• Poll Results: You Are Now Pinkie Pie...

    I think Dash/Pinkie is canon at this point.


    1. Appledash is cleary superior. Even previous polls agree.

    2. If you're taking poll suggestions it'd be nice to see for certain where everyone stands on the CMC. I suggest the following options:

      Like the CMC and my favorite is Apple Bloom.
      Like the CMC and my favorite is Scootaloo.
      Like the CMC and my favorite is Sweetie Belle.
      Dislike all but Apple Bloom.
      Dislike all but Scootaloo.
      Dislike all but Sweetie Belle.
      Only like Apple Bloom.
      Only like Scootaloo.
      Only like Sweetie Belle.
      Don't like the CMC at all.

    3. "Dislike all but Apple Bloom.
      Dislike all but Scootaloo.
      Dislike all but Sweetie Belle.
      Only like Apple Bloom.
      Only like Scootaloo.
      Only like Sweetie Belle."
      Aren't these exactly the same?

    4. Yeah, I did that wrong.

      Should be "Like all but [Name]" or "Dislike [Name]."

    5. Damn it, Sethisto. You knew, you KNEW this would happen, and you just sat there and let it!

      You magnificent bastard, I salute you.

    6. Isn't Rainbow Dash canon with everyone? <3

    7. About the third option. Do we bake cupcakes or are we doing stuff like er... "cupcakes"? And about witch of this two were bronies thinking when voted?

    8. It's not.

      Just go ahead and make a Appledash vs Pinkie/Dash poll and get it over with, blog pony. Then you'll see which side of the tree the apple falls.

    9. He's basically done that already when he asked about people's favourite ship and Appledash won.

      Also Fon, check on your thread on FiMChan, I'm trying to ask you something!

    10. Well to be honest if I was Pinkie Pie I'd do Cupcakes with Rainbow Dash.... if you know what I mean. >:D

    11. *sigh* When I saw this poll go up, I immediatly knew what would win. So sad.
      And no its not canon, its fanon. It will always be fanon and I hope to Celestia it never ascends from that:(

    12. I'm no slavering-at-the-mouth shipper, but have you watched the episodes for Pinkie-Dash interactions lately?

      Pinkie is Dash's biggest fan. She knows everything about her tricks/sonic rainboom etc. So all Dash exposition is given to Pinkie. One of Pinkie's twitches is to indicate "A Beautiful Rainbow will appear in the Sky" - and it's left at that. Also, observe all the interactions between the two characters. Hugging, face-rubbing etc.
      And watch "Griffon the Brush Off" again. Something is obviously there in the minds of the writers.

    13. Personally I prefer FlutterDash, as Pinkie pie reminds me too much of my brother with mild Psychosis's playful personality (don't worry, even he says that)... which is sorta scary/awkward to think about in a love (in THAT way) for me... and Fluttershy and Rainbowdash just contrast so well :3

    14. Oh, and on topic... WHY DID I MISS THIS POLL? D:

      Me so unobservant lately :(

    15. I'd like to see a multioption poll:

      Which types of fanfiction do you usually read:

    16. Warp reality FTW! Screw Rainbow Dash!

    17. I want to see a fanfiction poll, too!

    18. @Sethisto

      That was a pointless and shitty poll. Please, invest some thought before making these things.

    19. @Anonymous

      >Screw Rainbow Dash

      Isn't that the whole point? *slap'd*

    20. Why did you jerks take "Have sex with another pony," over the power to rip reality a new one? Seriously, If I were Pinkie, I would use that power, and if I wanted action, just seek it out independently.

    21. And now, Pinkie Pie sets out to work on her Rainbow Dash impression.

    22. @Anonymous
      And now you see why Dash won...

      But seriously, was there any doubt that this would be the result?

    23. "I think Dash/Pinkie is canon at this point."

      it wasn't?

    24. I picked Rainbow Dash not because I like that shipping, but because I think Rainbow dash is sexy.

    25. Clearly, what everypony wants is to warp reality.
      Then they can MAKE Rainbow Pie is canon.

    26. I voted warp reality for many a different reason.

      It was mostly for Princess Pie scenario where Pinkie steals Celestias job and makes it hard for her to take it back.

    27. @Anonymous
      Grow some humor. The poll wasn't meant to be serious. The pinkie theme demanded it.

    28. Pinkie/Dash is certainly the cutest ship. They work together adorably.

      That said, I would've probably answered "Rainbow Dash" were any other pony substituted in for Pinkie, lol. I mean she's the coolest, most hardcore and badass pony in Equestria... gotta give that a shot, lol.

    29. first dash... then cupcakes....

      wouldn't be much fun after cupcakes now would it???

    30. @Star Whistle Dash is the fandom bicycle. I think the only ships I haven't seen with her are Celestia and Angel at this point.

    31. @Anonymous
      Don't give people ideas.

    32. I'm opposed to nearly all non-cannon shipping...cept for Big Mac and RainbowDash and I don't think I have ever seen that paring in a story

    33. @crazyredemu

      phhh. Go read "Big Daddy Mac Doesn't Dash"

    34. Pinkie Pie has grown on me a lot in the last two episodes, as well as Rarity.

    35. I dunno about you guys, but I'd warp reality.
      *late to the party*

    36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    37. This is the best poll ever and I strongly regret not being around to vote in it. Glad we still won. Judging by the comments, it seems AppleDash had already ended the PinkieDash Golden Age at this point, though.

      Oh, and Seth believes PinkieDash is canon? I'm going to have to remember that quote..

    38. it's pretty obvious they won! i mean really! they are so cute together! <3
