• Show Stoppers: Discussion

    100 kommentaari:

    1. Eeeeeh.

      I can't decide whether I like these three or not. Sometimes they're adorable and sometimes I can't stand listening to them. Kind of like actual kids.

      Also you can say whatever you want about the song at the end but I almost muted my television. Yikes. I know it was supposed to be bad, but...

      ON THE PLUS SIDE I totally digged the little tune they had going when they were out adventuring all over town. If someone makes an mp3 of that they can have all my money.

    2. know when to appear Moon?

    3. I know somepony who's running a MLP marathon from ep 1 all the way to the new one, you all can stop by if you want I guess.

    4. The moral will give some fuel to those "Evil Celestia" conspiracy theorists. "You better stick in your predestined place in society, otherwise you are going to be dealt with one way or another."

    5. The first third was great, honestly. Fun & cute. Though I wanted to see SeaPonies underwater. The second part I kept screamoing at the screen, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" The final part... That song physically hurt. Also, Trixie shout out for Snips & Snail trying magic.

      Also, personally think Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie haven't ben in the last 3 episodes because they've been off on a romantic getaway.

    6. @Roy G. Biv

      This is a good theory.

      Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were indeed on a romantic getaway and only arrived at the end. Pinkie was too exhausted though for the show.

    7. The most recent episode wasn't that bad... but it was totally easy to guess where the entire thing was going after a few minutes. I knew the moral before it all ended.

      It was still fun to watch the chaos.

      Also is Scootaloo Dashes sister or was Dash just there for her because her parents couldn't be?

    8. @Anonymous

      Lauren has confirmed they are not related on her DA.

    9. Haven't seen it. "Awful" or "meh"?

      The upside is that I can postpone watching this episode until next week, when work settles down. Unless it's not worth watching at all...?

    10. @Tekaramity

      People keep saying its awful but that's what everyone said after Stare Master's initial airing. Personally I thought the episode was alright but it was definitely the final act that made it or ruined for most people.

      As for the CMC, I don't mind them as much as most people do. The main problem is that we got two CMC episodes back-to-back but I'm not gonna let that effect my judgment on the episodes overall.

    11. I thought it was enjoyable. Probably because I listen to terrible music for fun.

    12. And, here a download link in bad quality:
      Found it on /co/

      It has commercial, and i dunno how it look

    13. I dunno - this seems like Hasbro making the old kiddies cartoon mistake of thinking children want to watch other children behaving like babies. They don't. I watch MLP with my 8 year old cousin and she loves Rarity's fashion shop scenes and anything with Rainbow Dash or Princess Celestia. She doesn't like the CMC at all. I'd bet girls want to look UP to the characters, not DOWN on them.

    14. I think this episode was actually pretty good, with the ending song... thing... being intentionally horrible.

      If it weren't for the fact that this was the second CMC in a row, I'd love it. they finally gave the CMC distinct personalities and fleshed them out as characters for once.

    15. Aw man, I didn't expect much from this episode to begin with but seeing you guys all bummed doesn't increase my enthusiasm.
      Let's hope next weeks episode will be as badass as it sounds like.

    16. the hay you bronies talking about? that whole song was hilarious, i had tears in my eyes i was laughing so hard. but yeah, would be nicer if it had some more fluttershy, Dash and Pinkie in it.

    17. Also I'm not saying the CMC are completely worthless, they serve a purpose as supporting characters but if they appear in too many scenes and in too many episodes, it seems to unbalance the whole flavor of MLP. Sometimes is ok but we could go without them for 10 episodes at a time and it would be less annoying when they turn up.

    18. Haven't seen the episode yet, but I can't figure out why people dislike Stare Master so much. Granted it wasn't great at all but it was fun and cute. Maybe I am biased because I thought Fluttershy was adorable in it, yet again, how can anyone not like her.

    19. @Adrian Brony
      I haven't sen the episode yet, but you have given me hope in a bleak world filled with CMC hatred. If they did flesh out the characters as you said, that means it is much more likely that they will eventually achieve their goal of finding their cutie marks, which is the direction I hope the show goes in.

