The one reset for some reason when I was modifying the HTML on the side with all the new horizontal rule tags. I have no clue what happened.
It was just for fun anyway since I couldn't think of anything and /co/ couldn't either!
Feel free to suggest stuff in the comments for the one after the next one.
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38 kommentaari:
You are now Derpy Hooves! What do you do?
VastaKustutaFavorite writer:
VastaKustutaLauren Faust
Amy Keating Rogers
Cindy Morrow
Chris Savino
Meghan McCarthy
Charlotte Fullerton
M. A. Larson
Dave Polsky
Woo! Twilight got second place! :D
VastaKustutaDid you change your profile pic?
I already
Favorite pony pop star?
VastaKustutaHoity Toity
Saphire Shore
Photo Finish
@Meta Omega
VastaKustutaI very much second this idea.
I wonder if we can have a caption writing something or other where we write captions for soemthing.
VastaKustutaBut yeah I'll second the "You are now Derpy Hoove!"
Also I chose whining as that's rarity of a talent.
My suggestion is-
How long do you think you could go without a Pony infusion? died at the thought of it.
2.10 minutes.
3.1 day.
4.A week.
6.A month.
7.An undeteremined amount of time with large withdrawal symptoms.
8.Far longer then you think you should be able too.
VastaKustuta@Meta Omega
There are many of us that do not watch cartoons and only got into Ponies by accident. I have absolutely no idea who any of those people are... other than Lauren Faust of course.
But I thought you wanted whining!
VastaKustutaYou know what I truly want to see.
VastaKustutaWhere do you live? But make it continents, instead of countries. That way you can get a general consensus of where everybody resides in and where the "following" is the strongest it.
@Meta Omega
VastaKustutaThough I don't feel that many people know the writers well enough, I'd love for this to be done too. If Seth could link at least to some page that has all the writers next to the episodes they wrote, people should be able to vote on it easily.
'Course, thanks to you, I'm gonna have those guys memorized soon enough, personally.
And inb4 everyone'd just vote Lauren Faust, lol.
You see several MLP characters crying because their lives are bad. Who do you hug first?
-Apple Bloom
Your stance on terms like "brony"?
VastaKustutaLove them!
They're alright.
Don't mind them.
Some are okay.
Hate them with the power of thousand suns.
Which character from Pop Culture out of the main ponies (including Derpy and Spike), would you like to see represented?
VastaKustutaIt's Pony Profile Month!
> I got on the train already!
> brb changing profile picture
> Your point?
a poll on whether people are closet bronies and ashamed of their love for ponies or if they don't care and scream their love for mlp from the rooftops
VastaKustutaHow do you feel about Fanon characters (Derpy Hooves, Doctor Whooves, etc)
VastaKustuta- Love them
- They're alright, I guess
- Derpy is mai waifu
- They were cute at first, but now I'm just annoyed
I know my choices would be the first and third ones...although the Derpus isn't quite at waifu status for me, yet.
VastaKustutaseriously, if I was rarity, I'd go visit steven magnet and/or be absolutly fabulous all the time.
VastaKustutaBut I thought you waaanted whiiining! -sexystomping-
VastaKustutaHow many people have you bronified?
5 or more
How about a poll for favorite pony voice.
VastaKustutaWhich Non-Main Character would you like to see an episode focus on as the main character?
VastaKustuta- None, I like the main six ponies
- Spike
- Trixie
- Gilda
- Zicora
(Feel free to add more options)
Luna is also a good one to my above list.
VastaKustuta"Are you a fur..." oh no, wow, no. NEVER ask that.
"Which side character deserves their own episode the most?"
-Big Mac
-Twilight Sparkle
@BlitzWing00 What the hell, brony. Don't do that!
VastaKustutaside character
-Twilight Sparkle
VastaKustutaI'm sorry, I'll put my Tardis away now. =D
@Anonymous Damn, you're right. Alucard needs an episode too.
VastaKustuta@BlitzWing00 I lol'd.
I said 'Crack Under Pressure' because it's what I would do, not really a reflection of Rarity hehe
VastaKustuta=3 I picked AppleJack. Tonight we use the horn >=3
VastaKustutaI had no idea Twilight x Rarity was so popular. You hardly see any stories for that pairing at all.
VastaKustutaThe Great and Powerful Trixie would approve of this one:
VastaKustutaIt's Parade Day (any parade, take your pick, something like St. Patrick's Day or Thanksgiving) and you find out that there's going to be a MLP:FIM themed float in the parade. Getting to this parade is not too much trouble.
Pick one:
-- OMG, I'm so there!
-- I'd go if one of the animators was on the float
--I'd go if one of the dir. of animation was on the float
-- I'd go if the composer of the songs was on the float
-- I'd go if one of the voice actors was on the float
-- I'd go if Lauren Faust was on the float
-- I'd go if the Great and Powerful Trixie was preforming magic tricks on the float
-- I'd go if it made Princess Luna happy
-- I'd go only if all of the above were on the float
-- I'd stop to look if I happened to be walking by the parade
-- Parades are OK but I wouldn't bother to go
-- I hate parades so I wouldn't go regardless who was there
VastaKustutaOh hell YES! This one (the 'which sad pony gets hugged' poll).
What? Sad Luna makes me sad. Let there be hugs!
@Darkhawk1 Luna! Take this! My hugs, my friendship and all of my love!
VastaKustutaThis was my chance to combine my two favorite ponies: Rarity and Twilight. I had no choice...
VastaKustutaPhooey, I missed this! But as Rarity, I'd finally figure out what ponies are supposed to wallow in and then wallow in it like there was no tomorrow!