Description: While trying to get ideas for Bad Case of Derpes Part II, i got an entirely NEW idea. So here it is. Blues has never been the most...optimistic or helpful pony in Ponyville. After having his heart broken multiple times, you wouldnt be the happiest pony either.Singing Under the Starry Skies Part 1
Singing Under the Starry Skies Part 2
Singing Under the Starry Skies Part 3
Singing Under the Starry Skies Part 4
42 kommentaari:
i am ok with oc shipping in certain cases, as to just avoid the storm of lesbian that forces story's to be lesbian for no other alternative~
VastaKustutaBlues is a /co/ pony bro
It's all good!
Woah. This is the best shipping story by far. idk how to put it, but the immersion factor was great, and blues was so sweet.
VastaKustutaaye i don't hate oc's just when their done bad, this story was excellent
Woo! Turntable Turnabout reference!
That ending emotional!
VastaKustutaI cried real tears. Not those fake B'awwww tears, but real tears. I played Fly me to the moon while reading the last part... and by the end of the song my cheeks were wet. Manly tears have been shed this day.
VastaKustutaWow, what is it about happy Luna stories that just makes them ridiculously good?
VastaKustutaI loved it!
I realized i accidentally fucked something up in part 3.
VastaKustutaI copypasted something i didnt mean to (i write my stories in Word before putting them on Google Docs), so one part was repeated twice.
fixed it though.
Also, fun fact, i almost named Blues's dad Flank Sinatra.
In retrospect, i really should have.
That was incredible. Well done.
VastaKustuta5 freaking stars man. that was beautiful.
VastaKustutaYou know, actually, I never read Turntable Turnabout.
Rainbow Dash was the first lesbian to come to mind cuz i'm uncreative like that.
Straight shipping? 1 fucking star.
VastaKustutaBut seriously, it was pretty good. I don't like how much you made blues bitch at the beginning, but you managed to cease it right as I was getting worried, so good job.
Something else I LOVED about this fic, was how you kept it realistic. Instead of the ending being "AND THEN LUNA KISSED BLUES" you had it as a simple hug, which is believable.
The one complaint I have is Twilight. She acted unrealistic. She also 'worried' too much. Wanted to punch her.
VastaKustutaWell, with the amount of lesbian shipping there already is, ya gotta have some moderation. Hell, thats sorta my little joke in the story: seeying as how most of the fillies are lesbians, of course the colts are gunna be lonely.
But yeah, thanks.
Thats actually the reason i did just a hug. More realistic and such. I think it was after i read a FlutterMac ship (i forget the name of it though) in which they actually grew old together and got married. i thought that was much more powerful then just a kiss, and decided that i'de go for a more realistic rout as well.
That was one of my problems too. I felt that i made Twilight too out of character. But, too late now, i'm too lazy to change it.
VastaKustutaOh, It's the only Vinyl Scratch fic that I've ever seen. (It also happens to be a Vinyl/Dash ship fic)
She doesn't get the attention she deserves :\
Melting down a Sax!!! D: (Im a saxophonist btw... so I find that concept depressing... and i dont consider myself a particularly good one either!)
VastaKustuta-finishing story-
That was beautiful I almost cry with this T.T
VastaKustutaI loved that so much!
VastaKustutaI need moar Luna/Blues.
Hell! I just need moar Luna!
-finished story-
VastaKustutaThat was beautiful. It was humble and well paced. Poor luna though... and Poor blues too... losing a love like that... and still seeing her to taunt you for a good while... Sorta know how that feels. Though I never got as far though... and it wasnt the same sort of deal.
This was bumped off the front page far too fast.
VastaKustutaOh well.
Actually, I was planning on making an Epilogue for this, but I got lazy. It probably wouldn't have added a whole lot anyway, but meh, at least it was something. If you really want me to write it, just ask me.
VastaKustutaJust read it now, and it was pretty good. I actually like punky Scratch better then my own. Mine is a bit laid-back, until she gets behind a turntable. But meh, people interpreted things differently.
I really hope there is a sequel story to this. I'd love to know if they end up getting together. Also, I think Blues works better than Flank Sinatra, since for most of the story, he's got the blues.
VastaKustutaThe only reason I wanted to do Flank Sinatra is because that was the most genius pun I've ever made, seeing as how I am terrible with puns.
And I might actually make a epilogue or something, but probably not a full-blown sequel. I don't want to ruin it. But, if enough people ask for it, I'll might try making a sequel.
I absolutely loved this story.
VastaKustutaI'm sorry to say that I didn't enjoy it. I'm happy to say that I'm in the minority.
