I don't know... I'm playing dragon age 2 right now and it's really...copypaste. Now old BG2 era bioware would be amazing, but I think that was mainly Black isle right?
People need to play more Atlus RPGs. I mean, under the SMT banner alone there's so much to work with. Shin Megami Pony! Digital Pony Saga! Ponysona! Those would all be so damn epic.
...I would actually love to see a Ponysona 4 fic. All the ponies solving a murder mystery and facing their shadows? FUCK YES.
My feelings for DA2 in a nutshell: http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/50/50755.jpg
Then again, I shouldn't complain about games I didn't play, but seriously, I am not gonna but that. I shall save my money for some nice, shiny Portal 2.
Also, I don't understand what you mean Sethisto, the part about Interplay and Black Isle.
Mass Effect is a much better example of good Bioware RPGing.
Though when it comes to ponies... tbh I could see a few companies doing it; I voted Bioware just b/c they're my favorite, but I could see atlas or Ninty doing it too.
I agree that Bioware would be cool. They did a fantastic job on ME and ME2 (though I did disagree with taking away the armor upgrade section and weapons selection, hope they fix that for three), but perhaps there is another company that could do a good job as well.
All right, who else wants... Bungie to do it.
I could not confirm that it would be the best, but it would be EPIC in scale, if nothing else.
A mix between Bioware and Bethesda for me. I agree with what Daffodil said above. I would love the feel of a Bethesda game while having the character development of Bioware games.
Although, Nintendo wouldn't be a bad choice either. Nintendo would have a way to keep the feeling to it. Their games have the family factor that would match the show itself.
Bethesda and Bioware with a little Nintendo sprinkled on top.
I voted Atlus as well. The SMT teams make some very solid games, and I would dig a game with a Persona-like sim system, with you having to develop relations with the cast to make the most of their abilities.
I would also have them throw in a Persona or SMT villain as a secret boss, if only for the hilarity of making MLP canon with the SMT universe.
Bioware - While they rightfully stand out as THE greatest RPG company with great attention to storytelling, they have a nasty habit of remaking the same bland-faced formulaic title over and over again, which will never work for a deliberately ground-breaking world like FIM. Great candidate, but bland result may be worse than bad one.
Obsidian - Have a history of greatness shining in through numerous bugs and ultimately unfinished projects. Risky, but good shot.
Bethesda - No, no, no. Bethesda makes good sandboxes, NOT RPGs.
CD Projekt - Have great attention to storyline and dialogue specifically in context of gaming medium, but have very shady idea of action gameplay. Great candidate if they hire someone like Bungie or Valve to oversee gameplay production.
Square Enix - Absolutely not.
Blizzard - A huge, huge, HUGE cash-cow studio with positively insane attention to end product's quality in every single tiniest aspect possible, each of their title a myth of perfection in world of gaming? Would be ideal if not for their constant embarrassing lapses in delivery of otherwise very richly-written storylines.
NC Soft - A huge-value, well-established, almost indie studio breaking the Internet asunder with their new innovative title, having a great grasp on everything from graphics to storytelling to gameplay? Almost perfect.
Nintendo - Fuck 'em.
It's a way too tough choice between many great candidates - and a couple rubbish ones - each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
I would like to see a Pony RPG that's similar to Planescape:Torment. Many great dialogs, strange places and a lot humor. I don't need a 3D-environment, a detailed and beautiful 2D-background would be fine with me.
Actually, there are signs that Bungie's next game could be an RPG. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/100423-Could-Bungies-New-IP-Be-an-Action-RPG
But consider the benefits- a sprawling equestria, unique viewpoints amongst many different types of people, interesting enemies, ground-breaking game mechanics... all of these are Bungie's SOP.
Surprised Nintendo didn't get more votes. Of all those companies, they'd be the most likely to make a FUN pony game, were it given the resources of their other 1st party titles.
Bioware is just the most popular right now, and their games are all the same.
Go with Nintendo if you want a truly original, humorous and engaging game that can do justice to MLP's light-hearted characters and environment. They have Intelligent Systems, the same team who gives us awesome games like Fire Emblem, Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario, and Advance Wars.
>I greatly dislike Bioware and Bethesda. >Their games get too old too fast. The graphics my not be up to date but Baldur's Gate is still fun to play. The backgrounds stay great no matter how old it may be, although the resolution looks a little bad now on a big screen. The story doesn't age either.
That's rainbow chief to you maggot! She's the fastest and strongest multicolored armoed pony in existence. Fluttershy might wear green but she's just part of the OPST.
I think people are thinking about the franchises they already love, and not thinking about what direction would most benefit MLP:FiM if it were to become an RPG.
I'd say let Nintendo do it. Why? Because they've got the most reputable experience working with franchises that are made for families. Not kiddy-ing it up to the point that it's unpleasant, but not making something that you have to put away and hide from the kids when they come over to visit. If in their hands, I'd trust whatever they made, RPG or otherwise. Preferably if they could get some co-op going with another group.
Now, if the question were which company would I like to have make a crossover MLP:FiM game with their existing franchises? I WANT A LEVEL 9999 OVERLORD TWILIGHT SPARKLE DEMON BONUS BATTLE IN A DISGAEA GAME. Or Shin Megami PONI. Heck, even Friendship Hearts would be pretty nice if it meant I could have Fluttershy fight off dragons with a keyblade or something.
But if the Ponies were getting their own RPG, I'd like it to be something that isn't a clone of another game. It would have to be crafted around the way their own world works, and put simply, they don't get involved in that many battles to spin it into a combat-focused RPG. It would have to be something focusing more on character and relationship developments to really feel suiting. Otherwise, it'd very easily be taken for a cash-in.
@AnonymousI think it's because while they're known for a lot of good games, the poll specifically asked about RPGs, a genre that Nintendo isn't well known for (even though Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi are excellent series).
I said Blizzard. Not my favorite company for RPGs (though i am partial to the starcrafts), but consider what they're good at in the RPG market:
Simple, Accessable, Entertaining (to some, at least for a while), and little-hardware-required while still maintaining a unique and colorful visual style MMO.
If i wanted a pony rpg, i'd want an MMO.
If it had to be a single player, either Bioware or Atlus, i guess.
I'm one of the folks who put in my vote for Atlus. They're way better at the more offbeat stuff, and even if such a hypothetical RPG was done by a smaller studio, I'd still totally call on Atlus for publishing and/or any necessary localization.
The biggest problem we have here is that you left off NIS as an option. They'd be perfect for the job... quite possibly the only company of the lot of 'em that'd get the art, comedy, feel, and story all perfect.
