• Ponies vs. Pokemon vs. Wrestling

    A fascinating tale that puts Goku vs. Sephiroth on GameFAQ's to shame. 

    The image is the best part at least!

    Pokemon vs. Ponies vs. Wrestling

    18 kommentaari:

    1. This article combines all 3 of my current of obsessions at once :0

    2. Hmph. Dash could take a Gyrados in ten seconds flat.

    3. But you can't evolve mid-battle. You can level up mid-battle, but pokemon wait until the battle is over to evolve. Therefore, the final result is invalid, as Magikarp could not have evolved into Gyarados within the match.

    4. @Anonymous
      So I'm taking you haven't followed the anime... for a while at least.

    5. @Anonymous
      I do not remember an experience share ever appearing in the anime. Therefore, I assumed it was the game universe.

    6. Someone write a Pony/Pokemon crossover fic. Now.

    7. @Daffodil
      Twilight used FRIENDSHIP!
      It's super effective!

      Foe GIRATINA fainted!

    8. I can't believe I was able to follow all of that.

      Kudos for respecting all three fan-doms, Mr. Sims.

    9. At first, I feared the worse, thinking this was going to be another of those gawdawful crossover wrestling fanatic fics where everyone is written OOC in a poor script format...


      Much to my pleasure, it's one of those very entertaining what-if X vs Y matchups ala 'Comic Book Universe Battles' that I enjoy so much instead.

      I would've figured Fluttershy would get matched up with Magikarp, but I reckon Twilight would've had at least part of a window of opportunity to take out Gyarados whilst recovering from Hyper Beam cooldown before it can do anything else...

      But eh. Pokemon are made for fighting, and ponies aren't exactly, so what d'you really expect to happen?

    10. much as i would have liked to see the ponies win, i can't complain, as i like pokemon too. AND i love wrestling, so it's a winner in every way.

    11. bullsh*t ponies would so win

    12. My reply at CA:

      Call Al Snow, cuz he just got new members for the Job Squad.

      Rarity isn't Jim Cornette...she's the Nature Boy Ric Flair! When the Manticore shows up, she just jumps right out and kicks it in the face.
      And when facing the Dragon, she butters him up and then gets ready to turn on him..just like Flair does to Sting..but the dragon was clearly smarter than Sting, as he saw through it.

      And Fluttershy would so just stare down Emboar after he hurt Applejack...you just don't hurt Fluttershy's friends, as the dragon learned.

      Clearly the PokeWorldOrder has the book..ay, Mister Chris "bookerman" Sims?

    13. In the first season of pokemon, a pokemon did evolved at one point during a fight with ash.

    14. Let's face it, Twilight made a horrible opener by sending a melee fighter up against a flaming melee fighter. I'd have to say that move cost her the match. Other than that, the strategy was top notch, what with the classic flutterfall-pinkie combo.
      Would this match have gone better with Rarity instead of Fluttershy? Hard to say. You lose the combo but you gain a major heavyweight if you can just set it up so someone mocks her appearance. The last thing most fighters remember after their match is hearing
      "Oh, it, is, ON".

    15. You win, nuff said.

    16. Wow, 2 of my obsessions: Ponies and Pokemon. Thanks for that, 'twas a blast. 8D

    17. Well, the ponies put up a damn great fight; I'd expect no less from any of them. Good show, good show...!
