• Story Archive Ratings

    I haven't gotten any coding ideas for the archive, so I'm just going to use the tools available to me to structure it a bit further.

    My idea original was to give every story with 10 star rating votes a (x/x) next to their link, showing what they are rated, then sort them from highest to lowest in their current pony->/ship/grim/normal/crossover categories.

    Then I realized how few of the stories actually have 10 ratings right now.  So Maybe I'll bump it down to 7 or so.

    What do you guys think of this? It should help organize it a bit better. A lot of stories will still remain unlabeled, and they will be the ones i pull out for archeology events.  Voting on /co/ last time didn't work out so well.


    I am going to start giving author tags out after 2 stories. The categories on the side are getting a little bit overly-cluttered with all the author tags, many of which write one and never do another. 

    This means you guys need to let me know when you hit the 2 story marks o I can tag all your stuff.  Some don't even have your author tags as is. 

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Sounds good.

      But maybe I'm just saying this because both of my FICS ARE 5 FUCKING STARS WITH ALMOST 20 RATINGS EACH.

      In other words, make sure you get a nice overview of what people want. Remember popular tags?

    2. @Cottonmouth

      Yeep, and unlike popular tags this will be based on cold hard numbers, which is hopefully a better idea.

    3. @Sethisto

      Still, Popular tags were usually based on the number of comments in the fic, which were also cold hard numbers.

      Still, I'm not saying this is a bad idea. The story section NEEDS order, and this is a pretty clear cut way to do it.

    4. How about a story get one point for three stars. two for four stars. three for five stars. Then tally up the numbers.

      Basically, take the star count, subtract two, multiply by the number of ratings. A story with 10 ratings, averaging 3.7 would get 17.

    5. @Anonymous

      It already averages it. I can't see how many each actual vote counted toward anyhow.

    6. Well, it at least has less sting than the word "popular" might, being pure numbers without tone to read into.

      It might be a worthwhile experiment. If you think it would add to the organizational structure of the archive without causing too much in the way of negative reactions, I'd say give it a try. Worst case scenario, you need to find yet another system. Categorizing quality can be a difficult rope to walk on.

    7. @Sethisto

      Right. You wouldn't need to. Just take the average, subtract 2, then multiply by number of votes.

    8. @Fon Shaolin

      I don't have data on hits for anything other than the top 10 of the month/week/day

    9. how about having "need more rating" tag when below 10 votes? it will encourage people to read and rate more stories.

    10. @Anonymous

      Yep I could do that, good idea. Might be a pain to label them all though.

    11. @Sethisto

      You do so much for nothing.

      I just want to say that I really appreciate it. I'm pretty sure I can speak for a lot of write/drawfriends that their stuff would probably have disappeared if not for your hard work.

      As for my final opinion on your idea, I say just do it and see if it works.

    12. Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr+y5. märts 2011, kell 00:19

      I'm cool with it. CP Violation is like, 4.5 with 9 ratings and 38 comments. What about like, a page with the most popular/highest rated? 4 and 5 stars, with like, 15 comments?

    13. @Albatross !!z0yT7Pqnr y

      It's difficult to gauge most popular, which is why I axed popular tags.

      I mean, stories posted now, compared to stories posted when this blog first came out, are vastly different in comments/ratings. Plus things on the top of the page for large periods of time are read more than anything else.

      (people don't know that you can scroll down in blogs :p)

    14. That is why I secretly try to time my submissions to be at points of the day when mine is the only content to post. Perhaps next time I should slip you twenty bucks to "forget" to make additional posts for 12 hours. =P

      ...Ok, not really. But I do notice the definite trend in readership dying off quickly after a story leaves immediate view. That's why I think the archeology and "week in review" are such great ideas.

    15. This is hard for less well-known stories to become popular. Seriously; there are quite a few stories here that I think are amazing, but only have a few ratings. It isn't a fair way of going about doing this.

    16. i like this idea
      makes sure the good stuff bubbles to the top, and not too cluttered with one-shot writers