    20. haven't seen it yet but was it really that bad?

    21. That synchtube link is the lulz.

      Sorry if someone's already pointed that out, I don't dare read the comments before I've had a chance to watch the ep.

    22. You know, the whole reason why I like this show is that it doesn't have super "kiddy" characters or talks down to the audience. I'm really starting to hate the CMC's because of this. Bring me a solo Apple Bloom episode, or at least back to the main characters!

    23. I love MLP but the CMC have definitely taken that love down a tiny notch. The great thing about the show was that even thought it was for kids, it didn't feel 'kiddy'. When the CMC are on screen it really does. Applebloom by herself is fine, but all three... no.

      Also you get the impression for the first time that they're introducing more ponies to sell toys. The mane cast has only just started to be explored, after all. Disappointed.

    24. Well, it doesn't have the pacing problem Stare Master did. I enjoyed the music a lot for the entire episode, and it was cute. I was very glad to see Snips and Snails show up again, along with TGnPT motif in the background, too.

      On the other hand, probably because of the music and cast-shift it felt a lot like I was watching an entirely different spinoff show than another episode of Friendship is Magic. And there were a lot of flank-focused shots up until the second commercial break, which I could see putting off a few people. Maybe.

      I love cute things, so I got enough from it to be satisfied, but not enough for it to be an episode I'm going to watch more than 20 times in one week. I'll probably only watch it 7 times before I've had my OMGAWESOME fill like with Stare Master. The episode isn't nearly as cringe-inducing for me to watch as Call of the Cutie was either. Both episodes fall far from being THE BEST THING EVER though, by far. They didn't even have anypony explode twice. :<

    25. It just occurred to me what CMC groups flank symbols are going to be... It's fairly obvious at this point except for Apple Blooms...

    26. Sweetie Belle == singing
      Scootaloo == athletics/moving fast/riding the scooter?
      Apple Bloom == ....?

    27. Anyways, this episode wasn't bad. The first third was definitely the strongest. The middle third was the weakest. The ending, with the cringe-inducing song, was actually kind of a treat in its own way, as it was one big backhanded tribute to (or parody of) 1980s rock music. Seeing the CPC dressed up like Jem and the Holograms was HILARIOUS. Tons of goofy screengrab fodder there.

      The constant butt shots were over the top yes.

    28. Oh, and that little instrumental number they played while the CPC were walking all over the place WAS, as others have noted, quite good.

    29. BTW, that Synchtube link has been 404 for me ever since this article was posted.

    30. Synchtube aint working.... YT link anyone?

    31. This episode was, okay. I do not think I will go back to watch it again like others.
      The first third was alright, but after that I was just feeling kinda meh.

      The parts I did like were 2 of 3 CMC dressed like Ziggy Stardust, and Twilight's ending lines. I was giggling a little because I pictured her doing an evil laugh afterwards.

    32. Delete the Blogger.com at the start ill fix it when i get home.

    33. i want to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    34. The tune they played during the montage early in the episode is actually from Call of the Cutie. It was playing during the Cutecenarea. Though, this is the first time I've heard it all the way through.

      Twilight title drops so many times in this episode... Also, noticed that she's kinda good with kids. I guess she picked that up from Celestia.

    35. Well, this wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Loved the costumes. The only real problem I see here is, as many have noted, that it's the second cmc-ep in a row. One thumb, will watch again but not very often.

      Also, wing-propulsion. Why didn't I think of that?

    36. I don't object to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, particularly as they develop. But they're not as interesting as the main cast.

    37. I don't HATE the CMC or their episodes...But I don't love them the way I love the rest of the show. So, so far, it just feels like they're getting in the way of the awesome.

    38. Just watched it on Youtube, it wasn't so bad actually, I liked the CMC a lot more in this episode than in Stare Master. Then again I agree that they aren't as interesting as the rest of the ponies, but they still hold up pretty good.

    39. So...was I the only left wondering just why the apple family would need to keep pigs for? There's not a whole lot you can use a pig for besides eating...and hunting for truffles I suppose.