VastaKustutaFirst I should tell you what I did like about it. I thought the Equestrian calendar being based on the princesses birthdays was a great idea. I also liked how you portrayed the colts of Equestria as forlorn in love; with the ratio of female to male at something like three or four to one, there's a good chance that the pony you like isn't even interested in your gender.
But now on to less pleasant matters.
A mistake in your very first sentence is jarring and makes it seem like you haven't given the story a read through.
Ellipses are being used far, far too often; even where no punctuation was needed (like at the begining of a sentence). And where regular punctuation is needed, ellipses are being used instead. Full stop's are brave; there's no need for them to travel around in packs.
Some paragraphs are indented while others aren't. This made it more difficult to read.
I really disliked your characterisation of Twilight and Celestia. You've already mentioned that you felt Twilight was out of character but that's nothing compared to the colossal bitch you made Celestia out to be. Instead of making sure that Luna's birthday was celebrated properly and the old traditon reborn she's quite happy to let herself be the centre of attention and for Luna to be almost completely ignored. It just seemed utterly unthinkable.
Which brings me to the subject of suspension of disbelief. Mine broke, I'm afraid.
Why wasn't Twilight researching the hell out of Celestia's Day when the main celebration was being held in Ponyville? She researched slumber parties before having one.
Why didn't she immediately contact Celestia when she heard that Luna was unhappy (or about to turn into Nightmare Moon)? It was the very first thing she did when she originally thought NNM was returning.
Why didn't they change half the decorations so the day would celebrate both sisters? The whole town would have worked on it. If a single blues singer can apparently redecorate a house using left over bits and pieces and make it better than a weeks worth of work from the rest of Ponyville (including the professional artists, designers and decorators that must live there) then it should have been easy.
These questions should never have occured or at least been easy to ignore. But when the suspension of disbelief is lost they just seem like plot holes.
Sorry for the long-winded comment, but I felt you deserved a justification as to why I disliked it.
Of course, lots of people did like it, so the story served its purpose.
And if anything in this comment helps you improve your stories then the comment has served ITS purpose.
VastaKustutaThanks for the critique (not being sarcastic, I really do need some help).
This is my second fic ever, and I know I have a long way to go before I really start getting good.
Hell, when I first submitted this, I was expecting a helluva lot more comments like yours, and I was even MORE surprised to see 5 stars.
Anyway, for starters, the good part is that you liked what I wanted you to like, as in the loneliness of a colt. That was the main thing I was trying to point out.
Anyway, on to my errors.
For the indents, a weird thing about it though is I actually DID indent most of the paragraphs before I transfered it to Docs. I never noticed they hadn't transfered over as well. Weird. The ellipses I didn't even notice. I'll try to limit them from now on.
I can see what you mean about Twilight, but Celestia never seemed to cross my mind when I first wrote it. I think it was because she never had any spoken lines that I completely forgot about her.
And yeah, looking back on it, this story IS filled with a crapton of plotholes and things that need to be fixed. I think I just need to focus on my story more when I write. Usually my writing process includes drinking a Dr. Pepper and watching Youtube videos at the same time, so its easy for me to get distracted.
Anyway, thanks for the critique. Thanks to your tips, hopefully my next story will be a bit better.
VastaKustutaPlease write it!!!
VastaKustutaMeh, I'll see if a few more people want it.
I'd like to see an epilogue. Great quick read.
VastaKustutaThat was great.
VastaKustutaSimply amazing.
Luna already was my favorite but ye just concreted it.
As I like to say, "I was already off the edge. You just made me hit the ground".
Please, dear Celestia write more.
VastaKustutaNo epilogue/sequel- that would rather spoil it. Like the epi in Harry Potter.
VastaKustutaBut... MOAR!!!
I actually browsed the internet for both male and female singers that sing "fly me to the moon" I was completely DAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW! This fucking deserves a more than 6 star rating :D
VastaKustutaThis site needs reaction images. There are no way that letters can convey the sheer D'AWWWWWWWWWW from this. Well, maybe with ASCII, but I suck too much to try that.
VastaKustutaI agree to that term my comrade!
VastaKustutaAnyways... back to the topic
VastaKustutaMAKE MOAR!
5/5 and a "HAWT DAYUM!!!" to go along with it.
VastaKustuta~I don't always watch ponies, but when I do, it's magic.
This is just amazing! Made me very happy ^^
VastaKustuta5/5 Good work :)
That was great! I think it had the best ending ever written!
VastaKustuta@Anonymous Same here it worked really well together. :)