I could go for a Nintendo/Square team-up a la Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Family friendly ponies with just the right touches of weird and epic.
But deep in my heart of hearts I'd really love Persona ponies. Friendships literally make you stronger! And it could tackle subject matter that's more mature than it'll ever get on the show, without spiraling off the deep end into grimdark territory.
@Mithent Sudden hilarious dialogs between party members guaranteed. :3
... I just had an image flashing in my mind with Fluttershy being a perfect candidate for the ranger class. And then Fluttershy was Minsc and Angel was Boo.
Ugh, what a terrible choice, then again Bioware is aiming to be the CoD of the RPG department so it's no surprise most people would know about them these days.
Sadly, I can't see a pony RPG working out from them THESE days at least. Instead of interacting with the cast you just get put into Ponyville and branch out into Everfree forest every now and then, going through the same paths for similar missions.
Now a NINTENDO sponsored RPG... there's a way to do it right. The first two Paper Mario games were fantastic, the Mario and Luigi franchise has been solid overall and the untranslated Mother 3 took some nice cliches/staples of the genre and turned them on their head.
If one of Nintendo's groups worked on the game it'd wind up being this whole quest to save Equestria, traveling to each different settlement and town and well.. anywhere in the world of MLP. The writing would be funny, witty and clever just like the show when it needs to be and know when to tone things down for what could be a more somber moment. Add in that a classic combat system with some MLP spin, characters from the show and new ones that fit perfectly into the world...?
A Nintendo developed one, now THERE'S the MLP RPG that's deserved. Any of the other developers just wouldn't match (even if they are talented)
Is it me or is everyone here assuming we want an RPG? Well an MMORPG could be easy enough with the right gaming engine.
What about an action/adventure game? Play as any of the six characters and Derpy as a bonus character. Nightmare moon is the games first boss and so on.
I must say though, a Blizzard MMO would be really good from my experience with WoW. Although the level grinding process would have to be made a bit more streamlined and more fun to play.
Wow, I didn't even THINK about the Mother series. Mother 3 really new how to take whimsical and hilarious and combine it with gut-wrenchingly tragic. I'd shove money at anyone who offered me a Mother 3-esque pony RPG.
In reference to Nintendo. No. Just no. Which RPG series are they most well-known for? The Legend of Zelda. Which series hasn't had a truly good installment since the 16-bit era? The Legend of Zelda. I rest my case.
Sure, they might be "fun" if wagglan' is something new & interesting to you, but they're soo shallow and totally focused at appealing to the lowest common denominator. I can say with full surety that they are the worst developer on this list, and that's counting Blizzard's grindfest of a ripoff MMO *AND* Bioware's annual rehash concept.
Games should be designed from the perspective of art, not profit.
MMORPG are all about grinding and killing stuff. I don't want to see my cute, innocent ponies go and kill everything they meet. The main focus should be on dialogs and riddles. Fighting is fine but many times there should be ways to avoid it.
Okay, I've come down from my excitement enough to make a worthwhile post now. People, there's one thing bad about it being done by Nintendo, and that would be that it would most likely be just for Nintendo systems, and really, we should want this available to as many bronies as possible.
Pie is thrown hits buffalo in face, does extreme damage.
You've made a friend 124838 experience points, earn 5 bit and a cup of coffee(warning do not let Pinkie Pie drink coffee or her friendship points drop to zero HP).
You can always faint a hydra and or scare angry dragons away with enough rough housing.
Pokemon uses the word 'FAINTED' all the time despite the fact that you are using techniques that would otherwise normally sound deadly. (All pokemon do is beat the stuffing out of each other and they are cute and anything my little Blitzle is capable of would be what a pony is capable of)
Also Apples and all kinds of vegetarian based food items would be used as healing items.
You could maybe lead the Hydra to parasprites and change it's diet to a population of cute creatures that won't run out.
Not only that but other things. I just chalk it up to getting old. It gets harder to connect to folks under 30 all the time, which going by the recent poll, most people here are. This is no country for old ponies. As long as there is still news and cute pictures, I'll keep coming back though.
@Brian Shoot, you're right. I'd really prefer to play a Pony RPG on my PS3 rather than my Wii, but only because I have my Wii hooked up in a totally different room and don't want to move it.
@Anonymous While you can technically call the Zelda games an RPG in the sense that most videogames involve playing the role of some character other than one's self, they're more of an action-genre franchise with character growth in statistics almost non-existent and a moderate-to-low emphasis on freedom in behavior while playing the part of Link.
Their RPGs are mostly on portable systems lately, anyway. (I'm fairly sure Pokemon more well known than Zelda due to additional influence in toys/anime/comics rather than games. And they're a lot closer to the tropes of the RPG genre, though relatively basic.)
Although DA2 may not be the best example of Bioware's work, I still voted for it. Personally, Atlus was my second choice, but I don't think I would want a Japanese dev working on a pony game. No particular reason, but I just think that a North American Dev should work on the game.
Now, out of the NA devs, I think that RPG's aren't exactly Blizzard's speciality. Sure, they made WoW, which is decent, but they've never made a notable RPG that isn't an MMO. If this was an MMO though, I'd choose blizzard.
I didn't choose Obsidian and Bethesda because I've been rather disappointed in thier recent work. F03, F0:NV, and Oblivion were all good, but I feel like they all lacked polish, like they didn't go the extra mile to make an amazing game.
So, yeah, I'd choose Bioware out of those options. It's not really because they may be the "best", but to me they're the best suited for the job.
Once a great RPG company, they've spent too much time trying to make things too diverse, losing something definite in quality by spreading themselves out too much in gameplay by trying to cater to too many people at once (the console and PC crowd) and losing the delicate balance that’s required in the kind of epic games that they have been known to produce. I’ve only hope that they find that balance again with ME3 (and they stop recycling environments). Plus, I don't want to have to deal with this:
"Daddy, why is Big Mac attacking my colt's back like that after I said I wanted to be friends, and he asked if I wanted to be really good friends, and I said I wanted to be really, really good friends?"
I know Obsidian has made a game (games?) that wasn’t (weren’t) a sequel, but the only one I can find so far would suggest that it would look something like…?
“Daddy, I’m confused. Should I work for Princess Celestia, who says that she had to make Luna into Nightmare Moon, because otherwise Twilight Sparkle would never have become the Element of Magic? Or do I work for Princess Luna, who’s started running a guerrilla war campaign against Princess Celestia, and says that she will bring about a democracy, but will…”
Just, no.