      (yes, I realize they don't hammer the show with logic, I just enjoy speculation!)

      Otherwise though, it was an enjoyable episode. Sweetie Belle scrambling to work the stage and keep on cue was fantastic, since I've been in that situation too many times myself.

    40. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    41. The real question here is: Does Pinchy Pie have anything to do with Pinkie?

    42. I thought the episode was meh. Had some good moments, cute abundance.

      One thing that struck me as ming numbingly annoying though was twilight saying "my little ponies." Seriously felt like pulling my hair out.

    43. For all I care, this episode never happened <_<

    44. There were a ton of missed opportunities with ths episode.

    45. Come on folks that episode wasn't that bad. Wasn't the best but still a decent episode. I don't see how people don't like the song when it was intended to be obnoxious and loud.As much as the CMC's aren't everyones favorite can't say that they didn't develop a little more this episode. They weren't as annoying as last episode and they're growing on me a little bit. Besides this is the last we'll see of them for a few weeks. As for scootaloo no being dash's sister I'm still a bit suspect.

    46. Meh. Even the best of every series has a few sub-par episodes you have to take with the rest. I've seen worse.
      Hell, I'm a Doctor Who fan. I'm pretty damn used to it.

    47. @Lovecraft

      The pigs where all i could think about. Either pony's are ok with eating pigs, or they sell them to the griffins as food.

      The veggies wont like this at all.

    48. It was okay, but when the "performance" came up, I skipped through it. I fucking hate awkward moments, yo.

    49. @Purple

      If you noticed, the show gives the examples for everybody at the same time, so Apple Bloom's talent is related to her being able to fix up an entire treehouse by herself to standard code, and knowing enough about design to help Sweetie Belle figure out her mistakes.

      The point was that if they had all just switched jobs everything would have turned out fine.

    50. I do like how Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell take after their older sisters. Apple Bloom manages to take a total wreck of a tree-house and fix it up good as new, and Sweetie Bell...spends her time dusting outdoor furniture with her tail.

    51. Well, I personally thought that the outfits of KIS- I mean, the CMC were pretty cool.

    52. the crusaders are really growing on me, applebloom is one of my favorite characters now

    53. Wow, that was... boring.
      This show just lost about 20% coolness.

      I hope I wont see any CMC for the next 10 episodes or this show is on the best way to get ruined to be yet another mediocre kids-cartoon.

    54. So, Sweetie Bell's talent is singing and Scooraloo's talent is coordination? She is coordinated enough to pull off stunts and moves compared to the rest of them? And Apple Bloom's looks to have something to do with interier decorating or just decorating in general? Apple Bloom should take lessons from Rarity then.

    55. As much as I love the CMC's, this episode had a lot of missed potential. I would have loved to see them actually realize what they're good at last minute and do something awesome. Instead, we just get a very, very long, very, very awkward song.

      Also, I'm going to rip out the throat of whoever decided Twilight should refer to them as "My Little Ponies" for additional product placement. Seriously, it sounded so incredibly forced and out of place. People will die.

    56. Apple Bloom may end up with a hammer on her flank after all.

    57. I agree with the lot that say Twilight title dropping was out of place. And I also agree with the group that says this episode was sub-par.

      I do think that they got the music right at the end though seeing as it was supposed to be loud and obnoxious, and it was. Plus, the crusaders aren't that bad, they just need to be what they originally were, side characters.

    58. Anyone else notice cheerilee magicked a saddlepack out of thin air? ^^

    59. Twilight is totally hot for teacher.

    60. HD 1080p:

    61. Hey look at it this way we only see them at least one more time this season. Episode was ok. But maybe it's a good thing so we all can get hyped about the next two episodes featuring Rarity Fluttershy and Applejack.

      I had a feeling the CMCs would go the band route though I had imagined it this way. Sweetie Bell on Lead Vocals/Bass Scootaloo/Guitar /Applebloom/Drums

      Though if some one could draw that would be awesome please.

    62. i cant say that i hated this episode. this is totally how i acted as a kid, oblivious to my true potential, i guess i just feel sorry to the cmc.

