• Story: And Now, For These Messages

    [Random] Inspired by the completely unrelated content in Calvin Klein commercials (and Lingerie ponies as per the friend-off) comes a series of ad-style messages between a pony episode.  And for the sake of the more politically correct of you out there, I even edited the picture to not include the controversial parts!
    Description: While watching the latest episode, some familiar faces appear in the commercials!
    And Now, For These Messages


    1. look at me, I'm on a pony! everything is posible

    2. Oh hey, this look like it might be fun to re-
      *DeviantArt Account required*

    3. @Anonymous Takes 30 seconds. You'll make one eventually, just like you'll make a blogger account eventually so that you don't have to select anonymous every time you post.

    4. It was fun. Has some high peaks and some deep drops as far as enjoyability goes, though some of that might be simply based on which commercials I'm familiar with and which I'm not.

      I think this would be a good starting point for someone to turn into a flash cartoon though. (I don't know how they'ld get the voices for it. Maybe just use the actual voices from the commercials overdubbing the animation?)

    5. I'm not going to sign up for DA. I assume Dash is wearing panties or something.

    6. @Anonymous Boy shorts, but yes. 'Something'.

    7. At first I was like "Dagnabbit I'm not makeing dievientart account" But after a read it I was like "IT WAS WORTH IT!"

    8. I think I inspired a drawfiend...