Detailed worlds with complicated stories. Their weakness is that they feel they can’t stop cramming stuff into their worlds. Plus, I’m not sure they have what it takes to provide a good play experience for the kid crowd.
“Daddy, today I found blue dustmites, a red haventhorn, and fresh leatherleaf! All I need to do is go across Equestria and get only twelve more ingredients and I’ll have all I need to make the really, really deep saddle bags!”
While I appreciate her improvement in vocabulary, I would like her to go outside at some point in the next several years.
CD Projekt
“Daddy, look, look! My stallion just humped his eighth whare!”
Oh, and the Rainbow Dash shippers would be pissed too, seeing as she would be one of the whares. And very het.
Square Enix
Sixteen games of standing around waiting for the other side’s turn to hit me. And somewhere in between there’s a continuity cut that means that the first 10 games are really not the first 10 games. Or something. Thank you, no.
“Daddy, all my ponies died when the Griffons rushed us!”
NC Soft
Solid Korean company, good history. Has a very diverse portfolio in MMOs. So it would be good if it was an MMO. Not so good if it isn’t an MMO.
“Daddy, look at my pony! I spent 12 hours customizing her to look just like Twilight Sparkle!” Later. “Daddy! Why does everypony look like Twilight Sparkle? It’s not fair! That was my idea!”
Another Japanese company with a very diverse portfolio (like Square Enix). Can’t really say anything about them though – not familiar with any of their titles.
“Daddy, look! If you buy this game we can race Twilight Sparkle in a go-cart!”
Although that’s kind of unfair. With good vision, Nintendo really could make an awesome game.
All that said, I’d rather go with an unknown developer that carries a few folks with good experience and great imagination who know that they may be made/broken by the quality of the product. That kind of company is far more likely to go the distance and make a great game. Then again, they might come out with unplayable rubbish. I’ll be interested to see where it goes.
Why didn't you put black isle on the list of devs? I don't give two shits that they're gone, I would have voted for them in a heartbeat. Instead I get this obsidian bullshit, what the hell?
@Anonymous You're not alone, brony. I'm over 30 myself and have never been a heavy gamer, so a lot of this kind of discussion is pretty alien to me as well.
There's still more than enough news/art/media showing up here to keep me entertained, though. Not everypony is into everything here, and there's nothing wrong with that!
I voted Bioware because I liked Mass Effect 2. I want to get DA:O after having played DA2, but because I uninstalled DA2 immediately after beating it in a single playthrough, I'm a little hesitant. But I digress.
IMO, a pony RPG would be best with Bethesda, so long as they made sure it was as open-world as their Fallout games (but not as... well... as "Bethesda-y" as they are).
But, it'd have to be completely moddable. I want to *insert element of gameplay here* alongside characters from other games that have no place in MLP, like I always do with Fallout.
After all, a single mod, however small, always seems to extend the game an entire hour. Makes it a lot more worth it in the end.
Hold on, hold on, HOLD ON! Why, I ask you, why was GSC Game World not included in this poll? Hello? STALKER? That series is hands down the best RPG... *imagines Fluttershy stumbling a little too close to a gravity-warping vortex of death in the middle of a snork breeding ground* *shivers* On second thought...
>Bioware gets most votes >company known for putting romances in their video games gets the most votes
I see what you all did there...
Honestly I voted for nintendo because given the material to work with I think they'd come up with a really great and humorous/light-hearted rpg that actual fits FiM. I mean I haven't even owned a nintendo product since the N64 but I just know that they'd do the best job at making a game that matches the "style" of the series.
I chose BioWare because of BG2, the first Neverwinter Nights & Knights of the Old Republic. From what I understand Mass Effect is supposed to be Epic too....haven't played it yet.
I have issues with Obsidian...and I'm not sure if it's justified or not. I always viewed Obsidian as the company that takes over and does a half-ass job. I was basing this on Neverwinter Nights 1 to 2. The 2nd NWN story didn't feel as good as the ones in NWN1, plus the game engine interface seemed to have gotten worse. Sure graphically it looked better, but the interface was inferior. Then there's Knights of the Old Republic 1 to 2. I had no issues with the upgraded interface, but I felt the story and plot was inferior to KOTOR1. From what I understand they cut a lot of stuff too, which made some of the plot lines simply not make any sense in the end. I don't know, maybe I'm just upset that in my eyes they ruined some of my favorite games.
Bethesda, although I like Fallout 3....I felt the NPCs were kind of bland. I'm not sure how to explain it, the voice acting was good....but they felt so disconnected and fake. I guess they lacked a emotional connection, and ability to convince me they were life like. I think the same goes for their sub-quests. Although the main quest with the character's dad is the best. So for creating such an immersive world, they kind of failed making immersive characters and quests in my opinion.
I choose Bethesda cause they make great sandbox worlds. For FiM, I would like to get in the game to just do stuff and interacting with other ponies instead of embarking on a linear epic adventure. However Bethesda don't support multiplayer on their sandbox engine yet which is a big let down.
I think bioweare is just the most recognized name on that list. I know that bio, Bethesda and Nintendo are the only groups that I actually know the works of.
As for blizzard and enix, the last thing the world needs is another WoW, or ffxi clone...
Definitely Bioware, but the portion of the company that makes Mass Effect, the half that makes Dragon Age is meh. But I wouldn't mind Bethesda or Blizzard either.
First choice, Obsidian, but only if they were able to licence Bethsesda's Creation engine for making the game(ie, the stuff that'll be used to power Skyrim). A lot of these guys are from BIS/Troika, two companies that made so many of my favorite RPGs, and being able to leverage their writing *and* Bethesda's technical assets for an open-world RPG is just Too Much Win to pass up. And that's without mentioning the moding potential.
Yes, it'd be far from perfect, every studio on this list has their own history of problems, but this combination I think has the most to offer.
Bioware would be my second choice. Their writers can turn out some amazing stuff when they're not *rigidly* adhering to their formula, and even when they do it's still OK. Plus there's the probability of some good multiplayer/co-op gameplay, and reasonable support for moding.
I said Obsidian because they made Fallout new Vegas (those who know me know that I believe NV was tons better than FO3 becuase the latter was a canononical nightmare with a really shitty and over-done story) and are remnants of, yes, BLACK ISLE. Which was referenced in OP.
Obsidian is basically what's left of Black Isle and Troika, as Nopony Important stated, which is why I voted for them. If they could somehow manage to actually FINISH THE FUCKING GAME BEFORE RELEASE, they'd be perfect.
Intelligent Systems is a close second. Their gameplay and writing is always top notch.
