• Scootaloo is Not Rainbow Dash's Sister

    In fact.. they have no relation at all. She was just chillin with her friends at the end.  Mere coincidence right there!
    This may be a good thing though. Maybe Dash really is THE DIVINE DAUGHTER OF CELESTIA.

    44 kommentaari:

    1. Well that explains that, Rainbow is just a role model then.

    2. Good; I'm really glad they resisted the urge to make everyone related. Dash and Scoot will work a lot better as a role model/hero type dynamic.

    3. Rainbow Dash is Princess Celestia's daughter? Hmm, there ought to be a fanfic about that... if there isn't already. ;)

      Still, I can see Rainbow Dash wanting to be a big-sister influence, partly for having someone to look up to her but more because she has a good heart and really wants to help the younger generation. (Someone needs to train the next generation of renegade pegasi.)

    4. See, this is why I put off finishing my D&D ponies fic. I was completely sure they were cousins.

    5. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    6. I like this better than if they were related.
      Not everypony has to be related to somepony else, it adds more to the friendship than if they were just friends because their siblings are friends.
      Good choice Faust!

    7. Well, there goes that one-shot I was working on...

      There is one and it's on the blog somewhere.

    8. So happy to hear this. Words cannot describe.

    9. It's simple really. Rainbow Dash's parents adopted Scootaloo before they were sent to ponyjail for crimes against Celestia. Dash knows it, but Scoot doesn't.

      That or Scoot is Fluttershy's sister, but Fluttershy couldn't be there for the talent show.

    10. @Spittie

      She's impatient and can be a little harsh sometimes, yeah. She's still well-intentioned, IMO.

    11. @Spittie

      thats what I always thought actually.

    12. Thanks for this! Thank you Lauren!
      I know it can't be so silly and obviously.
      Also Hope that those Pie-related filly is not Pinkie Pie relative too. Just same half of the name.

    13. @Fon Shaolin
      First, I'm sorry for your loss. You'll have (or already have) other great ideas, I'm sure. Actually, I should make a point to read at least one of your fics, for some good 'shipping fun. (Well, the full list shows four 'ships and one grimdark by you, but if that's wrong use the link at the top of that page and let me know what to fix.)

      As for that fanfic, I wrote it for at an anon's request. :) (People had strong feelings about the ending though.)

    14. Why do people think Kingdom for a Horse is grimdark/depressing? It's just a political drama!

    15. The idea of making Rainbow Dash Scoot's role model is interesting. I like that one! So maybe Scoot's just an only child for off-screen pony parents.

    16. Actually glad they are not making Scoot Ash's sister, it would have been too obvious. Perhaps she is related to one of the background ponies?

    17. @Fon Shaolin
      Okay, it will be fixed in the next update, along with the character boxes based on the new labels.

    18. Alright, so I guess RD was just in the final shot of this week's epidsode so we couldn't bitch about her not being present in another episode.

      I do like that Scoot and RD aren't sisters, but it just makes Dash's appearance at the end kinda mystifying.

    19. @Anonymous

      she was watching the talent show with Rarity and Applejack because they are all friends.

      there you go.

    20. My follow up question would've been are Scoot and Derpy related.

    21. @Anonymous
      Bah! that makes no sense! there has to be SOME relation between the two >:/

    22. If you guys really need a Dash/Scoot backstory, here:

      Scoot was an orphan who Dash took under her wing because she's one too. The reason Dash works so hard on her flying and weather clearing isn't because she wants to be the best, but because the pony judge said she had to have stable employment/show she's of good character before she could adopt Scoot.

      Get to writing.

    23. Also, being a member of the Wonderbolts (Judge Pony's favorite sports team) would really put her in his good graces.

    24. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown4. märts 2011, kell 14:46

      I hate to say it, cuz you'll yell at me, but out of all the main cast, Dash, other than her own episode, has been the least productive, least contributing, and least important character.
      The amount of times she's done anything helpful I can count on a finger and a half.
      Whatever grandiose ideas you have of her role in the story is, they're probably being wasted.

      Then again, I put Big Mac on high pedestal and he's had about 8 minutes of screen time.
      So I guess I'm in a similar boat.

    25. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      And yet she's one of the better liked ponies. Go figure.

    26. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      hey, she's had important parts in several of the stories. Griffon the Brush Off and her montage in Call of the Cutie readily come to mind. It also helps that Sonic Rainboom was the most epic episode ever.

      I will agree that she could certainly stand to be fleshed out a lot more as a character.

    27. While I was browsing the Hasbro website looking at some of the terrible, terrible toys they had made I noticed that in the previous generation Scootaloo was apparently Cheerilee's younger sister.

      Possibly they're still related? On the other hand Scootaloo is a pegasus and Cheerilee is a regular pony, so maybe not.

    28. @Fon Shaolin
      Lauren's already stated that all the ponies have parents, though. Dash can't be an orphan at this point.

    29. Sweetie Belle->sister of Rarity
      Apple Bloom->sister of Applejack
      Scootaloo->sister of... NOT Rainbow Dash

      C-c-c-combo Breaker!

    30. Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown4. märts 2011, kell 21:09

      In Griffin the Brush Off, Dash was basically there as a set to Gilda being the antagonistic and in Call of the Cutie, her montage was just comedic filler.
      So, if you call that important.
      I did however admit that Sonic Rainboom was a good episode

    31. @Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown

      Yeah, but this is why we like her, she's a self made rascal! She embodies, much like twilight, our insecurities, and spends much time boasting to compensate for that insecurity.

      Think about all the times you've been with friends and everyone starts breaking out into dick jokes, when what you really wan't to talk about is something like music.

      Think how everytime people talk about TV shows like firefly, they always have to talk about how hot/bad ass a character is. Yet sometimes the part of the show you really want to mention is how it makes you care for it's characters, and how you want them to succeed at the little things in life.

      Rainbow dash is our ego, or better yet she is the words we use and the actions we take in our constant dance to impress others.

      We want her to succeed, not just at being awesome, but at no longer being afraid to be more than just a collection of tricks, and have not just the strength but the courage to accomplish her dreams.

      (fuck somehow a one sentence response became four paragraphs)

    32. /me shakes is fist very angry, then 2 fist, then adds a foot to it, while yelling : KHAAAAAANN !

    33. then who's rainbowdash's sister and i know that rainbowdash's big sister is lexicon,but who is scootaloo's sister?? and one thing does fluttershy have a little sister??

    34. i realy want that rainbowdash can have a little cute sister,and it was nice that in the episode"THE SHOW STOPPER'S" rainbowdash to accompanied scootaloo for their winning award's, and i also like that rainbowdash is a role model to scootaloo,and i like rainbowdash

    35. @anonymous

      ya,ur right u, i tottaly vote for u!!,and the best flyer and the coolest of all is rainbowdash

    36. so is miss charily scootaloos sister?

    37. I know scoot and dash aren't sisters but they are pretty alike and they look alike to!

    38. I think skootaloo is rainbow dashes sister because she is allways talking about her andis talking to her almost all the time i like totaly think they should be sisters because that is kind of jacked up

    39. I think skootaloo is rainbow dashes sister because she is allways talking about her andis talking to her almost all the time i like totaly think they should be sisters because that is kind of jacked up
