• Story Archeology, March 21st!

    The Archeology Event has come to a close, and the following stories have been chosen have been unearthed to see the light of a new era! Will they gain the appreciation of the masses?

    *Edit* Changed the formatting for everything, I think this will be the official story event format from now on.  I liked it in the 300 word story one, and it fits these too. 

    Description: Spike Dragon, Private Detective: It's a dark and stormy night when a sexy young dame walk's into Spike's office. She needs his help. Desperately.
    Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Author: High Fructose Porn Syrup
    Description: Derpy Hooves is forced out of her house by her mother under the claim that she is worthless. She must now set out to find her true calling. However, bad luck and misery seems to follow poor Derpy Hooves wherever she goes.
    Normal, Twilight Sparkle, Derpy Hooves, Author: Poultron
    Description: None =[
    Shipping, Applebloom, Spike
    Description: None =[
     Shipping, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Author: A.J.
     Description: These old fics never had descriptions!
    Crossover, Pinkie Pie, Author: Jimbo
    Description: An Epic battle between The Great and Powerful Trixie and Twilight Sparkle.
    Grimdark, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, Author: ButterScotchSundae

    19 kommentaari:

    1. Crossette: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/02/story-crossette.html [Normal]

      Between the Downpour and the Everfree: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/02/story-between-downpour-and-everfree.html [Normal]

      I'm surprised that the latter doesn't have that many ratings. I think it's nominated for the writepony awards.

    2. I nominate "The Liar" for the Normal category--


      --and "Spike and Apple Bloom's Date" for the Shipping category


    3. I nominate The Tale of Venture

    4. I nominate "Batpink," for crossover http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/01/story-batpink-i-am-night.html

      and "Big Mac's Promise," for normal http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/02/big-macs-big-promise.html

    5. I nominate Applejack/Dash for a shipping title
      it was adorable

    6. i'm nominating this, whatever it's called, for normal


      it's from january, i believe, and i don't remember seeing it here

    7. I'll nominate Correspondence for shipping, because it amused me greatly:


    8. i got none to nominate but i think the nomination list shouldn't really get bigger then it is right now for once a week, any larger and its gonna be a wall of fanfiction x.x

    9. I nominate:

      After The Show for crossover,

      Moonstruck Down for random,

    10. I nominate:
      Pony Feathers for normal

    11. Butterscotch Sundae's "The Final Battle Between Twilight and Trixie". It's filed under grimdark but I would hardly consider it that.


      HFPS's "Spike Dragon, Private Eye Detective".


    12. Just FYI, several of the links have an extra space at the end that breaks them. Between the Downpour and the Everfree, Big Mac's Big Promise, all three shipping fics, and Moonstruck Down specifically.

    13. I nominate Garden Party for Normal: http://bit.ly/eJ6I0r

    14. Spike dragon detective link is broken

    15. I'm surprised somebody nominated Derpy's Quest, I'm honoured! Now I should definitely work on it...

    16. Oh hey, I got nominated! Sweet!! Thanks, you guys! :) I really appreciate it!!

      I guess I should get off my lazy butt and provide some descriptions then, huh? If you wanna add these in, Sethisto, then feel free, but no pressure. :)

      Spike and Apple Bloom's Date: Apple Bloom's invited Spike over for a date; now if only Spike could figure out what a date is!

      Batpink: A dramatic retelling of the life of Pinkie Pie, who takes on the mantle of Batpink to protect her town from danger. "Because she's the hero Ponyville deserves, but not the one it needs right now. She's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A Dark Knight. Hee hee!"

    17. Whoever goes by the name of "High Fructose Porn Syrup" I love you.