Atlus technically shouldn't be in the running: They no longer exist as a company, and their parent company has broken their devteams up to make terrible cell phone games and pachinko machines.
Comedy Option: The now-defunct Cavia, responsible for the helter-skelter insanity of Drakengard and the soul-crushingly depressing Nier. I have no goddamn idea what a FiM game made by these crazy motherfuckers would look like, but it would certainly be a thing.
I think Bioware should do it... I haven't seen any other company out there that could make an RPG with such details and depth on characters and interactions between them. Sure they have messed up their latest release (DA2) but if you look at the other RPGs they've done, especially the Mass Effect series, you can see how they can really flesh out characters and make them seem real and very interactive! And since MLP:FiM is about friendship and friendship is about interacting between the other ponies and character development is Bioware's strong point it really fits! Well anyways that's just my opinion sooo.....
Bioware has done some great RPGs but this is just not their field. I can see Nintendo make a far greater game than Bioware ever could. It's all about looking at past works, and Bioware just don't have a "pony past". Nintendo has done games whose style would fit a pony world perfectly.
Am I the ONLY one who hasn't heard of these companies? Obviously I know nintendo. I've heard the name Square Enix but I have no idea what they do. The rest are new to me.
This is a 2D animation heavy franchise that is heavily commercial.
The only development teams that would touch this are the more conglomerate publishers who would pawn the job off to small developer for a quick buck.
and out of all the small developers out there that would probably take this job, the only one with the animation and development talent to do it justice would be WayForward.
I voted Atlus, though it was a tuff decesion between Nintendo(who were awesome on the Paper Mario series), Square Enix(only the Dragon Quest side, though the Chocobo Tales was cute) and BioWare(who did Baldur's Gate back in the day and a Sonic rpg (that at least looks good- it's still on my back list of un-played games)). NCSoft's better at MMOs and blizzard could in theory make a decent game but would probably take years due to their perfectionist natures.
Though I would like an rpg there's apart of me that would just like to see a good ol' Beat-em Up sidescroller ala Simpsons, X-men or TMNT Arcade.
I don't get why everybrony assumes that the companies would be in charge of writing the story/scenario. Just get the show's staff writers to collaborate with the developers for pony authenticity.
First i haven't read through all 100 comments, but at ealst the first 25 or so.
2. I couldn't decide between either Blizzard for the Cinematics/MMO-Part and, well, the marketing. They ARE awesome with everything they make and they stay honest to their love of perfection, even if it takes much time. (Also, i think WoW-esque graphic would fit FiM way better than anything "real") On the other hand, It would be great to have a crossover of an singleplayer RPG done by Bioware and Bethesda. Bioware should do the story (having KotOR in mind, wich was just amazing and kept my playing for hours!) and Bethesda doing the (open) world.
I just don't really like RPGs where you're tied to a very strict storyline. It gives me the feeling, that my charakter is still made by someone else and that definitley shouldn't happen in an RPG. (At leats that's what the P&P-part of me says) And that was what i really liked about Oblivion (and Morrwind): You COULD follow the main Quest, but you could also spend weeks exploring the wide world and don't give a single fu... hug about the main plot.
And, btw and tbh, I'm not the kind for JRPGs, sorry nintendo :/
102 kommentaari:
People need to play more Atlus RPGs. I mean, under the SMT banner alone there's so much to work with. Shin Megami Pony! Digital Pony Saga! Ponysona! Those would all be so damn epic.
VastaKustuta...I would actually love to see a Ponysona 4 fic. All the ponies solving a murder mystery and facing their shadows? FUCK YES.
Atlus is indeed a god amongst men. It's to bad, though, that their games can be ridiculously hard to find at times.
VastaKustutaMy feelings for DA2 in a nutshell: http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/50/50755.jpg
VastaKustutaThen again, I shouldn't complain about games I didn't play, but seriously, I am not gonna but that. I shall save my money for some nice, shiny Portal 2.
Also, I don't understand what you mean Sethisto, the part about Interplay and Black Isle.
Atlus would be nuts. I could roll with a Disgaea pony game.
VastaKustutaReal gamers use dice.
VastaKustutaI voted for Bioware for one reason: the Mass Effect series. I haven't played Dragon's Age, but DANG Mass Effect is amazing!
VastaKustutaDisgaea was made by Nippon Ichi. The first one was published by Atlus because Nippon Ichi America did not exist at the time.
Mass Effect is a much better example of good Bioware RPGing.
VastaKustutaThough when it comes to ponies... tbh I could see a few companies doing it; I voted Bioware just b/c they're my favorite, but I could see atlas or Ninty doing it too.
VastaKustutaDisgaea was made by Nippon Ichi. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness was published in the USA by Atlus because Nippon Ichi America did not exist at the time.
It was a tough call. I'd love to have the depth and feel of Elder Scrolls/Fallout, but the character development of Mass Effect/Dragon Age.
VastaKustutaAnd Blizzard can do the marketing.
I agree that Bioware would be cool. They did a fantastic job on ME and ME2 (though I did disagree with taking away the armor upgrade section and weapons selection, hope they fix that for three), but perhaps there is another company that could do a good job as well.
VastaKustutaAll right, who else wants... Bungie to do it.
I could not confirm that it would be the best, but it would be EPIC in scale, if nothing else.
Bethesda all the way. Elder Scrolls: Ponies, would be the best thing ever.
VastaKustutaTales of ponyville by namco/bandai gets my vote.
VastaKustutaLook at the tales series, they would work with FiM.
Wait, there's gonna be a pony WHAT!??!
VastaKustutaA mix between Bioware and Bethesda for me. I agree with what Daffodil said above. I would love the feel of a Bethesda game while having the character development of Bioware games.
VastaKustutaAlthough, Nintendo wouldn't be a bad choice either. Nintendo would have a way to keep the feeling to it. Their games have the family factor that would match the show itself.
Bethesda and Bioware with a little Nintendo sprinkled on top.
I voted Atlus as well. The SMT teams make some very solid games, and I would dig a game with a Persona-like sim system, with you having to develop relations with the cast to make the most of their abilities.
VastaKustutaI would also have them throw in a Persona or SMT villain as a secret boss, if only for the hilarity of making MLP canon with the SMT universe.
That was a tough one... Stop! Break it down!
VastaKustutaBioware - While they rightfully stand out as THE greatest RPG company with great attention to storytelling, they have a nasty habit of remaking the same bland-faced formulaic title over and over again, which will never work for a deliberately ground-breaking world like FIM. Great candidate, but bland result may be worse than bad one.