    63. In Due Time...The CMC will improve, in the untelling future.

    64. I quite enjoyed the train wreck of a performance at the end. It's definitely not a bad ep though I think that this was merely an OK ep.

      I have to admit, I was quite impressed with Scootaloo's scooter riding skillz. I got that from this episode if nothing else.

      Also, if Applebloom had an innate knowledge of design and construction, how was she not able to put that table together in Stare Master.

    65. i liked this episode. its cute as hell.

      however, id really really rather the main characters instead of these three. its not that i dont like them, but the main characters have more interesting stories and personalities.

      and the namedropping of the show kinda pissed me off a little.

      but other than that, this episode was cool, i liked the glamrock at the end

    66. @Anonymous
      the others had a hand in that table too, thats probably what screwed it up

    67. taking care of/feeding animals is one of the jobs of a pony, so one can say they are just feeding the pigs, not raising them for slaughter.
      Cause otherwise what Fluttershy does would be suspect, I mean afterall, Fluttershy has tons of animals around, and raises chickens. Ever wonder where the eggs come from for the baked goods (or bads) that ponies consume?

    68. Probably my least favorite episode. Although there was things that I enjoyed. IE Scootaloo's awesome scooter tricks, the kung fu bits, snips and snails returning, and heck the glam rock bit was cool (to bad it was meant to be a bad song). I like the CMCs but I think there characters need a slight improvement to make them more interesting. Well here is looking at two rarity episodes in a row and then the next time we see the cmc's we are going to be hit with a flashback episode on how the main cast got their cutie marks.

    69. It wasn't as horrible as I thought to be after seeing your comments. Sure, compared to other episodes it's pretty subpar and definitely the worst but every show has bad episodes.

    70. And nothing of value was gained.

    71. Let's hope next week can redeem the series.

      I guess you also have to bear in mind that the intended audience for the show may enjoy these two episodes, even if we don't.

      In regards to the two back-to-back CMC episodes, faust said, when asked about the WWU-->FWF episodes not making sense back-to-back that they just took an idea and produced it, and didn't have any chronology or master plan for the series.

    72. I don't think anyone here has mentioned this yet, but the scene with Scootaloo banging her head on the piano saying "never, never, never" is a reference to Don Music from Sesame Street.

    73. in the next CMC episode, I need to see Scootaloo going cloud skating, that would make it at least 20% cooler

    74. It was fairly entertaining, the CMC have a cute theme (not the one they write^^, but I have to agree with one of the commenters on the 'tube-
      The way Twilight says "my little ponies!" makes her sound like a creep!

    75. I didn't mind this episode at all, just wasn't as interesting as other ones. The end "song" made me extremely anxious and OH CELESTIA WHY until I accepted its comedic value... I hate when performances go wrong. :x

      I actually think it would've sounded cool if not performed horridly.

      Oh, and I just facehoofed the "my little ponies" comments and chuckled, idk what the big deal is.

    76. I don't know if it was an intentional shout-out or not, but Scootaloo using her wings as an outboard motor reminded me a lot of Evinrude the dragonfly from the movie, "The Rescuers".

      I'm guessing Scoot hasn't quite learned how to fly yet, but she's figured out a neat trick to help build up her wing-strength.

    77. Ugh.

      Worst episode so far, not that I'm going to stop watching the show or anything but this was just so cringe-inducing, and not in a good way.

      Gonna have to blame Hasbro on this one I think.

    78. Didn't like the episode overall (CMC work well enough when they are a minor feature but I'd hate to see them become a major focus).

      On the other hand, the "camerawork" for some of Scootaloo's tricks was undoubtedly awesome. But can you imagine how much *more* awesome it would have been, had it been Raindow Dash? at least 20% right?

      I hope next time Rainbow Dash and Applejack bust into a full-on slow-motion Zack Snyder style action extravaganza taking out baddies.

      ...I can dream.

    79. From Lauren's dA:
      Q: Okay, so if Scootaloo isn't related to Rainbow Dash, does she know her some other way? Like, is RD her babysitter or something, or some kind of role model? They seem similar enough that it's possible..

