wish.
    Butterscotch and BlogPony (New!)

    This is what happens when /co/ has nothing to talk about for a week.  Tomorrow's Episode better kick ass. I want to see Trixie, and Luna, and Tyrant Celestia, and confirmation of something that has us talking for WEEKS! And Rainbow Dash crashes the show with a sonic rainboom.

    32 kommentaari:

    1. okaaaay, i'll give it a chance...

    2. princess molestia? :D

    3. >This is what happens when /co/ has nothing to talk about for a week. Tomorrow's Episode better kick ass.

      Fucking this.

    4. We had shit even after Sonic Rainboom.

      We need Spike. Where is Spike?

    5. Was this really intended to be serious?
      It's kinda well written (from what I've read so far ), but I'm not the biggest fan of serious OC shipping.

    6. [Random] is never serious.

      I think.

    7. Wow... this is surprisingly good.
      Celestia help me, I... I actually want to see more of this.

    8. @Anonymous
      >We need Spike. Where is Spike?

      My god. We've only descended this far into madness by Spike's absence. Spike is that which keeps the true madness at bay.

    9. @Sethisto
      The more SERIOUS it sounds, then better the random. :D

    10. And the adventure continues?

    11. This story is a bit inaccurate - Butterscotch should be carrying around a flask of bourbon somewhere in her schoolbag and swigging from it every few sentences.

      My favourite line: "Normally Lilly would do ANYTHING to destroy Butterscotch’s small reputation."

      sadSpike.jpg indeed!

      Also, MOAR! Are the Blogpony and Butterscotch destined to be together? Will Lilly get her comeuppance? Inquiring minds want to know!

    12. @ButterscotchSundae

      Wait This butterscotch character is your character?

      I'm lost!

      Who am I being shipped with here!

    13. LOL..that image is so disturbing.

      OC Shipping, if its good, why not?

    14. @Sethisto
      It's the softcore erotica writer behind The Party Hasn't Ended.
      You're hurting her delicate feelings by being ignorant of her existence, sempai.
      (Also, I'm not sure if I should ask you to change the author tags for TrainingWritefag to my current trip, BrotherPrickle. Too much trouble?)

    15. @BrotherPrickle
      I didn't know it was the same butterscotch though ;p I thought someone created an OC pony with the same name.

      Im on my phone right now and cant edit posts. Ill add your tag tomorrow, Though.

    16. God damnit, I'm really starting to hate that picture. I suppose it's my fault for posting it as a PNG before I did the Background.

    17. Hahahahaha!
      You know, for those of us who knew who you were before all this started, this is even more hilarious!
      I wonder how Lulz would react to that one!

    18. We've got some really nice writefriends, and a fairly open universe to rip open...

      But yeah, a CMC episode in a few hours and a hiatus, it's gonna get weird before it gets back to plot pony things. Unless Luna shows up or Spike wins or something.

    19. >Inquiring minds want to know!

      At first I read that as "injured minds". Would that be accurate also?

    20. It had to happen. I'm sorry everyone, please don't hate me. Squeak, if you see this, I hope you don't get too much shit for this.


    21. @Pleasedon'thateme

      I'll admit that was cute, but this is the LAST ONE. It'd better be.

    22. @Anonymous

      One of the effects of alcohol abuse IS drain bamage, so I guess "injured" is pretty appropriate.


      I think we're all aware of Sethisto's "great and powerful" origins - I personally always thought you were funny, Sethisto (I hope you've got your shipping goggles on writefriend!)

      Also, there's a G1 pony called Butterscotch whose name I basically stole. So in that case, would she even be an OC if she wasn't me?

    23. @ButterscotchSundae

      Someone else took over the Trixie Title on /b/.

      And I guess not! G1 pony is a good excuse for this!

    24. @Sethisto
      Hey Blog Brony, are you going to make a post about that new story?

      I've got popcorn.

    25. @Anonymous

      Already did

      Incoming hatred and flames

    26. O_O This is becoming strangely popular. I'll be sure to read it when I can.
      =3 How does it feel to be shipped Sethisto? I see its only the popular trips getting shipped. Since I never contribute (due to my lack of finishing anything ever) I guess I'm safe.
      ;_; Also heard about more CMC episodes incoming. Why oh why?

    27. Alright, update!!!!

      I didn't do the traditional update of a separate URL, but instead just added onto the current one.

      so the URL is still https://docs.google.com/document/d/16mflY9iAUb8Gw8JMFgPfagS0jypkLkgtIyLIubC8-8E/edit?hl=en

      but the new description

      Description: Butterscotch is your average high school pony, who just happens to love writing stories about other ponies. Sethisto BlogPony is the senior editor of the school newspaper and all Butterscotch wants is one for her stories to be published by him, but can't seem to get him to even acknowledge them!

    28. Wait....
      HOLY SHEEET, Is this a PARADOX?

    29. Is it bad that I thoroughly enjoyed this?