Obsidian - Have a history of greatness shining in through numerous bugs and ultimately unfinished projects. Risky, but good shot.
Bethesda - No, no, no. Bethesda makes good sandboxes, NOT RPGs.
CD Projekt - Have great attention to storyline and dialogue specifically in context of gaming medium, but have very shady idea of action gameplay. Great candidate if they hire someone like Bungie or Valve to oversee gameplay production.
Square Enix - Absolutely not.
Blizzard - A huge, huge, HUGE cash-cow studio with positively insane attention to end product's quality in every single tiniest aspect possible, each of their title a myth of perfection in world of gaming? Would be ideal if not for their constant embarrassing lapses in delivery of otherwise very richly-written storylines.
NC Soft - A huge-value, well-established, almost indie studio breaking the Internet asunder with their new innovative title, having a great grasp on everything from graphics to storytelling to gameplay? Almost perfect.
Nintendo - Fuck 'em.
It's a way too tough choice between many great candidates - and a couple rubbish ones - each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Now look what you made me write.
@Darkhawk1 great, now I'm picturing the next halo game with ponies...
VastaKustuta"Ponies never die,
They just go to Cloudsdale to make friends"
...I'm pretty sure there's a Masterchief pony pic floating around here somewhere
I would like to see a Pony RPG that's similar to Planescape:Torment. Many great dialogs, strange places and a lot humor.
VastaKustutaI don't need a 3D-environment, a detailed and beautiful 2D-background would be fine with me.
I greatly dislike Bioware and Bethesda.
VastaKustutaTheir games get too old too fast.
And I doubt Blizzard can put out anything good now.
I picked Nintendo because I have rose tinted memories of their oldé RPGs.
Maybe Obsidian too.
VastaKustutaActually, there are signs that Bungie's next game could be an RPG. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/100423-Could-Bungies-New-IP-Be-an-Action-RPG
But consider the benefits- a sprawling equestria, unique viewpoints amongst many different types of people, interesting enemies, ground-breaking game mechanics... all of these are Bungie's SOP.
I voted for BioWare, but I want an old-school BG2-style game. 6 party members = 6 main-cast ponies. Perfect.
VastaKustutaDon't want a Mass Effect FPS-esque RPG.
I forgot about namco/bandai. I love tales of vesperia...
VastaKustutaHonestly all of these companies combined into one mega pony game would be amazing. Each one brings something epic to the table.
Also I lol'd at blizzard on marketing. They really are geniuses.
Surprised Nintendo didn't get more votes. Of all those companies, they'd be the most likely to make a FUN pony game, were it given the resources of their other 1st party titles.
VastaKustutaNo seriously, there's really gonna be a big official Friendship is Magic game? Seriously? I mean...seriously?!
VastaKustutaBioware is just the most popular right now, and their games are all the same.
VastaKustutaGo with Nintendo if you want a truly original, humorous and engaging game that can do justice to MLP's light-hearted characters and environment. They have Intelligent Systems, the same team who gives us awesome games like Fire Emblem, Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario, and Advance Wars.
>I greatly dislike Bioware and Bethesda.
VastaKustuta>Their games get too old too fast.
The graphics my not be up to date but Baldur's Gate is still fun to play. The backgrounds stay great no matter how old it may be, although the resolution looks a little bad now on a big screen.
The story doesn't age either.
I replayed it last year and I liked it.
VastaKustutaThat's rainbow chief to you maggot! She's the fastest and strongest multicolored armoed pony in existence. Fluttershy might wear green but she's just part of the OPST.
I think people are thinking about the franchises they already love, and not thinking about what direction would most benefit MLP:FiM if it were to become an RPG.
VastaKustutaI'd say let Nintendo do it. Why? Because they've got the most reputable experience working with franchises that are made for families. Not kiddy-ing it up to the point that it's unpleasant, but not making something that you have to put away and hide from the kids when they come over to visit. If in their hands, I'd trust whatever they made, RPG or otherwise. Preferably if they could get some co-op going with another group.
Now, if the question were which company would I like to have make a crossover MLP:FiM game with their existing franchises? I WANT A LEVEL 9999 OVERLORD TWILIGHT SPARKLE DEMON BONUS BATTLE IN A DISGAEA GAME. Or Shin Megami PONI. Heck, even Friendship Hearts would be pretty nice if it meant I could have Fluttershy fight off dragons with a keyblade or something.
But if the Ponies were getting their own RPG, I'd like it to be something that isn't a clone of another game. It would have to be crafted around the way their own world works, and put simply, they don't get involved in that many battles to spin it into a combat-focused RPG. It would have to be something focusing more on character and relationship developments to really feel suiting. Otherwise, it'd very easily be taken for a cash-in.
Wish SEGA was on there. I would have voted for them.
VastaKustuta@AnonymousI think it's because while they're known for a lot of good games, the poll specifically asked about RPGs, a genre that Nintendo isn't well known for (even though Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi are excellent series).
VastaKustutaI said Blizzard. Not my favorite company for RPGs (though i am partial to the starcrafts), but consider what they're good at in the RPG market:
VastaKustutaSimple, Accessable, Entertaining (to some, at least for a while), and little-hardware-required while still maintaining a unique and colorful visual style MMO.
If i wanted a pony rpg, i'd want an MMO.
If it had to be a single player, either Bioware or Atlus, i guess.
I'm one of the folks who put in my vote for Atlus. They're way better at the more offbeat stuff, and even if such a hypothetical RPG was done by a smaller studio, I'd still totally call on Atlus for publishing and/or any necessary localization.
VastaKustutaThe biggest problem we have here is that you left off NIS as an option. They'd be perfect for the job... quite possibly the only company of the lot of 'em that'd get the art, comedy, feel, and story all perfect.
VastaKustutaThe mario & luigi rpgs are the closest to what a good pony rpg would be like. Good mix of humor and epicness, appealing to both kids and adults.
VastaKustuta80s nostalgia fueled remakes are big N's specialty anyway.
I could go for a Nintendo/Square team-up a la Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Family friendly ponies with just the right touches of weird and epic.
VastaKustutaBut deep in my heart of hearts I'd really love Persona ponies. Friendships literally make you stronger! And it could tackle subject matter that's more mature than it'll ever get on the show, without spiraling off the deep end into grimdark territory.
'Course, it'd be awesome to have both!
It's kind of upsetting to see Square-Enix to get so many votes compared to companies that actually put out quality titles these days.
VastaKustutaI'm gonna throw my vote in with Atlus if only because I bloody love the Persona games.