      A: I know this is an annoying answer, but: Keep watching --- you'll see!

      Join the Solar Sisterhood!

      Also, what is Mr Breezy a reference to?

    80. @Anonymous

      Sounds like a airfreshener.

    81. You should bump this post when the direct download links are up, I know a lot of us who are waiting just for those.

    82. I didn't think the episode was horrible, the first two thirds of it were pretty fun, although I hope them making Twilight say "my little ponies" doesn't last. It felt kind of forced.

      The song at the end though.... Christ. I mean, there's stylistic suck, and then there's that. That song was just total ear rape. It could have actually sounded cool too, if they hadn't had the singers intentionally out of key.

      I also would have liked to have seen more of the mane cast (although it was nice to see Spike back), and I'll be glad for the next few episodes to not focus on the CMC. I don't hate them, although I really don't like Applebloom. Sweetie Bell is okay, and I actually like Scoots. Plus, her using her wings like that on the scooter was bad ass.

      I give this episode a C-. Not horrible, but could have used serious improvement.

    83. @Anonymous
      The song was supposed to be ear rape, it's sung by a pony who can't sing.
      Anyways, as much as I like this show, the CMC are starting to wear on me. They are like Scrappy-Doo times 3. Sure, they are quite like little children, all annoying, but that is why we don't make shows mostly starring little children; the main reason being that they are annoying. I had to skip the song at the end because I would have cringed to death.

    84. The Cutie Mark Crusaders need a foil that isn't themselves in order to give their personalities focus. That is all.

    85. @Anonymous

      I know it was supposed to be. That didn't make it any less unpleasant to listen to.

    86. When writing a script, remove the names and read the dialogue. If you can't tell who's line is who's without a label, maybe some revision is in order.

    87. So... where is the download D:

    88. Here are the direct downloads:

      720p: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JD98T8HN

      1080p: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AG8FAZR1

    89. @AnonymousI think Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would actually be good for that role, if the writers actually remembered they exist.

    90. I loved the musical number. It was so "acccidentally 80's" it hurt. (kung-fu, spandex, fog machine, more strut then skill) And since when are children's talent shows NOT an affront to any quality, ability, or level of acceptibility you can name? Including sobriety?

    91. Where are people getting the raws for 1080p episodes anyway? Even iTunes "HD" is only 720p.

    92. I just noticed this - "The Stairmaster"? It's both in the episode download list and the stream list.

    93. Everyone seems to dislike this episode more or less.
      Personally, it's my favorite episode. And I actually liked the performance.

    94. Didn't hate the episode, my problem was just that they played two CMC episodes back to back. I like the CMC's with moderation...seeing them two weeks in a row is making me miss the main cast too much! Especially Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. I liked that the CMC are getting their own distinct personalities though. And I'm still shocked that Scoot isn't related to Rainbow!! The whole time I was watching the episode I was convinced that she was. I kinda like that they didn't go with that predictably. I'm an unpopular opinion I guess but I liked last week's episode more than this one...just because it was a Fluttershy episode and not JUST the CMC. Fluttershy is my favorite. :P

    95. Oh and continuing with my comment above, I also liked last week's song a lot so that made the episode even better in my book.

    96. Wasn't a bad episode at all to my liking. Still has that trademark overall great quality there is to all previous episodes.

      It's just colossal waste to focus on the little guys when the main six are hundredfold more interesting, likeable, and well-developed.

      Come on!

    97. Moar is necessary.

    98. After seeing this ep on TV, I was all, "VICTORY IS MINE! I knew it. Scootaloo is Rainbow's little sis!" But then I learned that it was a broken pattern, and that Rainbow is apparently more of a big sister figure...which, actually, is adorable and makes me about just as happy. Now I wanna see interplay between Dash & Scoot (my favorite of the Crusaders, incidentally.)

      Followed by Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. They may not quite be the main sextet, but they can carry an episode pretty well enough on their own--particularly when said episode wraps up in a kickass musical number. All in all, the ep was full of goodness, I do say.