VastaKustutaSudden hilarious dialogs between party members guaranteed. :3
I just had an image flashing in my mind with Fluttershy being a perfect candidate for the ranger class. And then Fluttershy was Minsc and Angel was Boo.
Ugh, what a terrible choice, then again Bioware is aiming to be the CoD of the RPG department so it's no surprise most people would know about them these days.
VastaKustutaSadly, I can't see a pony RPG working out from them THESE days at least. Instead of interacting with the cast you just get put into Ponyville and branch out into Everfree forest every now and then, going through the same paths for similar missions.
Now a NINTENDO sponsored RPG... there's a way to do it right. The first two Paper Mario games were fantastic, the Mario and Luigi franchise has been solid overall and the untranslated Mother 3 took some nice cliches/staples of the genre and turned them on their head.
If one of Nintendo's groups worked on the game it'd wind up being this whole quest to save Equestria, traveling to each different settlement and town and well.. anywhere in the world of MLP. The writing would be funny, witty and clever just like the show when it needs to be and know when to tone things down for what could be a more somber moment. Add in that a classic combat system with some MLP spin, characters from the show and new ones that fit perfectly into the world...?
A Nintendo developed one, now THERE'S the MLP RPG that's deserved. Any of the other developers just wouldn't match (even if they are talented)
Is it me or is everyone here assuming we want an RPG? Well an MMORPG could be easy enough with the right gaming engine.
VastaKustutaWhat about an action/adventure game? Play as any of the six characters and Derpy as a bonus character. Nightmare moon is the games first boss and so on.
I must say though, a Blizzard MMO would be really good from my experience with WoW. Although the level grinding process would have to be made a bit more streamlined and more fun to play.
VastaKustutaIf it's a MMORPG Arenanet should make it. i really don't want to play a grindfest replica like WoW but with ponies.
VastaKustutaWow, I didn't even THINK about the Mother series. Mother 3 really new how to take whimsical and hilarious and combine it with gut-wrenchingly tragic. I'd shove money at anyone who offered me a Mother 3-esque pony RPG.
VastaKustutaIn reference to Nintendo. No. Just no. Which RPG series are they most well-known for? The Legend of Zelda. Which series hasn't had a truly good installment since the 16-bit era? The Legend of Zelda. I rest my case.
VastaKustutaSure, they might be "fun" if wagglan' is something new & interesting to you, but they're soo shallow and totally focused at appealing to the lowest common denominator. I can say with full surety that they are the worst developer on this list, and that's counting Blizzard's grindfest of a ripoff MMO *AND* Bioware's annual rehash concept.
Games should be designed from the perspective of art, not profit.
It's times like this I feel like I am in the wrong demographic for this place.
VastaKustutaMMORPG are all about grinding and killing stuff. I don't want to see my cute, innocent ponies go and kill everything they meet.
VastaKustutaThe main focus should be on dialogs and riddles. Fighting is fine but many times there should be ways to avoid it.
Okay, I've come down from my excitement enough to make a worthwhile post now. People, there's one thing bad about it being done by Nintendo, and that would be that it would most likely be just for Nintendo systems, and really, we should want this available to as many bronies as possible.
VastaKustutaDA2 was rushed, no doubt. But ME2 is an amazing game.
VastaKustutaHow so? Just not a gamer?
Who says the ponies have to kill anything.
VastaKustutaAction command-> throw pie.
Pie is thrown hits buffalo in face, does extreme damage.
You've made a friend 124838 experience points, earn 5 bit and a cup of coffee(warning do not let Pinkie Pie drink coffee or her friendship points drop to zero HP).
I regret that I could not vote in good conscience.
VastaKustutaBecause, you see, there was no "Overworks" button. :)
VastaKustutaThat's not an option. Pie wont work against hydras with an appetite for ponies or an angry dragon after a failed intimidation roll.
I want a Ponies of the Old Republic game! In the end, it turns out that YOU are Celestia!
VastaKustutaYou can always faint a hydra and or scare angry dragons away with enough rough housing.
VastaKustutaPokemon uses the word 'FAINTED' all the time despite the fact that you are using techniques that would otherwise normally sound deadly. (All pokemon do is beat the stuffing out of each other and they are cute and anything my little Blitzle is capable of would be what a pony is capable of)
Also Apples and all kinds of vegetarian based food items would be used as healing items.
You could maybe lead the Hydra to parasprites and change it's diet to a population of cute creatures that won't run out.
VastaKustutaNot only that but other things. I just chalk it up to getting old. It gets harder to connect to folks under 30 all the time, which going by the recent poll, most people here are. This is no country for old ponies. As long as there is still news and cute pictures, I'll keep coming back though.
VastaKustutaTHAT MATCHES MY FEELINGS EXACTLY! That pic = f*cking saved.
VastaKustutaShoot, you're right. I'd really prefer to play a Pony RPG on my PS3 rather than my Wii, but only because I have my Wii hooked up in a totally different room and don't want to move it.
While you can technically call the Zelda games an RPG in the sense that most videogames involve playing the role of some character other than one's self, they're more of an action-genre franchise with character growth in statistics almost non-existent and a moderate-to-low emphasis on freedom in behavior while playing the part of Link.
Their RPGs are mostly on portable systems lately, anyway. (I'm fairly sure Pokemon more well known than Zelda due to additional influence in toys/anime/comics rather than games. And they're a lot closer to the tropes of the RPG genre, though relatively basic.)
Although DA2 may not be the best example of Bioware's work, I still voted for it. Personally, Atlus was my second choice, but I don't think I would want a Japanese dev working on a pony game. No particular reason, but I just think that a North American Dev should work on the game.
VastaKustutaNow, out of the NA devs, I think that RPG's aren't exactly Blizzard's speciality. Sure, they made WoW, which is decent, but they've never made a notable RPG that isn't an MMO. If this was an MMO though, I'd choose blizzard.
I didn't choose Obsidian and Bethesda because I've been rather disappointed in thier recent work. F03, F0:NV, and Oblivion were all good, but I feel like they all lacked polish, like they didn't go the extra mile to make an amazing game.
So, yeah, I'd choose Bioware out of those options. It's not really because they may be the "best", but to me they're the best suited for the job.
My reactions to the choices:
Once a great RPG company, they've spent too much time trying to make things too diverse, losing something definite in quality by spreading themselves out too much in gameplay by trying to cater to too many people at once (the console and PC crowd) and losing the delicate balance that’s required in the kind of epic games that they have been known to produce. I’ve only hope that they find that balance again with ME3 (and they stop recycling environments). Plus, I don't want to have to deal with this:
"Daddy, why is Big Mac attacking my colt's back like that after I said I wanted to be friends, and he asked if I wanted to be really good friends, and I said I wanted to be really, really good friends?"
I know Obsidian has made a game (games?) that wasn’t (weren’t) a sequel, but the only one I can find so far would suggest that it would look something like…?
“Daddy, I’m confused. Should I work for Princess Celestia, who says that she had to make Luna into Nightmare Moon, because otherwise Twilight Sparkle would never have become the Element of Magic? Or do I work for Princess Luna, who’s started running a guerrilla war campaign against Princess Celestia, and says that she will bring about a democracy, but will…”
Just, no.
Detailed worlds with complicated stories. Their weakness is that they feel they can’t stop cramming stuff into their worlds. Plus, I’m not sure they have what it takes to provide a good play experience for the kid crowd.
“Daddy, today I found blue dustmites, a red haventhorn, and fresh leatherleaf! All I need to do is go across Equestria and get only twelve more ingredients and I’ll have all I need to make the really, really deep saddle bags!”
While I appreciate her improvement in vocabulary, I would like her to go outside at some point in the next several years.
CD Projekt
“Daddy, look, look! My stallion just humped his eighth whare!”
Oh, and the Rainbow Dash shippers would be pissed too, seeing as she would be one of the whares. And very het.
Square Enix
Sixteen games of standing around waiting for the other side’s turn to hit me. And somewhere in between there’s a continuity cut that means that the first 10 games are really not the first 10 games. Or something. Thank you, no.
“Daddy, all my ponies died when the Griffons rushed us!”
NC Soft
Solid Korean company, good history. Has a very diverse portfolio in MMOs. So it would be good if it was an MMO. Not so good if it isn’t an MMO.
“Daddy, look at my pony! I spent 12 hours customizing her to look just like Twilight Sparkle!”
“Daddy! Why does everypony look like Twilight Sparkle? It’s not fair! That was my idea!”
Another Japanese company with a very diverse portfolio (like Square Enix). Can’t really say anything about them though – not familiar with any of their titles.
“Daddy, look! If you buy this game we can race Twilight Sparkle in a go-cart!”
Although that’s kind of unfair. With good vision, Nintendo really could make an awesome game.
All that said, I’d rather go with an unknown developer that carries a few folks with good experience and great imagination who know that they may be made/broken by the quality of the product. That kind of company is far more likely to go the distance and make a great game. Then again, they might come out with unplayable rubbish. I’ll be interested to see where it goes.
VastaKustutaAtlus didn't make Disgaea, NIS did. Atlus just localized Disgaea before NIS got a north america branch.
Anyone that voted for Bioware is a moron (unless of course we're referring to old Bioware).
VastaKustutaLiterally every other choice on there would work better. Christ, Fatlus would work better to an extent.
Why didn't you put black isle on the list of devs?
VastaKustutaI don't give two shits that they're gone, I would have voted for them in a heartbeat.
Instead I get this obsidian bullshit, what the hell?
@Anonymous You're not alone, brony. I'm over 30 myself and have never been a heavy gamer, so a lot of this kind of discussion is pretty alien to me as well.
VastaKustutaThere's still more than enough news/art/media showing up here to keep me entertained, though. Not everypony is into everything here, and there's nothing wrong with that!
VastaKustuta(weakly raises hand)
I-I would just like to point out that I would buy Super Pony Kart in a second
I voted Bioware because I liked Mass Effect 2. I want to get DA:O after having played DA2, but because I uninstalled DA2 immediately after beating it in a single playthrough, I'm a little hesitant. But I digress.
VastaKustutaIMO, a pony RPG would be best with Bethesda, so long as they made sure it was as open-world as their Fallout games (but not as... well... as "Bethesda-y" as they are).
But, it'd have to be completely moddable. I want to *insert element of gameplay here* alongside characters from other games that have no place in MLP, like I always do with Fallout.
After all, a single mod, however small, always seems to extend the game an entire hour. Makes it a lot more worth it in the end.
VastaKustutaOh, I meant to say Mass Effect in general, not specifically ME2. But that one was just as engaging as the first, so whatever.
Hold on, hold on, HOLD ON!
VastaKustutaWhy, I ask you, why was GSC Game World not included in this poll? Hello? STALKER? That series is hands down the best RPG...
*imagines Fluttershy stumbling a little too close to a gravity-warping vortex of death in the middle of a snork breeding ground*
On second thought...
I did not vote for Bethseda because we'd have to pay extra for pony armour.
VastaKustutaPersonally, I think that the best style of RPG that would match with MLP are Paper Mario styled RPGs
VastaKustuta>Bioware gets most votes
VastaKustuta>company known for putting romances in their video games gets the most votes
I see what you all did there...
Honestly I voted for nintendo because given the material to work with I think they'd come up with a really great and humorous/light-hearted rpg that actual fits FiM. I mean I haven't even owned a nintendo product since the N64 but I just know that they'd do the best job at making a game that matches the "style" of the series.
I chose BioWare because of BG2, the first Neverwinter Nights & Knights of the Old Republic. From what I understand Mass Effect is supposed to be Epic too....haven't played it yet.
VastaKustutaI have issues with Obsidian...and I'm not sure if it's justified or not. I always viewed Obsidian as the company that takes over and does a half-ass job. I was basing this on Neverwinter Nights 1 to 2. The 2nd NWN story didn't feel as good as the ones in NWN1, plus the game engine interface seemed to have gotten worse. Sure graphically it looked better, but the interface was inferior. Then there's Knights of the Old Republic 1 to 2. I had no issues with the upgraded interface, but I felt the story and plot was inferior to KOTOR1. From what I understand they cut a lot of stuff too, which made some of the plot lines simply not make any sense in the end. I don't know, maybe I'm just upset that in my eyes they ruined some of my favorite games.
Bethesda, although I like Fallout 3....I felt the NPCs were kind of bland. I'm not sure how to explain it, the voice acting was good....but they felt so disconnected and fake. I guess they lacked a emotional connection, and ability to convince me they were life like. I think the same goes for their sub-quests. Although the main quest with the character's dad is the best. So for creating such an immersive world, they kind of failed making immersive characters and quests in my opinion.
I choose Bethesda cause they make great sandbox worlds. For FiM, I would like to get in the game to just do stuff and interacting with other ponies instead of embarking on a linear epic adventure.
VastaKustutaHowever Bethesda don't support multiplayer on their sandbox engine yet which is a big let down.
I think bioweare is just the most recognized name on that list. I know that bio, Bethesda and Nintendo are the only groups that I actually know the works of.
VastaKustutaAs for blizzard and enix, the last thing the world needs is another WoW, or ffxi clone...
Definitely Bioware, but the portion of the company that makes Mass Effect, the half that makes Dragon Age is meh. But I wouldn't mind Bethesda or Blizzard either.
VastaKustutaVoted Bioware because of KotOR.
VastaKustutashould have had an others option
VastaKustutaIf Bioware could stick to the actual look of the show and not make it realistic, I'm all for them.
VastaKustutaIf they make it all realistic and shit, no.
Atlus and Nintendo would probably do the best job.
First choice, Obsidian, but only if they were able to licence Bethsesda's Creation engine for making the game(ie, the stuff that'll be used to power Skyrim). A lot of these guys are from BIS/Troika, two companies that made so many of my favorite RPGs, and being able to leverage their writing *and* Bethesda's technical assets for an open-world RPG is just Too Much Win to pass up. And that's without mentioning the moding potential.
VastaKustutaYes, it'd be far from perfect, every studio on this list has their own history of problems, but this combination I think has the most to offer.
Bioware would be my second choice. Their writers can turn out some amazing stuff when they're not *rigidly* adhering to their formula, and even when they do it's still OK. Plus there's the probability of some good multiplayer/co-op gameplay, and reasonable support for moding.
eh, dunno bioware kinda messed up on that sonic rpg for ds.
VastaKustutaas long they leave the content untouched and has decent mechanics id be interested.
I see we have a lot of people who have never played the Paper Mario or Mario and Luigi games.
VastaKustutaWhat a shame. I guess people prefer awkward sex scenes and generic writing over fun and humor.
I said Obsidian because they made Fallout new Vegas (those who know me know that I believe NV was tons better than FO3 becuase the latter was a canononical nightmare with a really shitty and over-done story) and are remnants of, yes, BLACK ISLE. Which was referenced in OP.
VastaKustutaObsidian is basically what's left of Black Isle and Troika, as Nopony Important stated, which is why I voted for them. If they could somehow manage to actually FINISH THE FUCKING GAME BEFORE RELEASE, they'd be perfect.
VastaKustutaIntelligent Systems is a close second. Their gameplay and writing is always top notch.
Atlus technically shouldn't be in the running: They no longer exist as a company, and their parent company has broken their devteams up to make terrible cell phone games and pachinko machines.
Comedy Option: The now-defunct Cavia, responsible for the helter-skelter insanity of Drakengard and the soul-crushingly depressing Nier. I have no goddamn idea what a FiM game made by these crazy motherfuckers would look like, but it would certainly be a thing.
I want My Little Paper Pony: The Thousand Year Moon.
VastaKustutaI think Bioware should do it...
VastaKustutaI haven't seen any other company out there that could make an RPG with such details and depth on characters and interactions between them.
Sure they have messed up their latest release (DA2) but if you look at the other RPGs they've done, especially the Mass Effect series, you can see how they can really flesh out characters and make them seem real and very interactive! And since MLP:FiM is about friendship and friendship is about interacting between the other ponies and character development is Bioware's strong point it really fits! Well anyways that's just my opinion sooo.....
don't kill me Bioware-haters... eeeeepp...
What if there already something, and it pops out at anytime
VastaKustuta..but it will be great if some professionals make it (like Blizzard)
Bioware has done some great RPGs but this is just not their field. I can see Nintendo make a far greater game than Bioware ever could. It's all about looking at past works, and Bioware just don't have a "pony past". Nintendo has done games whose style would fit a pony world perfectly.
VastaKustutaBioware ? Trolls :c
VastaKustutaAm I the ONLY one who hasn't heard of these companies? Obviously I know nintendo. I've heard the name Square Enix but I have no idea what they do. The rest are new to me.
VastaKustutaBethseda ponies ftw
VastaKustutajust like fallout
@Colonel Sanders
VastaKustutaNah, you arn't.
Of course, Hasbro would need to give the company permission to use their characters, which I doubt will ever happen.
Hmmm, I would've voted for Nintendo...
VastaKustutaThis is a 2D animation heavy franchise that is heavily commercial.
VastaKustutaThe only development teams that would touch this are the more conglomerate publishers who would pawn the job off to small developer for a quick buck.
and out of all the small developers out there that would probably take this job, the only one with the animation and development talent to do it justice would be WayForward.
I voted Atlus, though it was a tuff decesion between Nintendo(who were awesome on the Paper Mario series), Square Enix(only the Dragon Quest side, though the Chocobo Tales was cute) and BioWare(who did Baldur's Gate back in the day and a Sonic rpg (that at least looks good- it's still on my back list of un-played games)).
VastaKustutaNCSoft's better at MMOs and blizzard could in theory make a decent game but would probably take years due to their perfectionist natures.
Though I would like an rpg there's apart of me that would just like to see a good ol' Beat-em Up sidescroller ala Simpsons, X-men or TMNT Arcade.
I don't get why everybrony assumes that the companies would be in charge of writing the story/scenario. Just get the show's staff writers to collaborate with the developers for pony authenticity.
VastaKustutaHow has Atlus not won this?
VastaKustutaBethesda made Fallout3, Bethesda for the win
VastaKustutafuck you zelda is awesome.. go to hell
Bethesda fallout: new equestria would be the shit
VastaKustutaSo is this actually happening stumbled across the poll when searching for a pony old republic crossover which appears to not exist yet :(
VastaKustutaQuite Late but I still want to say this:
VastaKustutaFirst i haven't read through all 100 comments, but at ealst the first 25 or so.
2. I couldn't decide between either Blizzard for the Cinematics/MMO-Part and, well, the marketing. They ARE awesome with everything they make and they stay honest to their love of perfection, even if it takes much time. (Also, i think WoW-esque graphic would fit FiM way better than anything "real")
On the other hand, It would be great to have a crossover of an singleplayer RPG done by Bioware and Bethesda. Bioware should do the story (having KotOR in mind, wich was just amazing and kept my playing for hours!) and Bethesda doing the (open) world.
I just don't really like RPGs where you're tied to a very strict storyline. It gives me the feeling, that my charakter is still made by someone else and that definitley shouldn't happen in an RPG. (At leats that's what the P&P-part of me says) And that was what i really liked about Oblivion (and Morrwind): You COULD follow the main Quest, but you could also spend weeks exploring the wide world and don't give a single fu... hug about the main plot.
And, btw and tbh, I'm not the kind for JRPGs, sorry nintendo :/
all of the above except nintendo
VastaKustutathose fuckers better keep their asses uninvolved in the dev